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Catch or Recovery by Kicking Team


a. If a player of the kicking team catches or recovers a scrimmage kick that has crossed the neutral zone, the ball becomes dead (A.R. 6-3-1-V).

b. When opposing players, each eligible to touch the ball, simultaneously recover a rolling kick or catch a scrimmage kick, the simultaneous possession makes the ball dead. A kick declared dead in joint possession of opposing players is awarded to the receiving team (Rules 2-2-8 and 4-1-3-l).

Out of Bounds Between Goal Lines or at Rest Inbounds


If a scrimmage kick goes out of bounds between the goal lines or comes to rest inbounds and no player attempts to secure it, the ball becomes dead and belongs to the receiving team at the dead-ball spot (Exception: Rule 8-4-2-b).

Out of Bounds Behind Goal Line


If a scrimmage kick (other than one that scores a field goal) goes out of bounds behind a goal line, the ball becomes dead and belongs to the team defending that goal line (Rule 8-4-2-b).

Touching Ground On or Behind Goal Line

ARTICLE 9. The ball becomes dead and belongs to the team defending its goal line when a scrimmage kick that has crossed the neutral zone is subsequently untouched by Team B before touching the ground on or behind Team B’s goal line (Rule 8-4-2-b) (A.R. 6-3-9-I-III and A.R. 8-4-2-IV).

Legal and Illegal Kicks


a. A legal scrimmage kick is a punt, drop kick or place kick made according to rule.

b. A return kick is an illegal kick and a live-ball foul that causes the ball to become dead.

PENALTY— For a return kick (live-ball foul): Five yards from the spot of the foul [S31].

c. A scrimmage kick made beyond the neutral zone is an illegal kick and a liveball foul that causes the ball to become dead.



Ловля или восстановление владения мячом командой приема


Если мяч, выбитый ударом из схватки, пойман или возвращен игроком принимающей команды, мяч продолжает оставаться в игре (Исключения: Правила 4-1-3-д, 6-3-9 и 6-5-1, 2) (С.Р. 8-4-2-IХ).


Прием или восстановление владения мячом командой пробития


a. Если игрок командыпробития ловит иливосстанавливает владение мячом, выбитым из схватки и пересекшим нейтральную зону, мяч становится мертвым (С.Р. 6-3-1-V).

b. Когда игроки противоположных команд, каждый из которых имеет право касаться мяча, одновременно восстанавливают владение катящимся мячом или ловят мяч, пробитый ударом из схватки, мяч становится мертвым. Пробитый ударом мяч, объявленный мертвым в результате совместного владения игроками противоположных команд, переходит команде приема (Правила 2-2-8 и 4-1-3-l).


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