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Unit 1V Section I C

Ex. 4

Assistant: Can I help you?
Customer: Yes, I'm looking for a blouse like this, but in blue.
Assistant: I see. And what size are you looking for?
Customer: Uh, 14 usually.
Assistant: Ok, I'll just go and see if we've got any.
Customer: Thank you.


Assistant: Here we are. The last one in stock.
Customer: Great. Can I try it on?
Assistant: Yes of course. The changing room is just over there.
Assistant: How was it?
Customer: Fine. I'll take it.
Assistant: Right. Would you like to pay over there at the cash desk…

Unit V Section I A

Ex. 4

Interviewer: Let’s talk a little a bit about leisure activities. (1) What would you say is the most popular leisure activity in your country?

Jessica: Hockey.

Interviewer: (2) What is the next most popular?

Jessica: Socket, then swimming, then maybe basketball.

Interviewer: (3) What do people do in summer andwinter evenings?

Jessica: We watch TV all together, and in the summer we go out.

Interviewer: Would you go out every summer evening?

Jessica: Yes.

Interviewer: (4) What do people do on Friday or at the weekend?

Jessica: Parents go to a movie or eat a pizza. On Sunday nights my friends and I go out to the city or a main square and meet up. There are lots of bars to have a drink and chat. Later you might go clubbing or to a private party. Afterwards we might go for a pizza or have breakfast.

Interviewer: (5) How do you like to relax personally?

Jessica: Personally I like to do a lot of things. I used to play for the volleyball team for my town but then I quit. I used to play tennis and basketball and I quit. Then I did theatre for a long time. I like performing.

Interviewer: (6) Is there any particular custom of going for a walk to a special place in the evening?

Jessica: The city centre.

Interviewer: How long do they spend in the city centre?

Jessica: Hours, walking around and talking to people.

Unit VI Section I C

Ex. 6

Interviewer: Is this your first time being in a space documentary?
Scientist: No, I sort of come whenever NASA calls. When someone wants to talk to a NASA scientist I usually show up. I've done a lot of television before.
Interviewer: You talk about the immense size of the universe. So how big is it?
Scientist: That's actually quite a matter of debate right now.... In one sense it's very easy, there's the visible universe. The universe began about 13 billion years ago and the visible universe is basically anywhere that light has had a chance to travel to us from that time.

We actually don't think that's the whole extent of the universe; that's just the amount we can see. The universe if probably much bigger than that, it may be infinite it may be not. Some of our data suggests there may be other universes, parallel universes.
Interviewer: What is an exoplanet?

Scientist: An exoplanet is a planet outside our solar system.... NASA actually now has honest to goodness real data on what the weather is like on some of these planets. In a real way we're becoming the first sort of interplanetary weather forecasters.

Interviewer: And finally, " BattleStar Galactica" or " Star Trek"?
Scientist: Or lord, how can you decide between those two? I did get addicted to " BattleStar Galactica, " but I have to say I'm a Trekkie by heart. I've been a " Star Trek" fan all my life.


1. Бонк, Н.А. Английский шаг за шагом / Н.А. Бонк, И.А. Бонк – М,: ООО «Издательство «РОСМЭН-ПРЕСС», 2004

2. American University, Washington, DC – 2007

3. Amos Paran. First Certificate Gold Practice Exams. – Longman, 1996.

4. Activate8, Issue 27, 2005.

5. Civil Engineering Wonders [электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://www.7wonders.org/wonders/civil-engineering-wonders.aspx

6. Coolest gadgets [электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://www.coolest-gadgets.com/

7. Gore-Tex: An Introduction to the Material and Treatments [электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://cool.conservation-us.org/coolaic/sg/bpg/annual/v11/bp11-33.html

8. Friederike Klippel. Keep Talking – CUP, 1984

9. Icehotel [электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://www.icehotel.com/

10. Jolene Gear. Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test – CUP, 1995.

11. LHC – Welcome to the Large Hadron Collider [электронный ресурс]. - URL: https://www.lhc.ac.uk/

12. L. Jones, R. Alexander. International Business English – CUP, 1990.

13. Massachusetts Institute of Technology [электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://web.mit.edu/aboutmit/

14. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use / R. Murphy. - Cambridge University Press, 1995-99

15. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell. English Vocabulary in Use – CUP, 1994.

16. Robins, S. First Insights into Business / S. Robins. – Longman, 2000.

17. Swan, M. How English works / M. Swan, C. Walter. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.

18. Simon Greenall. People like us – Macmillan, 2007

19. Simon Greenall. Reward Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book - Macmillan, 1998

20. So you want to be a scientist? – [электронный ресурс].


21. The Royal Society Science Exhibition [электронный ресурс].


22. White, L. Engineering. – OUP, 2003.

23. Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia [электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://www.wikipedia.org/



Предисловие 3

Unit I Education and Career 5

Section I 5

Section II 15

Unit II Work and Travel 22

Section I 22

Section II 28

Unit III People and Places 37

Section I 37

Section II 44

Unit IV Daily Life 55

Section I 55

Section II 62

Unit V Leisure and Entertainment 71

Section I 71

Section II 80

Unit VI Modern Science and Technology 89

Section I 89

Section II 100

Supplement 111

Библиография 118



У ч е б н о е и з д а н и е


Анна Мееровна Митина

Елена Васильевна Новоженина

Яна Александровна Волкова

Андрей Владимирович Карасик


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