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Are comfortable being alone ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Extroverts find it difficult to be alone by themselves, and are seen seeking company of people for the same reasons. An introvert is quite comfortable being left alone with his thoughts, and might, on the other hand, seek solitude from time to time. That does not mean that they prefer to be alone 'all the time'; they can just as well go to a party and do all that jazz, but at the end of the day, they might just want to come home and relax rather than going party hopping with the others. 5. Prefer quality over quantity 6. May not commit as many social gaffes 7. Are excellent listeners 8. Easy to be around 9. They make for perfect roommates and neighbors 10. They exude an aura of mystery Many introverts find it difficult to be themselves in most settings, because most people find it easier to be around extroverts. That is why many introverts will do the whole playing-it-out-like-an-extrovert in most social settings. They find this easier to do than having to explain their more complex sides to the world. Which is a shame really, because with so many positives of being an introvert, why wouldn't someone take the time to get to know them, and like them for who they are?
Answer the questions:
1. Is it true that an introvert is often looked upon as a misfit? Why/Why not? 2. What qualities are common for introverts in comparison with extraverts? 3. What are the positives of being an introvert? 4. Are there any negatives of being an introvert? 5. Choose three positives of being an introvert that you agree with most of all. Give some reasons for your choice. 6. Give at least five adjectives to describe your personality. Speak about positives and negatives of your character. Ex.1. Read the text and find English equivalents to the following.
Ex.2. Fill in the gaps with suitable words and phrases from the box in their appropriate form.
1. I was very concious of being a _____ at school. 2. The increase in production has ______ through the use of technology. 3. There is a popular _____ that too many exercises are bad for you. 4. They want the wedding to be as _____ as possible. 5. Sarah is the type of girl everyone wants to ______ with. 6. He bought her some flowers to _____ his being late. 7. There is growing public _____ over levels of pollution in our cities. 8. Her mother taught her, and she ______ taught her own daughter. 9. The bus ______ an important community need. 10. Alex’s real problem is that he _____ confidence. 11. Carl spent his last holiday in _____. 12. I hope Andy won’t be _____ if I do not come. 13. Among her many _____ are loyalty, courage and truthfulness.
Ex.3. Say which of these statements are true or false and correct the false ones.
1. Most introverts find it difficult to be alone by themselves in most settings. 2. Extraverts prefer to keep to their business, and make for perfect roommates and neighbors. 3. Introverts are less likely to suffer from social gaffes and the foot-in-mouth syndrome. 5. One virtue of an introvert is that he prefers to listen. 6. Sometimes extroverts might be brash and can insult people in any situations. 7. Introverts are often perceived to be the more well-adjusted of the two, and the world seems more accepting of this fact.