
Unit 10 International trade Law

adjust the balance of payment handle trade
affluent international economic law
bargain International Monetary Fund
bittersweet interest
carriage international trade
Certificate of Origin merger
commission multilateral trade agreement
conduct valuable consultations multinational corporation
crucial mutually binding contract
damages outsourcing
discount overriding purpose
disperse premium
dividend producers of goods and services
duty provide the legal ground-rules
draw supplies of foreign currency according to predetermined quotas record keeping
economic incentives royalties
expedite rules of origin
fee secure international monetary cooperation
globalization tout from
gross domestic product (GDP) trilateral agreement


1. AI Amnesty International

2. AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

3. APEC Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation

4. ASEAN the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

5. BSEC Organization of the Black Sea

6. CAP Common Agricultural Policy

7. CBD Convention on Biological Diversity

8. CIS the Commonwealth of Independent States

9. CIW United Nation Convention on the Law of Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses

10. CFCS (CFCs) Chlorofluorocarbons

11. COE Council of Europe

12. COREPER the Committee of Permanent Representatives

13. CSD the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development

14. DAC the Development Assistance Committee

15. DOJ the United States Department of Justice

16. DGSE Direction Generate de la Securite Exterieure the French Secret Service

17. DSB The World Trade Organizations Dispute Settlement Board

18. EBRD the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

19. EC the European Community

20. ECB the European Central Bank

21. ECE Economic Commission for Europe

22. ECHR the European Convention on Human Rights

23. ECJ the European Court of Justice

24. ECSC the European Coal and Steel Community

25. EC Treaty the European Economic Community Treaty

26. EEC European Economic Community

27. EMU the European Monetary Union

28. EP the European Parliament

29. EU European Union

30. EURATOM the European Atomic Energy Community Treaty

31. FATF the Financial Action Task Force (on money laundering)

32. FIBA the International Basketball Federation

33. FIFA Association footballs international governing body

34. G8 the Group of 8

35. GATT the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

36. GDP gross domestic product

37. GEF the Global Environment Facility

38. GHG Greenhouse gas

39. GMDSS the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

40. HMS Union eight ships of the Royal Navy have born the name HMS Union a British U class submarine

41. IAEA the International Atomic Energy Agency

42. IBR International Business Regulation

43. IBRD the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

44. ICC International Criminal Court

45. ICJ the International Court of justice

46. ICL International Criminal Law

47. ICRC the International Committee of the Red Cross

48. ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

49. IEIL International Economic Integration Law

50. IFL International Financial Law

51. IIPL International Intellectual Property Law

52. IGO Intergovernmental organizations

53. IMF the International Monetary Fund

54. IMCO the Inter Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization

55. IMO International Maritime Organization

56. IMTs International Military Tribunals

57. INTERPOL the International Criminal Police Organization

58. IOF Israeli Occupation Forces

59. IOs International Organizations

60. IRA the Irish Republican Army

61. IRB International Resources Bank

62. ITL International Trade Law

63. LAS the League of Arab States

64. LTEE the Sri Lankan Criminals

65. MARPOL the International Convention for the prevention of Pollution from Ships

66. MEAs multilateral environmental agreements

67. MEPs the members of the European Parliament

68. MIGA the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

69. MLC the Maritime Labour Convention

70. MSC the maritime Sea Convention

71. NAFTA the North America Free Trade Agreement

72. NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

73. NCB National Central Bureau

74. NGOs non-governmental organizations

75. NIEO new international economic order

76. OAS Organization of American States

77. OAU Economic Co-operation Organization of African States

78. OECD Organization for economic Co-operation and Development

79. OPEC the organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

80. OSCE the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

81. PSNR the concept of permanent sovereignty over natural resources

82. PKK the Kurdish Criminals

83. SAFTA the South Asia Free Trade Agreement

84. SEA the Single European Act 1986

85. SOLAS the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea

86. SR the Supreme Rada

87. TEU the Treaty on European Union

88. TOC Transnational organized crime

89. TRIPS the Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

90. UDHRs the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

91. UN the United Nation

92. UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment Development

93. UNCHE United Nations Convention on the Human Environment

94. UNCTAD the United Nations Conference on trade and Development

95. UNO the United Nation Organization

96. USA the United States of America

97. WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development

98. WTO the World Trade Organization



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