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Task6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition from the list below: of, to, on, out, with, on.

1. Every member Of the ICJ must comply the decisions of the ICJ, in the case to which it is a party.

2. The decisions of the ICJ are based … the following sources of law: Convention, International Law and Common principles of law.

3. The judges are elected on the basis of their qualification regardless … their nationality.

4. The applicant lodges the case filing a written memorial in which he/she sets … the basis of the Court's jurisdiction and the merits of its claim.

5. If only all written arguments are filed, the Court will hold a public hearing … the merits.

6. All 192 UN members are automatically parties … the Court's statute.


Task7. Translate the following sentences:

1. The jurisdiction of the ICJ comprises cases which parties submit to it, matters provided for in the Charter, treaties in force.

2. “Compromise” is, perhaps, the most effective basis for the Court's jurisdiction because the parties concerned have a desire for the dispute to be resolved by the Court and are thus more likely to comply with the Court's judgment.

3. Should either party fail " to perform the obligations incumbent upon it under a judgment rendered by the Court", the Security Council may be called upon to " make recommendations or decide upon measures" if the Security Council deems such actions necessary.

4. The written pleadings are not made available to the press and public until the opening of the oral proceedings, and then only if the parties have no objection.

5. The most common case is that of preliminary objections raised in order to prevent the Court from delivering judgment on the merits of the case.

6. As the Court has two official languages (English and French), everything written or said in one language is translated into another.


Task8. Make the following sentences complete by translating the phrases in brackets:

1. If one of the parties (не зважає на) a judgment of the ICJ the other party may call upon the Security Council to determine measures to be taken against it.

2. Unlike most other organs of international organizations, the Court (не складається) of representatives of governments.

3. Proceedings may be instituted through the notification of a special agreement which (подаватися) with the Court by either of the States parties to the proceedings or by both of them.

4. Proceedings may also be instituted by means of an application which is submitted by an (державою позивачем) against (держави відповідача).

5. The applicant State must state the name of the party against which the (позов) is brought, (предмет суперечки) and briefly indicate on what basis – a treaty or a declaration of acceptance of compulsory jurisdiction – it claims the Court has jurisdiction, and must succinctly state (факти та підстави) on which it bases its claims.

6. Members of the Court are independent judges whose first task, before taking up their duties is to make a solemn declaration in open court that they will exercise their powers (неупереджено і добросовісно).


Task9. Complete the following:

1. The main functions of the ICJ are (вирішувати правовими засобами суперечки, які подаються на розгляд державами, та надавати поради з юридичних питань, які подаються на розгляд уповноваженими міжнародними органами та Генеральною Асамблеєю ООН).

2. The duty of all UN members is (підкорятись рішенням Міжнародного суду проте, якщо одна із сторін не зважає на рішення суду, то інша сторона може звернутися до Ради Безпеки, щоб визначити заходи, які мають бути вжиті).

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