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Chapter 32

WHEN SHE CAME AROUND the corner, she almost bumped into his legs, he was walking so quietly. She looked up the long silver robes to his face, far up in the air.


" Giller! You scared me! "


His hands were each stuck in the other sleeve. " Sorry, Rachel, I didn't mean to frighten you." He looked both ways down the hall and then lowered himself to the floor. " What are you about'? "


" Errands, " she told him, letting out a deep breath. " Princess Violet says I'm to go yell at the cooks for her, and then I'm to go to the washwomen and tell them that she found a gravy stain on one of her dresses, and that she would never get gravy on one of her dresses, and that they must have done it, and if she ever finds they do that again, she'll have their heads chopped off. I don't want to say that to them, they're nice." She touched the pretty silver braiding on the sleeve of Giller's robes. " But she said that if I don't say it, I'll be in a lot of trouble."


Giller nodded. " Well, just do as she says, I'm sure the washwomen will know they aren't really your words." Rachel looked in his big dark eyes. " Everyone knows she gets her own gravy on her own dresses."


Giller laughed a quiet laugh. " You're right, I've seen her do it myself. But it brings no fortune to pull the tail of a sleeping badger." She didn't understand, and made a face. " That means you will get in trouble if you point it out to her, so it's best to keep still."


Rachel nodded; she knew that that was true. Giller looked up and down the hall again, but there was no one. else there.


He leaned closer and whispered, " I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk to you, to check. Did you find your trouble doll? "


She nodded with a smile. " Thank you so much, Giller. She's wonderful. I've been put out twice more since you gave her to me. She told me how I mustn't talk to you unless you say it's safe, so I just waited, like she said. We talked and talked, and she made me feel so much better."


" I'm glad, child." He smiled.


" I named her Sara. A doll's got to have a name, you know."


" Is that so? " He lifted an eyebrow. " I never knew that. Well, Sara is a fine name for her then."


Rachel grinned; she was happy that Giller liked her doll's name. She put one arm around his neck and her face by his ear. " Sara's been telling me her troubles too, " she whispered. " I promised her I would help you. I never knew you wanted to run away too. When can we leave, Giller? I'm getting so afraid of Princess Violet."


His big hand patted her back when she hugged him. " Soon, child. But there are things we must prepare first, so we aren't found out. We wouldn't want anyone to follow us, to find us and bring us back, now, would we? "


Rachel shook her head against his shoulder; then she heard footsteps. Giller stood up, looking down the hall.


" Rachel, it would be very bad if we were seen talking. Someone might... find out about the doll. About Sara."


" I better go, " she said in a hurry.


" No time. Stand against the wall, show me how brave, and quiet you can be."


She did what he told her and he stood in front of her, hiding her behind his robes. Rachel heard the clinking of armor. Just some guards, she thought. Then she heard the little barks. The Queen's dog! It must be the Queen and her guards! They would be in a fine mess if the Queen found her hiding behind the wizard's robes. She might find out about the doll! She scrunched up tighter in the dark folds. The robes moved a little when Giller bowed.


" Your Majesty, " Giller said as he stood back up.


" Giller! " she said in her mean voice. " What are you doing lurking about up here? "


" Lurking, Your Majesty? It was my understanding I was in your employ to see to it there was no lurking going on. I was merely checking the magic seal on the jewel room to make sure it hadn't been tampered with." Rachel heard the little dog sniffing around the bottom of Giller's robes. " If it is your wish, Your Majesty, I will leave matters to the fates, and not investigate where I feel a worry." The little dog came around the side of the robes, close to her; she could hear the sniff, sniff, sniff. Rachel wished he would leave, before she got found out. " We will all just go to bed at night with a simple prayer to the good spirits that when Father Rahl arrives, all will be well. And if anything is amiss, well, we can simply tell him we didn't want to have any lurking about, so we didn't check. Perhaps he will be understanding."


The little dog started to growl. Rachel was getting tears in her eyes.


" Don't get your feathers ruffled, Giller, I was simply asking." Rachel could see the little black nose sticking under the robes. " Precious, what have you found there? What is it, my little Precious? "


The dog growled and gave out a little bark. Giller backed up a little, pushing her tighter to the wall. Rachel tried to think about Sara, wishing she were with her right now.


" What is it, Precious? What do you smell? "


" I'm afraid, Your Majesty, I have also been lurking about in the stables, I'm quite sure that is what your dog smells." Giller's hand went into his robes right by her head.


" The stables? " Her mean voice wasn't quite gone. " What could there possibly be for you to investigate in the stables? " Rachel could hear her voice getting louder; the Queen was bending over, to get her dog. " What are you doing there, Precious? "


Rachel sucked the hem of her dress, to keep from making a noise as she shook. Giller's hand came out of his robe. She saw a pinch of something between his thumb and finger. The dog pushed his head under the robe and started harking. Giller opened his fingers, and sparkling dust dropped down on the dog's head. The dog started sneezing. Then Rachel saw the Queen's hand come and pull him away.


" There, there, my little Precious. It's all right now. Poor little thing." Rachel could hear her kissing the dog's nose the way she liked to do all the time; then she sneezed, too. " As you were saying, Giller? What business does a wizard have in the stables? "


" As I was saying, Your Majesty" -Giller's voice could get kind of mean, too, but Rachel thought it was funny when it was the Queen he was sounding mean to= " if you were an assassin, and you wanted to come into a Queen's castle and put a big fat arrow through her, do you think you would rather walk right in the main gate, bold as day? Or would you rather ride with your long bow in a wagon, hiding, maybe under some hay, or behind some sacks? Then come out in the dark of the stables."


" Well... I... but, are there, do you think... have you found something....


" But, since you don't want me lurking about in the stables either, well, I'll just scratch that off my list too! But if you don't mind, from now on, when we are in public view I will be standing well clear of you. I don't want to be in the way if some of your subjects choose to show their love for their Queen from afar."


" Wizard Giller" -her voice got real nice, like when she talked to the dog-" please forgive me. I have been on edge lately, what with Father Rahl coming soon. I just want everything to go well; then we will all have what we want. I know you only have my best interest at heart. Please, do carry on, and forget the momentary foolishness of a lady."


" As you wish, Your Majesty." He bowed again.


The Queen started hurrying away, down the hall, sneezing; then Rachel heard her thumping footsteps and the clinking armor stop


" By the way, wizard Giller, " she called back, " did I tell you? A messenger came. He said Father Rahl will be here sooner than expected. Much sooner. Tomorrow in fact. He will be expecting the box, of course, to seal the alliance. Please see to it."


Giller's leg jerked so hard it almost knocked Rachel over. " Of course, Your Majesty." lie bowed again.


Giller waited until the Queen was gone and then pulled Rachel up with big hands around her waist and field her against his hip with an arm. His cheeks weren't red, as they usually were; they were more white. He put his finger against her lips, and she knew he wanted her to keep quiet. He stretched his neck, looking up and down the hall again.


" Tomorrow! " he muttered to himself. " Curse the spirits, I'm not ready."


" What's wrong, Giller? "


" Rachel, " he whispered, his big hook nose close to hers, " is the Princess in her room right now? "


" No, " Rachel whispered back. " She went to pick out fabric for a new dress, for when Father Rahl comes to visit."


" Do you know where the Princess keeps her key to the jewel room`"


" Yes. If she doesn't have it with her, she keeps it in the desk. In the drawer on the side by the window."


He started off down the hall, toward Princess Violet's room. His feet were so quiet on the carpets that she couldn't even hear his footsteps as he carried her. " Change of plans, child. Can you be brave for me? And Sara? "


She nodded that she could and put her arms around his neck to hold on as he walked fast. He went past all the dark wooden doors that were pointed at the tops, until he got to the biggest one, a double door set back in a little hall, with stone carving all around. That was the Princess's room. He squeezed her tight.


" All right, " he whispered, " you go in and get the key. I'll stay out here and stand guard."


He set her down on the floor. " Hurry now." He closed the door behind her.


The curtains were pulled back, letting in the sunlight, so she could see right away that the room was empty. None of the servants were cleaning or anything. The fire was burned out, and the servants hadn't yet come and made another for tonight. The Princess's big canopy bed was already made up. Rachel liked the bedcover with all the pretty flowers. It matched the gathered canopy and curtains. She always wondered why the Princess needed such a big bed. It was big enough for ten people. Where she came from, six girls slept together in a bed half the size of this one, and the bedcover was plain. She wondered what the Princess's bed felt like. She had never once even sat on it.


She knew Giller wanted her to hurry, so she crossed the room, walking over the fur rug, to the polished desk with the pretty swirled wood. She put her fingers through the gold handle and slid the drawer open. It made her nervous to do it, even though she had done it before when the Princess had sent her to get the key, but she had never done it before without being told to by the Princess. The big key to the jewel room was lying in the red velvet pocket, right next to the little key to her sleeping box. She put the key in her pocket and slid the drawer closed again, making sure it was shut all the way.


As she started for the door, she looked at the comer where her sleeping box was. She knew Giller wanted her to hurry, but she ran over to the box anyway-she had to check. She crawled inside, into the dark, and went to the back corner where the blanket was pushed up in a pile. Carefully, she pulled the blanket back.


Sara looked back at her. The doll was right where she had left her.


" I have to go quick, " she whispered. " I'll be back later."


Rachel kissed the doll's head and covered her back up with the blanket, hiding her in the corner so no one would find her. She knew it was trouble to bring Sara to the castle, but she couldn't bear to leave her in the wayward pine, all alone. She knew how lonely and scary it got in the wayward pine.


Finished, she ran to the door, pulled it open a crack, and looked up at Giller's face. He nodded to her and motioned with his hand that it was all right to come out.


" The key? "


She pulled it out of the pocket where she kept her magic fire stick, to show him. He smiled and called her a good girl. No one had ever called her a good girl before, at least not for a long time. He picked her up again and walked fast down the hall and then down the dark, narrow servants' stairs. She could hardly ever hear his footsteps on the stone. His whiskers tickled her face. At the bottom he set her down again.


" Rachel, " he said, squatting down close to her, " listen carefully, this is very important, this is no game. We must get out of the castle, or we will both get our heads chopped off, just like Sara told you. But we must be smart about it, or we will get caught. If we run away too quickly, without doing the right things first, we will be found out. And if we are too slow, well, we just better not be too slow."


She started to get tears in her eyes. " Giller, I'm afraid to get my head chopped off, people say it hurts terrible bad."


Giller hugged her tight. " I know, child. I'm afraid too." He put his hands on her shoulders, holding her up straight while he looked in her eyes. " But if you trust me, and do exactly as I say, and are brave enough, we will get away from here, and go to where no one ever chops off people's heads, or locks them in boxes, and where you can have your doll and people will let you, and they will never take Sara away from you or throw her in the fire. All right? "


Her tears started to go away. " That would be wonderful, Giller."


" But you must be brave, and do just as I tell you. Some of it will be hard."


" I will, I promise."


" And I promise, Rachel, that I will do whatever I must to protect you. We are in this together, you and me, but a lot of other people are depending on us too. If we do a good job, we will be able to fix it so a lot of other people, innocent people, won't get their heads chopped off anymore."


Her eyes got wide. " Oh, I would like that, Giller. I hate it when people get their heads chopped off. It scares me fierce."


" All right then, the first thing I need you to do is to go scold the cooks, just like you are supposed to, and while you are down in the kitchen, get a big loaf of bread, the biggest you can find. I don't care how you get it, steal it if you have to. Just get it. Then bring it up to the jewel room. Use the key and wait inside for me. I must tend to some other things. I'll tell you more then. Can you do that? " " Sure, " she nodded. " Easy."


" Off with you then."


She went through the door into the big hall on the first floor while Giller disappeared up the steps without making a sound. The stairs to the kitchen were at the other end, on the other side of the grand stairs in the middle that the Queen used. Rachel liked going up the grand stairs with the Princess because they had carpets, and weren't cold like the stone steps she was supposed to use when she was on errands. The hall was open in the middle, where the grand stairs came down to a big room with black and white marble squares on the floor. They were very cold under her feet.


She was trying to think of a way she could get a big loaf of bread without stealing it, when she saw Princess Violet coming across the room to the grand stairs. The royal seamstress and two of her helpers were following behind, carrying bolts of pretty, pink cloth. Rachel looked quick for a place to hide, but the Princess had already seen her.


" Oh good, Rachel, " the Princess said. " Come here."


Rachel went and curtsied. " Yes, Princess Violet? "


" What are you doing? "


" I was doing my errands. I was just going to the kitchen now."


" Well... don't bother."


" But Princess Violet, I have to! "


The Princess frowned. " Why? I just said you didn't."


Rachel bit her lip; the Princess's frown scared her. She tried to think of how Giller would answer. " Well, if you don't want me to, I won't, " she said. " But your lunch was simply dreadful, and I would hate to see you eating another dreadful meal. You must be starving for something good. But if you don't want me to go tell them, I won't."


The Princess thought this over a minute. " On second thought, go ahead, it was dreadful. Just be sure to tell them how angry I am, too! "


" Yes, Princess Violet." She curtsied. She turned and started to leave.


" I'm going for a fitting." Rachel turned back to her. " Then I want to go to the jewel room, and try on some things, to go with my new dress. When you're finished with the cooks, go get the key and wait for me in the jewel room."


Rachel's mouth felt as if it were stuck together. " But Princess, wouldn't you rather wait until tomorrow, when the dress is finished, to see how pretty the jewelry will look with the dress? "


Princess Violet looked surprised. " Well, yes, that would be good, to see the jewels with the dress." She thought another minute, then started up the steps. " I'm glad I thought of that."


Rachel let out a breath, then headed off to the servants' stairs. The Princess called down to her.


" On second thought, Rachel, I need to pick out something for tonight's dinner, so I need to go to the jewel room anyway. Meet me there in a little while."


" But, Princess...


" But nothing. After you deliver my message to the cooks, go get the key and wait for me in the jewel room. I'll be there as soon as I'm done with the fitting."


The Princess went up the grand stairs and disappeared.


What was she going to do now? Giller was going to meet her in the jewel room, too. She was breathing hard, as if she was going to cry. What was she going to do?


She was going to do as Giller said, that's what. She was going to be brave. So those people didn't get their heads chopped off. She stopped herself from crying and went down the steps to the kitchen. She wondered what Giller wanted a big loaf of bread for.




" Well, what do you think? " he whispered. " Any ideas? "


Kahlan was lying close, next to him on the ground, frowning while she looked over the edge to the scene below.


" I can't even imagine, " she whispered back. " I have never seen so many short-tailed gars together in one place."


" What could they be burning? "


" They're not burning anything. The smoke is coming from the ground. This place is called Fire Spring. Those are vents where steam comes up from the ground, and from other openings water boils up from below, and more over there where other things boil, foul-smelling yellow liquid and thick mud. The fumes keep people away from this place. I have no idea what gars would be doing here."


" Well, look there, near the back where the hill rises up, where the biggest vent is. There's something on top of it, something egg-shaped, with steam coming out around it. They keep going up to look at it, to touch it."


She shook her head. " Your eyes are better than mine. I can't tell what it is, or even that it's round."


Richard could hear and feel rumbles from the ground, some followed by great belches of steam roaring from the vents. The awful suffocating smell of sulfur wafted up to where they hid in the stunted trees of the high ridge.


" Maybe we should go have a closer look, " he whispered, half to himself, as he watched the gars moving about below.


" That would be beyond foolhardy, " she whispered harshly. " It would be just plain stupid. One gar would be trouble enough, or have you forgotten so quickly. There must be dozens down there."


" I guess, " he complained. " What's that behind them, just above, on the side of the hill? A cave? "


Her eyes went to the dark maw. " Yes. It's called the Shadrin's Cave. Some say it goes all the way through the mountain, to the valley on the other side. But I don't know of anyone who knows for sure, or who would want to find out."


He watched the gars tearing an animal apart, fighting over it. " What's a Shadrin? "


" The Shadrin is a beast that is supposed to live in the caves. Some say it's just a myth, others swear it is real, but nobody wants to go find out for sure."


He looked over at her as she watched the gars. " And what do you think? "


Kahlan shrugged. " I don't know. There are many places in the Midlands where there are supposed to be beasts. I have been to many, and found no beasts. Most of these stories are just that, stories. But not all."


Richard was glad she was talking. It was the most she had said in days. The odd behavior of the gars seemed to have over whelmed her with curiosity, and brought her, for the moment, out of her withdrawal. But they couldn't lie there talking; they were wasting time. Besides, if they stayed too long, the gars' flies would find them. They both crawled backward, clear of the edge, then crept farther away, keeping their heads down and their movements quiet. Kahlan withdrew once again into silence.


Once away from the gars, they started down the road again, to Tamarang, the border land of the Wilds, the land ruled by Queen Milena. Before they had gone far, they came to a divide in the road. Richard assumed they would go to the right, as Kahlan had said that Tamarang lay to the east. The gars and Fire Spring had been off to their left. Kahlan went down the left road.


" What're you doing? " He had had to watch her like a hawk since leaving Agaden Reach. He couldn't trust her anymore. All she wanted to do was die, and he knew she would manage it if he didn't watch her every- move.


She looked back at him with the same blank expression she had worn for days. " This is called an inverted fork. Up ahead, where it's hard to see because of the lay of the land and the heavy woods, the roads cross over each other and switch directions. Because of the thick trees, it's hard to tell where the sun is, which direction you are going. If we take the right fork here, we will end up with the gars. This one, to the left, goes to Tamarang."


He frowned. " Why would anyone go to the trouble to build a road like that? "


" It's just one little way the old rulers of Tamarang used to help confuse invaders from the Wilds. Sometimes it slowed them down a little, gave the defenders time to retreat and regroup if they needed to, then to fall on the attackers again."


He studied her face a moment, trying to judge if she was telling the truth. It infuriated him that he had to worry about whether Kahlan was telling him the truth.


" You're the guide, " he said at last. " Lead on."


At his word, she turned without comment and walked on. Richard didn't know how much more of this he could take. She would only talk when it was required, wouldn't listen when he tried to make conversation, and backed away whenever he got close. She acted as if his touch would be poison, but he knew it was really her touch she worried about. He had hoped that the way she was talking when they had spotted the gars signaled a change, but he was wrong. She had quickly reverted to her dark mood.


She had reduced herself to a prisoner on a forced march; had reduced him to a reluctant jailer. He kept her knife in his belt. He knew what would happen if he gave it back to her. With every step, she was drifting farther and farther from him. He knew he was losing her, but didn't have the slightest idea what to do about it.


At night, when it was time for her watch, for him to sleep, he had to tie her hands and feet to prevent her from killing herself when he wasn't watching. When he bound her, she endured it limply. He endured it with great pain. Even then, he had to sleep with one eye open. He slept by her feet so if she saw or heard something, she could wake him. He was dead tired from the strain.


He wished they had never gone to. Shota. The idea that Zedd would turn on him was unthinkable; the idea that Kahlan would was unbearable.


Richard took out some food. He kept his voice cheerful, hoping to perk her up. " Here, have some of this dried fish? " He smiled. " It's really awful."


She didn't laugh at his joke. " No, thank you. I'm not hungry."


Richard struggled to keep the smile on his face, struggled to keep his voice from betraying his anger. His head was pounding. " Kahlan, you've hardly eaten for days. You have to eat."


" I said I don't want any."


" Come on, for me? " he coaxed.


" What are you going to do next? Hold me down and force it in my mouth? "


The calmness in her voice infuriated him, but he covered it as best he could with his tone, if not his words. " If I have to."


She spun at him, her chest heaving. " Richard, please! Just let me go? I don't want to be with you! Just let me go! " It was the first emotion she had shown since leaving Agaden Reach.


It was his turn to hide his emotions. " No."


She glared at him with fire in her green eyes. " You can't watch me every minute. Sooner or later..." " Every minute... if I have to."


They stood glaring angrily at each other; then the emotion on her face was gone, and she turned back to the road, walking on.


They had only stopped for a few minutes, but it had been enough for the thing that followed them to make another mistake, a rare one. It had let its guard down briefly, and let itself get too close-close enough for Richard to see its fierce yellow eyes again, if only for an instant.


He had been aware that they were being followed since the second day out of the Reach. Years spent alone in the woods made him aware when he was being followed, tracked. It was a game he and the other guides had played sometimes in the Hartland Woods, seeing how far they could follow each other without being detected. Whatever followed now was good at the game. But not as good as Richard. Three times now, he had seen the yellow eyes, when no one else would have.


He knew it wasn't Samuel; the yellow was different, darker, and the eyes were closer together-and it was smarter. It couldn't be a heart hound; they would have been attacked long before now. Whatever it was, it only watched.


Richard was sure Kahlan hadn't seen it; she was too far lost in her own dark thoughts. Sooner or later, the thing would make itself known, and Richard would be ready. But with Kahlan the way she was right now, he had his hands full, and he didn't need more trouble.


So he didn't turn and look, to show it that he suspected, didn't backtrack, and didn't snap a circle, as he and the other guides had called the maneuver, but rather, he let his eyes catch the glimpses when they did, without forcing a glance. He was reasonably sure the thing that followed didn't know he was aware of it. For now, that's the way he wanted to keep it. It left the advantage with him.


He watched Kahlan as she walked with her shoulders slumped, and wondered what he was going to do in a few days, when they reached Tamarang. Whether he liked it or not, she was winning this slow battle, simply because things couldn't go on like this. She could fail time and again; she had only to succeed once. He had to win every time. To slip just once would let her end her life. In the end, he knew he couldn't win, knew he was going to lose, and could think of nothing to change that.




Rachel sat on the short footstool in front of the tall chair that was covered with red velvet and buttons and gold carving, waiting, knocking her knees together. Hurry, Giller, she kept saying to herself, hurry, before the Princess comes. She looked up at the Queen's box. She hoped that when Princess Violet came to try on jewelry, she didn't touch the box again. Rachel hated it when she did that; it scared her.


The door opened a-little. Giller poked his head in.


" Hurry, Giller, " she whispered loudly.


The rest of him came in. He stuck his head back out, looking up and down the hall, then he shut the door. He looked down at her.


" Did you get the bread? "


She nodded. " I got it here." She pulled the bundle out from under the chair and set it on the footstool. " I took a towel and wrapped it around the bread so no one would see."


" Good girl." He smiled as he turned around, away from her.


She smiled up at him, then frowned. " I had to steal it. I never stole anything before."


" I assure you, Rachel, it's for a good cause." He was looking at the box.


" Giller, Princess Violet is coming here."


He turned back, his eyes big. " When? "


" She said after she has the fitting for her new dress. She's pretty fussy, so it may take a while, but maybe not. She likes to try jewelry on and look at herself in the mirror."


" Curse the spirits, " Giller whispered, " nothing is ever easy." He turned around again and snatched the Queen's box off the marble stand.


" Giller! You mustn't touch that! It's the Queen's! "


He looked a little mad when he looked down at her. " No! It's not! Just wait, and I will explain."


He set the box down on the stool next to the bread. His hand reached into his robes and pulled out another box. " How's it look? " With a smile on one side of his mouth, he held the new box toward her.


" It looks just the same! "


" Good." He put it on the stand where the real one had been, then sat down on the floor next to her and the footstool. " Now listen to me very carefully, Rachel. We don't have much time, and it is very important that you understand."


She could tell by the way his face looked that he meant it. She nodded. " I will, Giller."


He laid his hand on the box. " This box has magic, and it does not belong to the Queen."


She frowned. " It doesn't? Who does it belong to? "


" I don't have time to explain that right now. Maybe after we are away from here. The important thing is that the Queen is a bad person." Rachel nodded; she knew that was true. " She chops off people's heads just because she wants to. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. She has power. Power means she can do whatever she wants. This box has magic and it helps give her power. That is why she took it."


" I understand. Like the way the Princess has power, so she can slap me, and chop my hair crooked, and laugh at me."


He nodded. " That's right. Very good, Rachel. Now. There is a man who is even meaner than the Queen. His name is Darken Rahl."


" Father Rahl? " She was confused. " Everyone say he's nice. The Princess says he is the nicest man in the world."


" The Princess also says she doesn't spill gravy on her dresses." He lifted an eyebrow.


" That's a lie."


Giller put his hands on her shoulders, real soft. " You listen very carefully.. Darken Rahl, Father Rahl, is the meanest man that ever was. He hurts more people than the Queen could even think of. He is so mean that he even kills children. Do you know what that means, to kill someone? "


She felt sad, and scared. " It means you chop off their head or something, and make them dead."


" Yes. And just as the Princess laughs when she slaps you, Darken Rahl laughs when he kills people. You know the way when the Princess is at dinner with all the lords and ladies, she is real nice, and polite? But when she is alone with you, she slaps you? "


Rachel nodded; she had a lump in her throat. " She doesn't like them to know she's really mean."


Giller held his finger up. " That's right! You're a very bright girl! Well, Father Rahl is the same way. He doesn't want people to know he is really mean, so he can be very polite, and make it seem like he is the nicest man in-the world. Whatever you do, Rachel, you stay away from him, if you can."


" I will, for sure."


" But if he talks to you, just be polite right back, don't let him know that you know. You must not let people know all the things you know. That keeps you safe."


She smiled. " Like Sara. I don't let people know about her so they can't take her away from me. It keeps her safe."


He put his arms around her and gave her a quick hug. " The spirits be praised, you are a smart child." It made her feel really good that he said that. No one ever told her that she was smart. " Now, listen close. This is the important part."


She nodded again. " I will, Gillen"


He put his hand back on the box. " This box has magic. When the Queen gives it to Father Rahl, he will be able to use the magic to hurt even more people. He will chop off a lot more people's heads. The Queen is a mean person, and wants him to do it, so she is going to give him the box."


Her eyes got real big. " Giller! We mustn't let her give him the box! Or all those people will get their heads chopped off! "


A big smile spread under his hook nose. He held her chin in his hand. " Rachel, you are the smartest girl I have ever met. You truly are."


" We have to hide it, hide the box, like I hide Sara! "


" And that's just what we are going to do." He pointed up at the box he had put on the stand. " That is a fake. That means it's not the real thing, it's just pretend, so they will be fooled for a while, and we can get away before they find out the real one is gone."


She looked up at the fake box. It looked just like the real one. " Giller, you're the most clever man I ever did know." His smile went away a little. " I'm afraid, child, that I am too clever for my own good." His smile came back. " Here is what we are going to do."


Giller took the loaf of bread she had stolen from the kitchen and broke it in half. With his big hands, he scooped out some of the insides. Part of it he stuffed in his mouth; his cheeks puffed out, there was so much. He stuffed some in her mouth. She chewed as fast as she could. It was good, still warm. When they finished eating the middle, he took the real box and pushed it into the middle of the bread and put the two halves back together. He held it up for her to look at.


" What do you think? "


She made a face. " It's all cracked. People will know it's been broken."


He shook his head. " Smart. You are really smart. Well, since I'm a wizard, perhaps I could do something about that. What do you think? "


She nodded. " Maybe."


He put the bread in his lap. and made his hands go all around in the air over it. He took his hands away and held the bread up in front of her face again. The cracks were gone! It looked just like new!


" No one will know now for sure." She giggled.


" Let's hope you're right, child. I have put a wizard's web, a magic spell, in the bread, to be sure no one will be able to see the magic of the box inside it."


He spread the cloth out on top of the stool and put the bread on it, then pulled up all four corners and tied them in the middle on top. He lifted up the bundle by the knots and put it in the palm of his other hand, in front of her. He looked her in the eyes and he didn't smile; he looked almost sad.


" Now, here's the hard part, Rachel. We have to get this box away from here. We can't hide it in the castle, or it might be found. You remember where I hid your doll, in the garden? "


She smiled proudly, she remembered. " Third urn on the right."


He nodded. " I will hide this there, just like I hid your doll. You must go and get it, just like you did with your doll, and then take it out of the castle." He leaned a little closer. " You have to do it tonight." She started twisting her finger in the hem of her dress. She started to get tears in her eyes. " Giller, I'm scared to touch the Queen's box."


" I know you're afraid, child. But remember? It's not the Queen's box. You do want to help keep all those people from getting their heads chopped off, don't you? "


" Yes, " she whined. " But, couldn't you take it away from the castle? "


" If I could, I swear to you, Rachel, I would. But I can't. There are some who watch me, and don't want me to go out of the castle. If they found me with the box, then Father Rahl would get it, and we can't have that, now, can we? "


" No..." Then she got real scared. " Giller, you said you were going to run away with me. You promised."


" And I mean to keep that promise, believe me. But it may take a couple of days for me to sneak out of Tamarang. It's very dangerous for the box to be here another day, and I can't get it out myself. You must get it away. Take it to your secret place, your wayward pine. You wait there for me, until I can cover our escape, and I will come get you."


" I guess I can. If you say it's important, I'll try."


Giller moved up and sat on the stool. He pulled her up with his hands around her waist, and set her on his knee.


" Rachel, you listen to me. If you live to be a hundred years old, you will never again do anything as important as this. You must be brave, braver than you have ever been before. You must not trust anyone. You must not let anyone get the box. I will come get you in a few days, but if something goes wrong, and I don't come, you must hide with the box until winter. Then everything will be all right. If I knew of anyone else to help you, I would get them to do it. But I don't. You are the only one who can do this."


She watched him with big eyes. " I'm just little, " she said.


" That is why you will be safe. Everybody thinks you are a nobody. But that isn't true. You are the most important person in the world, but you can trick them because they don't know. You must do this, Rachel. I need your help so much, and so does everyone else. I know you're smart enough, and brave enough to do it." She could see that his eyes were wet. " I'll try, Giller. I'll be brave and do it. You're the bestest man in the whole world, and if you say to do it, I will."


He shook his head. " I have been a very foolish man, Rachel, I have been far from the bestest man in the world. If only I had been wiser before, and remembered the things I was taught, my true duty, the reason I became a wizard in the first place, maybe I wouldn't have to ask you to do this. But just as this is the most important thing you will ever do, it is also the most important thing I will ever do. We must not fail, Rachel. You must not. No matter what happens, you must not let anyone stop you. Not anyone."


He put a finger on each side of her forehead and she felt a safe feeling in her head. She knew she would be able to do it and she would never have to do as the Princess said again. She would be free. Giller suddenly pulled his fingers away.


" Someone comes, " he whispered. He kissed her head real quick. " Good spirits protect you, Rachel."


He stood up and put his back to the wall, behind the door. He slipped the loaf of bread into his robes, and put his finger over his lips. The door opened, and Rachel jumped to her feet. It was Princess Violet. Rachel curtsied: When she came back up, the Princess slapped her, then laughed. Rachel looked down at the ground, and while she rubbed her cheek, holding back the tears, she saw a piece of bread between Princess Violet's feet. She took a quick glance at Giller, who stood pressed against the wall behind the door. His eyes went to the bread. Quieter than a cat, he bent down and snatched up the bread, put it in his mouth, then slipped out the door behind Princess Violet's back without her ever seeing him.




Kahlan held her arms out to him, hands made into fists, the insides of her wrists pressed together, waiting for him to bind them with the rope. Her unblinking eyes stared off at nothing. She had said she wasn't tired, but Richard surely was-his head pounded so hard it made him feel sick-so she was going to take the first watch. What good her watch was, the way she stared blankly, he didn't know.


He held the rope taut between his shaking fist, his mind feeling the last of' his hope finally abandoning him. Nothing was changing, nothing was getting any better, as he had hoped; it was one long endless battle with her-she wanting to die, he trying constantly to prevent it.


" I can't do this anymore, " he whispered, looking down at her wrists in the light of the small fire. " Kahlan, you may be the one who wishes to die, but it is me you are killing."


Her green eyes came up to his; the firelight flickered in them. " Then let me go, Richard. Please, if you care at all for me, then show it. Let me go."


He lowered the rope and let it drop. With trembling hands, he slowly pulled her knife from his belt, and looked at it for a minute in the palm of his hand. The glint of the blade was blurred in his vision. He clenched the handle tightly in his fist and jammed the knife in the sheath at her belt.


" You win. Get out of here. Get out of my sight."


" Richard...


" I said get out of here! " He pointed back the way they had come. " Go back and let the gars do the job. You may botch it with that knife! I'd hate to think you slipped and didn't finish it properly. I'd hate to think that after all this, you might not be dead."


He turned his back to her and sat on a windfall spruce that lay in front of the fire. She stood watching him in silence, then moved off a few paces.


" Richard... after all we have been through together, I don't want it to be finished like this."


" I don't care what you want. You have forfeited that right." He struggled to make the words come out. " Get out of my sight."


Kahlan nodded, and looked down at the ground. Richard leaned over, elbows on his knees, his face in his shaking hands. He thought he might throw up.


" Richard, " she said in a soft voice, " when this is all ended, I hope you can think well of me, remember me more fondly than you do right now." That was it. He came over the log with a boost of one boot on top. In a blink he had her shirt in his fists.


" I will only remember you for what you are! A traitor! A traitor to all those who have died, all those who will die! " Her eyes were wide as she tried to back away from him, but he held her with a vengeance. " A traitor to all the wizards who have given their lives, to Shar, to Siddin and all the Mud People who were killed! A traitor to your sister! "


" That's not true...."


" A traitor to all those and more! If I fail and Rahl wins, we will all have you to thank, and so will Darken Rahl. It is you who aids him! "


" I do this to help you! You heard what Shota said! " She was getting angry now, too.


" That won't work. Not for me. Yes, I heard what Shota said. She said that both Zedd and you would turn against me somehow. She did not say you both would be wrong! "


" What do you mean..."


" This is not a quest for me! It's to stop Rahl! How do you know that once we have the box it might not be me who would deliver it to him? What if it's me who would betray us, and the only chance to keep the box from Rahl is for you and Zedd to stop me? "


" That doesn't make any sense."


" Does it make any more sense that both you and Zedd would try to kill me? That would require two to be wrong, this would require only one. It's just the stupid riddle of a witch woman! You're letting yourself die for a stupid riddle! We can't know how the future will come about. We can't know the meaning of what she said, how it will be true! Or if. Not until it happens! Only then can we know what it means, and deal with it."


" I only know I cannot allow myself to live to carry out the prophecy. You are the thread that weaves this struggle together."


" And thread can't get there without the needle! You're my needle. Without you I wouldn't have gotten this far. At every turn, 1 needed you. Today, at the inverted fork, I would have chosen wrong without you. You know the Queen, I don't. Even if I manage to get the box without you, what then? Where will I go? I don't know the Midlands. Where will I go, Kahlan, tell me? How will I know where it's safe? I could walk right into Rahl's hands, carry the box right to him."


" Shota said you are the only one with a chance. Without you all is lost. Not me. You. She said that if I live... Richard, I can't allow that. I won't."


" You are a traitor to us, " he whispered viciously.


She shook her head slowly. " Despite what you think, Richard, I do this for you."


Richard screamed and threw her backward as hard as he could. She fell to the ground on her back. He came and stood above her, glaring down, dust rising around his boots.


" Don't you dare say that! " he yelled, both hands in fists. " You do this for yourself, because you haven't got the stomach for what victory entails! Don't you dare to say you do this for me! "


She came to her feet, keeping her eyes on him. " I would give almost anything, Richard, for you not to remember me in this way. But what I do, I do because I must. For you. For you to have a chance. I have sworn to protect the Seeker with my life. The payment has come due." Tears ran down her face, through the dust on her cheeks.


As he watched her turn and vanish into the darkness, Richard felt as if a plug inside him had been pulled and his whole self was draining away.


He went to the fire, slid his back down the log until he sat on the ground. He pulled his knees up with his arms around them, put his face against them, and cried as he had never cried


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