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In the Stream of History: Views and Ideas about the Contemporary World by KIMEP Students

Welcome Speech Alessandro Frigerio, the Dean of College of Social Sciences Dina Sharipova, Assistant Professor Hall # 215 Valikhanov bldg. TIME: 9: 30am
Hall #215 Hall #211 Hall #207
10: 00 – 11: 30am
Session: Politics and Gender:   1) Dayana Kairolla, Pakizat Akhmetova Topic: Is Early Marriage Ethically Wrong for Adolescent Girls?   2) Oshurbekova Shamima Topic: Gender Inequality in Tajikistan   3) Bakhytzhan Sabazov Topic: Family Law in KZ   4) Saltanat Faizulla Topic: Gender Inequality   5) Aliya Sabitova Topic: Woman in politics   Chair and Discussant: Dina Sharipova, Ph.D   Session: Social Issues   1) Gulnara Aisultanova Topic: The Problem of Child Labor in KZ   2) Aidana Nurkassymova Topic: Social Funds in KZ for the disabled children   3) Ayakoz Assemova; Yelzhanna Shamgonova Topic: Youth Suicide in KZ   4) Nurgaly Omirbek Topic: Social Issues in KZ   Chair and Discussant: Didar Kassymova, Candidate of Science   Session: Modern Ideologies: Theory and Practice 1) Zarina Nazarbayeva Topic: Fundamentalism and Political ReligionToday   2) Aisholpan Nurlanova Topic: Jeltoqsan events: Nationalism or Necessity?   3) Aldiyar Akhanov Topic: Existentialism as a Mainstream of Interpreting Human Being in XXI century   4) Iliyas Ramet Topic: Nationalism   Chair: Jiri Melich, Ph.D Discussant: Gulnara Dadabayeva, Doctor of Science  
Hall #215 Hall #211 Hall #207
11: 45am – 13: 15
Session: Doing Business in Kazakhstan 1) Aidana Ormanbekova Topic: Cultural globalization: case study of foreign companies marketing strategy in KZ   2) Ruslan Adilgereyev Topic: Chinese Business in KZ   3) Madina Nurzhanova Topic: Importance of Accountancy and Roles of Accounting Firms   4) Zhanar Nurkina Topic: Prospects of show business in KZ: economic aspects (case study)   Chair and Discussant: Didar Kassymova, Candidate of Science Session: Justice and Inequality 1) Damilya Kassymbekova Topic: Ageism in government structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan   2) Altynay Sydykova Topic: Justice in Kazakhstan comparing to other developed states   3) Dilyara Azizova Topic: Karl Marx's Theory and Practice on Class Struggle and Inequality   4) Madina Rakhimova Topic: Inequality and peculiarities of habitus in KZ   Chair: Gulnara Dadabayeva, Doctor of Science Discussant: Jiri Melich, PHD   Session: Conflicts, Migration and Power   1) Temirlan Toguzbayev Topic: Long-Term Presidentialism: Impact on Democracy   2) Gufronjon Ayubjonov Topic: Water Resources Conflicts between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan   3) Temur Yahyoev Topic: Ethnic clashes in Kyrgystan in 2010: Theory and Evidence   4) Timur Daulbayev Topic: Resources nationalism in Kazakhstani oil sector: case study   Chair: Dina Sharipova, PHD Discussant: Zharmukhamed Zardykhan, PHD  
13: 15 – 14: 00 BREAK


Hall # 215 Hall #211 Hall#207
14: 00 – 15: 30
Session: Politics of Economic Development 1) Avaz Ravshanov Topic: Different Economic Models: Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan   2) Maxat Balgyntaev Topic: Transport System of Ayagoz   3) Maral Tulenbayeva, Amina Aimagambetova Topic: Audit specifics in banking sphere: Khalyk bank case study   4) Aknur Tasubekova Topic: Social Corporate Responsibility   5) Kristina Keterling Topic: Elite Alcoholic Drinks Market in Almaty: case study   6) Umiraliev Zhassulan   Topic: The Bilateral Agricultural Cooperation Between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Chair: Scott Spehr, PhD Discussant: Gulnara Dadabayeva, Doctor of Science Hall #215 Time: 15: 30 – 16: 00 Closing Session and Certificate awards – Time: 16-16: 30 Documentary Movie “We are 20 Years Old», Kazakhfilm Production, 2013. Time: 16: 30-17: 30   Session: Media, Literature, and Language 1) Shokhrukh Abdullayev Topic: Media Conditions in the Middle East and North Africa   2) Aiganym Seitkazina, Aidana Bergazdenova Topic: International politics coverege in KZ mass media: comparative perspectives   3) Aitolqyn Abdugali Topic: Monitoring of social life in Kazakhstani mass media (TV programs review)   4) Kuanysh Naizabay Topic: Is Kazakh Language Indangered?   5) Bolysova Assylzada Topic: Ashyk aitu - ardin isi   6) Muratov Marat Topic: Poetry   Chair and Discussant: Didar Kassymova, Candidate of Science   Session: Law and Legal Issues 1) Ulzira Retbayeva Topic: Problems of intellectual property law in KZ: some ideas   2) Bagdaulet Polatuly Topic: International legal foundations of free economic zones in KZ and China   3) Baturzhan Duisentayev Topic: Specifics of procuror monitoring in land law in KZ   4) Malika Orazymbekova; Dilla Shunshibayeva Topic: Islamic Banking in KZ law   Chair and Discussant: Dina Sharipova, PhD  


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