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Task 2. Be sure to know the word combinations which will help you to understand the text better.

1. raise revenue збільшити дохід
2. provide access (to) надати доступ (до)
3. focus on economic law matters зосередитися на економічних питаннях права
4. launch trade relations започаткувати торговельні відносини
5. establish links between law and commerce узгодити торговельні справи з законом
6. forge, forgery підробити, підробка
7. seek new trading opportunities шукати нові торговельні шляхи
8. interaction of legal systems взаємодія між законодавчими системами
9. apply “Lex Mercatoria” (Merchant Law) покладатися на Закон Продажів
10. resolve subsequent maritime disputes вирішувати конфлікти щодо морських справ
11. incorporated legal practices впроваджена юридична практика
12. codified into modern legislation усталене в сучасному законодавстві



Tapescript – T. – 3



Task 1. Listen to the recording and answer the following questions.

1. What was the way of raising revenue in ancient Athens?

2. What exchanges did trade lead?

3. What did trade practices develop?

4. What sort of document is “Les Mercatorial” (Merchant Law)?

5. Who was searching new trading opportunities?

6. What trade practices were codified into modern legislation?


Task 2. Before listening to the text study the new vocabulary. After listening to the text write the missing information in the following sentences (1-11):

a) commercial practice e) trading opportunities i) economic matters
b) social and cultural f) international business j) trade and exploration
c) national legal g) trade k) commercial tribunal
d) maritime disputes h) bill of lading (коносамент)  

1. From ancient Athens the role of trade was to create wealth leading to ___________ development.

2. Trade provided access to _____________ perspectives.

3. Early medieval agreements focused on ___________.

4. _________ was an ideal vehicle for developing international relations.

5. Links between trade and law were forged by ________.

6. Modern ________ commercial law is rooted in trade practices that developed during the resulting interaction of ________ systems.

7. Under the medieval legal practice a buyer ________.

8. The medieval “Lex Mercatoria”(Merchant Law) was created and developed by ___________.

9. A buyer was required to ________ when a seller’s agent provided ________ for cargoes still en route by sea.

10. Arbitrators and judges merged certain commercial practices into the _______.

11. Laws and ____________ enchantments of maritime nations.


Section E


Skimming reading

The text given below deals with the general principles of economic development.

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