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There are plans of publication of papers and reports presented at the conference. Accepted contributions will appear in a volume of conference proceedings.

International Conference

Consciousness and Speech Activity:

Socio- and Linguo-Cultural Perspectives

In memory of Prof. V.Y. Shabes

February 2014

Dear colleagues!

We encourage submissions to the International Conference “Consciousness and Speech Activity: Socio- and Linguo-Cultural Perspectives. In Memory of Prof. V.Y. Shabes”.

Scholars from Sweden, Finland, Spain, with whom V.Y. Shabes collaborated, are expected to participate in the conference.

There are plans of publication of papers and reports presented at the conference. Accepted contributions will appear in a volume of conference proceedings.

The conference focuses, but is not limited to contributions that address the following issues:

- The issues of modeling mental representations

- Linguo-cultural aspects of categorization and conceptualization

- Sociolinguistic aspects of speech

- Cognitive aspects of grammar / lexicon / discourse

- Issues of methodology in foreign language teaching

- Methods of teaching foreign languages

- The image of the Other in the linguistic picture of the world

- The system of values in the contemporary world

We invite proposals concerning themes to be discussed at the conference

Conference venue:

Saint-Petersburg Institute of Education in the Sphere of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4 Liflyandskaya St., Saint-Petersburg

Conference languages: Russian, English, Spanish

The conference envisages both actual and distant participation (submission of contributions without actual attendance).

Prospective participants are invited to fill in “Participant’s Questionnaire” (to be found below) that requires indication of contributor’s info and providing an annotation (not exceeding 300 words) of the intended presentation.

On the basis of submitted annotations the Organizing Committee will select papers for presentation at the conference. The completed questionnaire should be sent to the Organizing Committee by e-mail to the following address:


Important dates:

Deadline for submissions: by 15 January 2014

Notifications to contributors: by 1 February2014

Conference info is available at the following web-sites:

https:// univedudist.ru

и http: www.spbigo.ru/

Submissions are encouraged from scholars, academics and educationalists, teachers and members of administration of higher and secondary educational establishments, educational workers from the system of advanced studies and courses.

Conference registration fee: 1000 rubles.

Bank details for bank transfers of registration fee:

Автономная некоммерческая организация консолидации образовательного пространства «Университетские Образовательные Округа»

196240, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Предпортовая, 6, л.Н,

тел. (812)663 9412, факс (812)6639412

ИНН 7810435965, КПП 781001001

р/с 40703810602040096635 в ОАО «ЭНЕРГОМАШБАНК» в г. Санкт-Петербург

к/с 30101810700000000754 в ГРКЦ Банка России по г. Санкт-Петербургу
БИК 044030754

The approximate volume of the intended contribution should be 9 000 characters including spaces.

The cost of publication is 300 rubles per page. Payment documents will be sent after confirmation of paper acceptance.

Guidelines for submissions:

Paper format А 4, 14 pt, Time New Roman, upper and lower margins – 2 cm, right and left margins – 3 cm, single spacing, Word format. References after text should conform with established standards of bibliographical description. Tables and figures should be inserted into the text. Annotation and key words should be given in English and in Russian.

Paper submissions should be sent by e-mail to the following address:: vys.conference@gmail.com

Contact phones: +79111946080, +79213547413, +79215758511

Chair of the Organizing Committee: С.Б. Смирнов, доктор культурологии, профессор, первый проректор Санкт-Петербургского института гуманитарного образования

Vice-Chair of the Organizing Committee: А.Л. Генкин, кандидат исторических наук, доцент, директор АНО «Университетские Образовательные Округа», доцент кафедры истории и регионоведения Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета телекоммуникаций им. проф. М.А. Бонч-Бруевича

Members of the organizing Committee:

В.Б. Высоцкий, кандидат культурологии, доцент, проректор по учебной работе и внешним связям Санкт-Петербургского института гуманитарного образования

Я.Э. Булмистре, кандидат культурологии, доцент кафедры теории языка и переводоведения Санкт-Петербургского института гуманитарного образования

Л.В. Кипнес, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, зам. директора «Университетские Образовательные Округа», доцент кафедры социально-культурного сервиса и туризма Санкт-Петербургского университета сервиса и экономики.

Т.М. Потапова, старший преподаватель кафедры английского языка экономики и права Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета

Е.В. Трощенкова, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии и лингвокультурологии Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета


1 Last name, first name

2 Affiliation (city, institution / university)

3 Academic position and status

4 Academic degree

5 Postal address (including area / city code)

6 E-mail

7 Paper title

8 Intended theme session

9 Mode of participation (actual / distant)

10 Accommodation bookings: Yes / No

11 Dates of conference stay

12 Paper annotation (300 words)

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