| Lesson
| Text for reading & discussion
| Listening comprehension
| Skills development
| Self-study
| Home work
| Assess-
| Speaking point
British students build new language barrier.
| Are you a good lang.learner?
Success though a foreign language
| Solo talk.
(“How to cope with a project? ” p.6-10, 23)
| Guides to the text & to the list.
| Success through a foreign language.
| “The role of English in the 21 century”
English as a world language
| Guides to the texts & to the list.
| English as a world language
| Video “Variants of the E.L.”
The transatlantic connection.
Let’s recast the spell.
| British English and the languages of the UK
| Guides to the video & to the text
| Variants of the English language
| It ain’t what you say, it’s the way what you say it
English, the language reconquering polyglot India.
France gets tough with “le hot dog”.
Le Francais? That’s to Outta Here
| Guides to the video
| Video “Accent file”
| The British press.
Headline English.
| British papers.
American papers
| Guides to the texts
| The British press
| British radio & TV
British TV (R.Moody)
| Guides,
| Radio in GB
TV in GB
| Welcome home Mrs.R.
Treatment of certain subjects on Br. R& TV.
| The “Today Man”
| Broadcast journalist
Pirate Radio stations
| Guides to the texts and list.
| The Open University
| Dialogue
(“How to cope.. p.39-55)
| Guides.
| The Open University
Children and TV
| Old tunes are the best.
Guess what my little Chopin played
| My music
| Guides to the texts & list.
| The giants of English classical music.
The giants of English music.
| Guides.
| The problems of musical education
| Proms ride a wave…
Folk music
Music from North to …
Morris Dancing
| Guides to the texts & list.
| The giants of English classical music
| The language of pop…
| Interviewing
(How to cope…p.62-65)
| The history of Pop music Fr.Mercury
Elton John
Современная серьезная музыка…
| Concert life (festivals) in GB
Folk music in GB
Pop music and youth
| Going out
Youth Culture p.1
| Guides.
| Clubbing. The traditions of going out.
| Young people & the media.
Youth culture p.2, 4
| Discussing
(How to cope…p.11-16)
| Young people and the media
| The anything goes generation
Youth culture p.5, 6, 7
| Youngsters put caring….
| Guides to the texts & list.
| The millennial generation.
| Guides to the texts & list.
| Les
| Texts for reading & discussion
| Listening-comprehension
| Skills development
| Home work
| Additional
| Assess-ment
| Speaking points
Environmental protection –nationwide concern.
| Mr.Beresford’s lecture
| Guides to the text & to the tape.
| The environmental problems in GB
| FoE
How technology is helping to clean up the streets of Britain
| The Friends of the Earth p.1, 2
| Guides to the text & to the list.
| Welcome to the new world
| The “green” movement.
| Video “Traffic pollution”
What a waste
| Eco dialogues
Waste products
| Guides to the text & to the video
| Norway fury at the UK nuclear flood
| Traffic pollution in GB
Waste products
| Chernobyl’s deadly legacy
Bright new dawn ahead for nuclear power plants
| Guides to the text & to the list.
| Energy crisis
| Discussion
Project work
| Discussion
(“How to cope…? p. 11-16)
| Guide to the video
| Mona Lisa
Producing genius, Genius
| Mona Lisa
| Guide to the text & to the list.
| Personality studies
| Cabinet leader who were born to be political stars.
What makes a great leader?
Beware frivolity and floppery…
| Leaders and leadership
| Guides to the text & to the list.
| In public, in private
| Leaders and leadership
| There’s a cure and our values can be rebuilt (or National snapshot shows the country divorced from the past)
What constitutes a family?
(How to cope…?
p. 16 –23)
| Guides to the text & to the list.
| How do you feel about the modern family?
The American family: then and now
| Family values in GB
Family values in America
| Is single-parenting good for kids?
Will you be my new mummy?
| The British family
| Video: Single-parent families.
Guides to the text, the video
| White couple lose battle to bring up black foster child
| Single-parent families
Adoption of children
| Teenagers and how to survive them
New face of ageism
Women caught in the middle of two generations.
| Problems in the family (the conflict of parents & children)
| Project work
| Guide to the text
| The stereotypes of the British people
| What is England?
The Monarchy.
The Monarchy p.1, 2, 3
| Report-writing
How to cope
p.34-39, 73-77
| No longer an island
| Video “Monarchy or Republic? ”
Adapt or die?
| The monarchy.
p.4, 5, 6
| Guides to the texts & the video
| The speaker we need
| Monarchy or Republic in GB
| Project work
| Ex. Lexical test
| Ex. Listening-comprehension test