| Debatable?
| Vote
| Interrupt
| Description
Point of Order
| No
| No
| Yes
| Used to point out a misuse of the rules.
Point of Information
| No
| No
| No
| To ask a question of the speaker, at the end of their speech.
Point of Parliamentary Inquiry
| No
| No
| No
| To ask for rules or non-rules related clarification from the presiding officer.
Suspension of the Meeting
| No
| Majority
| No
| Suspends the formal rules of procedure to allow either moderated or unmoderated caucusing. Also used to suspend debate for breaks in the schedule (i.e. for lunch).
Adjournment of the Meeting
| No
| Majority
| No
| Ends the meeting.
Postpone Debate
| 1 For
1 Against
| 2/3 Majority
| No
| Removes an issue, amendment or draft resolution from consideration without voting on the content. Also known as ‘tabling’.
Closure of Debate
| 1 Against
| Majority
| No
| Finishes the debate and brings the resolution or amendment under consideration to an immediate vote.
Reopen Debate
| 1 Against
| Majority
| No
| Allows the committee to reconsider matters upon which debate was previously postponed.
Division of the Question
| 1 For
1 Against
| Majority
| No
| Divides a draft resolution in to two or more parts, to be voted upon separately, after closure of debate. Only one division is allowed per resolution. Useful for allowing states to object to and delete specific provisions, without failing resolutions as a whole.
Introduce a Draft Resolution
| No
| Majority
| No
| Brings a draft resolution to the floor for discussion.
Introduce an Amendment
| No
| Majority
| No
| Brings an unfriendly amendment to the floor for discussion. Opens a new speaker’s list of those wishing to speak for and against the amendment, alternating between the two.
Set the Agenda
| 1 For
1 Against
| Majority
| No
| Chooses which agenda item will be discussed first (only relevant when there is more than one item on the agenda)
Request for a Roll Call Vote
| No
| No
| No
| Only available when voting on a resolution or amendments. If granted by the presiding officer, member states will be called on in alphabetical order to announce their vote.
YIELDS – How a speaker finishes their speech
Yield to the Chair
| No
| No
| -
| The Chair retakes control of the committee.
Yield to another Delegate
| No
| No
| -
| Another delegate is allowed to speak until the end of the speaking time (if there are time limits).
Yield to Points of Information
| No
| No
| -
| Allows members of the committee to ask questions of the speaker, until speaking time has expired.