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Task 2. Choose the correct word. Only one word is correct. Fill in the following gaps.

18. An international organization is any _____ with international membership, scope or presence.


A union Borganization Csociety D party


19. An international organization may be established by a constituent document such as ______.


A contract B agreements Cprotocol Dcharter


20. The scope and aims of International organizations are most usually in ______.


Apublic interest B state problems C public problems D general tasks


21. International Organizations are subjects of international ______, capable of entering into agreements among themselves or with states.


A justice B control Cinfluence Dlaw


22. International organizations _______ in function, membership and membership criteria.


A are common B differ C change Dagree


23. Some organizations base their membership on various _______: cultural and historical links, level of economic development or type of economy or religion.


Agrounds B position C view Dcriteria


24. International organizations developed mainly from the need of nations and governments to have a neutral _____ where to debate and consider matters of importance to more than one particular nation.


A forum B gathering Cround-table D meeting


25. Some IO developed from the need of either executive or enforcement body which can _______ on international interests in an unified form.


A realize B support C implement D carry

26. International Organizations exist with diverse aims, including but not limited to increase international relations, ______ education, health care, economic development, environmental protection, human rights, humanitarian efforts, inter-cultural approach and c that challenge humanity.

Aarrange B promote Ccontrol D monitor


27. UN agencies define the standards for safe and efficient air travel and help improve telecommunications and enhance consumer _______.


A assistance B guard Csupply D protection

28. ________ the world, the UN and its agencies assist refugees, set up programs to expand food production and lead the fight against AIDS.

A the whole time B throughout C right through D in


29. UNO provides the opportunity for countries to balance global independence and national interests when addressing international ______.


A struggle B problems Cdisasters Defforts


30. World Trade Organization, INTERPOL, FIFA and some other organizations are referred to _______ organizations with their specific tasks and characteristics.

A global B local C economic D interstate


31. The stated _______ of the UNO are to maintain international peace and security, to safeguard human rights, to provide a mechanism for international law, and to promote social and economic progress, improve living standards and fight diseases.


A work B routine Caspiration D aims


32. Some International organizations largely ________ the independent states formed after the breakup of an empire.


Adenote B support Crepresent Dcharacterize


33. Financial international organizations _______ economic and financial challenges.


Adeal with B organize C discuss Dreduce


34. Regional organizations _______ almost all the countries in their respective continents.

Agroup Bunites Corganizing Dsets


35. The United Nations ______ the international campaigns against drug trafficking and terrorism.


A started B leads C guides D supporting


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