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After reading.

Discuss her recommendations. Are they good? Why? Why not?


Task 4. Read the following conversations. Compare the styles of the callers in the two conversations you have read. How are they different?



Call a).


Media: Hello, Media Publishing, good morning.

Gerda Hoeness: Hello. My name’s Gerda Hoeness, from Frankfurt. I’d like

to speak to Mr. Stefan Pavlov please.

Media: I’m sorry – Mr. Pavlov is not here at the moment. Could I

have your name again, please?

Greda Hoeness: Yes, Greda Hoeness, that’s G-R-E-D-A- Greada,

and Hoeness, spelt H-O-E-N-E-S-S.

Media: Yes, Ms Hoeness, from Frankfurt?

Gerda Hoeness: That’s right. Could you ask him to call me when he’s got

a moment?

Media: Yes, I’ll ask him to do that. Does he have your number?

Gerda Hoeness: Yes, I think so, but in any case it’s 49-69-75-45-22.

Media: I’ll repeat that – 49-69-75-45-22.

Gerda Hoeness: Correct.

Media: Okay, thanks for calling. Mr. Pavlov will call you later today

Gerda Hoeness: Oh, that’s very good. Many thanks.


Call b).


Assistant: Hello, Harris & Co, how can I help you?

Michael: Hi, Michael Horgan here from Baylis in Miami. Is Mari

Jeangeorges there?

Assistant: I beg your pardon? Who would you like to speak to?

Michael: Mari Jeangeorges. Is she there?

Assistant: Who’s calling, please?

Michael: Michael Horgan.

Unit 4


Assistant: I’m sorry, Mrs. Jeangeorges has already left the office today.

Shall I ask her to call you tomorrow?

Michael: No, it’s okay. I’ll send her an e-mail.

Assistant: Oh, okay. That’ll be fine. Do you have her address?

Michael: Yeah, no problem. I’ll email her. Bye for now.


B. Compare the first conversation with the style of the (American) caller in the

second conversation. Discuss various styles. Comment on the effectiveness and politeness of the different speakers.


polite efficient rude helpless direct brief helpful

“receptionists” …….. ………. …… ……… ……. ….. ……….


Caller a …….. ………. …… ………. ……. ….. ……….

Caller b …….. ………. ……. ………. …… ….. ………



Task 5. Read the following conversation and answer two general questions:


A. a) What kind of a call is this?

b) What do you think is the relationship between the people involved?


Call c).


Tomasina: Hello, my name’s Tomasina Harks, thank you for calling

Altona, how may I help you?

John: Hello, my name’s John Curly. I’d like to speak to Fred Roper,

if I may.

Tomasina: Okay, well I’m sorry, but Fred’s on another call just now.

Can I take a message or perhaps I can help you?

John: Yes, please. Could you tell him that I called – the email he

sent me arrived but there should have been an attachment.

It came with no attachment, so can he resend the email with

the attachment? Perhaps also he could send the document by

regular mail because it could be a problem for me to read what

he sends.

Tomasina: Sure. Does he have your address?

John: No, I’d better give it to you. The email address, yes, he has that

The postal address is Auto Matrix, 270 James Road, Stretford

Road East, Manchester MU16 1DY, England.

Tomasina: Let me check that. John Curly, Auto Matrix 217…

John: No, 270 two seven zero, James Road.

Tomasina: Right, okay, 270 James Road, then did you say Stratford Road?

Unit 4


John: No, Streetford, S-T-R-E-T-F-O-R-D, Stretfort Road East,


Tomasina: MU16 1DY.

John: Correct.

Tomasina: Okay, may I have your phone number too?

John: Yes, its 0161-399 5576.

Tomasina: Right, thanks. I’ll get the message to him and he’ll do that


John: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Tomasina: Goodbye.


B. Read the conversation again and complete the message pad as shown below.


To …………………………………… () urgent

Date ……………………………………time ……….




M ……………………………………………………..

Of …………………………………………………….

Phone …………………………………………………

area number extension


() telephoned () please call

() came to see you () will call again

() wants to see you () returned your call


message ……………………………………………







Task 6. Read the following conversation and answer the questions.

A a) Is the caller ringing from inside the company?

b) Is it formal or informal?

c) What do you think is the relationship between the people involved?


Call d).


Angela: Hello.

Paul: Computer Services?

Unit 4


Angela: Yes.

Paul: It’s Paul Maley here from Product Support. I’ve a problem

with the email on my machine. I’ve bee trying to send a

document file to Italy and I keep getting the message back that

it’s been returned. Returned mail. (pause). I don’t understand

why. The colleague in Italy asked me about FTP. File Transfer

Protocol? I don’t know if we have that. I was trying to send my document as an attachment, but it hasn’t worked… Hello?

Angela: Yeah… what? Italy, you said?

Paul: Yes. What about this FTP … What…. Why do you think it

isn’t working?

Angela: Just a minute. I’ve just got to talk to someone here… wait a

minute…. (pause) I’ll get to Alex to call you back sometime

this afternoon. What’s your number?

Paul: What? It’s 6681. Listen….this is urgent….


B. Read the conversation again and complete the message pad below.


Computer Services User Support

TO……………………………..... Problems / inquiry:

FROM ………………………….. ………………….

TIME …………………………… …………………..

EXTENSION…………………… ………………….

DEPARTMENT………………... ………………….

WORKSTATION……………..... …………………..

NOTES………………………….. …………….……


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