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Ознайомлення з новим лексичними одиницями.

At Dinner Table

Мета: розвивати мовленнєві навички, фонематичний слух, пам’ять, увагу. Ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями vegetables, a cucumber, a cabbage, a carrot, an onion, a tomato, fruit, an apple, a banana a lemon, an orange і неозначеним артиклем a, an.Виховувати в учнів бажання спілкуватися англійською мовою.

Обладнання: картки, тема уроку, підручники.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Хід уроку:

I.Введення в іншомовне середовище:

1.Привітання: Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls!

Pupils: Good morning to you!

Good morning to you!

We’re all in our places,

With sunshine faces,

Good morning to you!

We’re glad to see you!

Teacher: I’m glad to see you, too. How are you?

Pupils: We’re super, Thank you.

2.Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

Children subject of our lesson today is: «

3.Фонетична зарядка:

а)відпрацювання вимови звуків у словах.

Teacher: Look at the card. This is the sound [і: ], [ ],.

Teacher: Reaped after me 3 times. What sound is this?

Teacher: repeat after me the words: cucumber, banana, carrot.

б)відпрацювання вимови звуків в у вірші:


Apples are sour,

Apples are sweet.

Apples are juicy

And nice to eat!

Teacher: Listen and repeat.


II.Основна частина.

1.Мовленнєва зарядка.

а)Скласти с поданих слів речення


What(are, is): you

they doing?




Н.д.: What are they doing?

What is he doing?

What she doing?

Ознайомлення з новим лексичними одиницями.

(прикріплення малюнків зі словами на дошку)

а) аудіювання розповіді вчителя з використанням нових Л.О.

T: Look at the picture.

T: This is a cucumber.

T: Repeat after me.

T This is not a cabbage.

T: Is this a cucumber? -Yes, it is.

T: Is this n cucumber or a cabbage? -This is a cucumber.

T: What is this? -It is a cucumber.



T: Look at the picture.

T: This is a cabbage.

T: Repeat after me.

T This is not a carrot.

T: Is this an cabbage? -Yes, it is.

T: Is this an carrot or a cabbage? -This is a cabbage.

T: What is this? -It is a cabbage.



T: Look at the picture.

T: This is a carrot.

T: Repeat after me.

T This is not an onion...

T: Is this and a carrot? -Yes, it is.

T: Is this and carrot or a cabbage? -This is carrot.

T: What is this? -It is carrot.



T: Look at the picture.

T: This is a onion.

T: Repeat after me.

T This is not a tomato.

T: Is this an onion? -Yes, is this.

T: Is this and carrot or an onion? -This is onion.

T: What is this? -It is onion.



T: Look at the picture.

T: This is a tomato.

T: Repeat after me.

T This is not an apple.

T: Is this a tomato? -Yes, it is.

T: Is this a tomato or an onion? -This is a tomato.

T: What is this? -It is tomato.



T: Look at the picture.

T: This is an apple.

T: Repeat after me.

T This is not a banana.

T: Is this an apple? -Yes, it is.

T: Is this a tomato or an apple? -This is an apple.

T: What is this? -It is an apple.



T: Look at the picture.

T: This is a banana.

T: Repeat after me.

T This is not a lemon.

T: Is this a banana? -Yes, it is.

T: Is this and banana or an apple? -This is a banana.

T: What is this? -It is a banana.


T: Look at the picture.

T: This is a lemon.

T: Repeat after me.

T This is not an orange.

T: Is this a lemon? -Yes, it is.

T: Is this and lemon or an apple? -This is a lemon.

T: What is this? -It is a lemon.


T: Look at the picture.

T: This orange.

T: Repeat after me.

T This is not a lemon.

T: Is this an orange? -Yes, it is.

T: Is this an orange or an apple? -This is an orange.

T: What is this? -It is an orange.



T: Bananas, lemons, oranges, apples are fruit

T: Tomatoes, cuculmbers, cabbages, onions are vegetables.

в) Гра в «Питання в розбивку»


3.Повторення граматичного матеріалу.(робота з карткам)

4. Фізкульт хвилинка.

T Children, lets relax a little Stand up! Say and do!

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