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Requirements for abstract presentation:

Type single space, using type size 11 pts. Times New Roman font is preferable. The abstract should be a Word document (Windows).

Title – Capital letters, Centered, Bold.
Oral presentation or poster and appropriate subtopic.
Author(s) name(s) – centered, bold, numbered in superscript after the names (in a case when the authors have different affiliations) and the name of presenting author should be underlined.
Authors' affiliations – address (es): department(s), institution(s), location(s), post code, country, e-mail – centered; presented on a separate row, with the respective numbers in superscript at the beginning; English letters only.
Abstract – one paragraph up to 350 words, presenting the problem and/or the objectives, more important results and the main inference and contributions. Avoid citing references.
Key words – up to 6. Key words refer to all relevant key words excluding those already in the title.


Send as attached file to: forestrehabilitation@kastamonu.edu.tr

Publishing opportunities for authors of oral and poster presentations.

Authors may optionally select to submit their contributions as full scientific papers.

The Forum in cooperation with Journal of Forestry Faculty, Kastamonu University, will publish a special issue. Journal of Forestry Faculty, Kastamonu University is an international scientific and refereed journal in all fields of Forestry, Forestry Industry, Landscape Architecture, Environmental Sciences and Biology. This journal is indexed in ULAKBİ M (Life Sciences), EBSCO, EUROFOREST PORTAL, CAB Abstracts, Environmental Impact, Forestry Abstracts, Forest Products Abstract, Forest Science Database, Rural Development Abstracts, Seed Abstracts, Soils and Fertilizers Abstracts, Soil Science Database...



Authors will be notified about the delivery of their abstract by e-mail immediately. In case you will not receive confirmation within 24 hours, please check your spam folder and in case of no confirmation e-mail, please contact:


All abstracts will be peer-reviewed. Author will be notified about review result - abstract acceptance - by e-mail at latest on 04 May, 2015.






Zhenis ave. 53/1, Astana, Kazakhstan

+7 (7172) 30-29-06/07/08

E-mail: bron@mukammal.kz


Astana (formerly Aqmola and Tselinograd), in the north of Kazakhstan, is the second largest city in the country. It took over the role of capital city from Almaty (the largest city) in December 1998. Now, it is undergoing a transformation costing billions of dollars, where top international architects assist in trying to make Astana a worthy capital - not only of Kazakhstan but of all Central Asia. Thus, Astana presents an interesting and intriguing blend of old Soviet architecture with the modern designs of Norman Foster and the likes. Astana is growing, but still does not offer the comforts and thrills of its Western counterparts, or Almaty, while has its own charms and pleasures.

S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Conference Center

Main Building of the Rectorate, 62 Prospect Pobedy, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan


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