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you are writing for an international audience. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4
- Keywords in English. -Text of the article (in total-not less than 5 pages and even more than 1, 5 printer`s sheet); submitted material should be edited stylistically and technically, you should not include tabulation or separate paragraphs by one empty line, -References in the text should be enclosed in square brackets and included by a number corresponding to the sequence number mentioned in the list of references. After the reference number follows the number (or numbers) of the publication`s page on which the author refers. In the list of references the total amount of publication`s pages should be indicated.
For example: In the text: [10, p.32] In the references: 10.Usmanov M.A. Charters of the Ulus of Jochi of the 14th -16th centuries. Kazan: Kazan University Press, 1079. 318p. - References should be arranged in alphabetical order (surname and initials of the author, the title, place and year of publication, pages) – in original language, first-the sources on Cyrillic (Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, etc.), then -on Latin alphabet (English, Turkish, French, etc,)/
List of references in English (References)-combinations of the transliterated and English parts of the Russian titles (for transliteration use https://www.translit.ru with option BGN) For example: Description of monographs (books): Usmanov M.A. Zhalovannye akty Dzhurchieva ulusa XIV-XVI vv. [Charters of the Ulus of Jochi of the 14th-16th centuries]. Kazan, Kazan University Publ., 1979.318p. Description of the article from continuing publication (the collection of works): Gatin M.S. Bertol`d Shpuler o pitanii v Zolotoy Orde [Bertold Spuler about Nutrition in the Golden Horde ].Zolotoordynskaya tsivilizatsiya. Sbornik statey [Golden Horde Civilization: Collected Papers], 2012, no.5, pp.8-12.
The description of conference papers: Mirgaleev I.M. Toktamysh I Timur: restavratsiya antimamlyukovskoy koalitsii [Toktamysh and Timur: The Restoration of anti-Mamluk Coalition]. Zolotoordynskoye nasledie.Materiali vtoroy mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii “Politicheskaya i sotsial`no-ekonomicheskaya istoriya Zolotoy Ordy” [The Legacy of the Golden Horde. Proceedings of the Second International Conference “ The Political and Socio-Economic History of the Golden Horde”] Kazan, 2011, vol.2, pp.27-32. Description of the printed journal articles: Dode Z.V. K voprosu o boktag [Concerning the Question of Boktag]. Rossiyskaya arkheologiya-Russian Archaeology, 2008, no. 4, pp: 52-63.
Description of the journal article: Rady M. The Gesta Hangarorum of Anonymus, the Anonymous Notary of King Bela: A Translation. Slavonic and East European Review, 2009, no.87 (4).Available at: https://www.discovery.ucl.fc.uk/18975/1/18975.pdf Description of the translated books: Gerberstein S. Rerum Moscoviticarum commentarii. Munchen, Osteuropa-Institut, 2007, 586 p. (Russ. ed.: Yanin V.L. Zapiski o Moskovii, Moscow, Moscow University Publ., 1988.430 p.).
- List of abbreviations should be provided with the definitions of abbreviations; - Illustrations should be presented as separate files in the format TIF, JPG with high resolution of 200-300 dpi; - Captions to the illustrations and the tables should be given after the list of references; - At the end of the article should be given information on the author or authors (in case of a collective work), full name, degree, title, place of employment, address of organization, city, country, position - in Russian. - Information about the author(s) -in English.
Please, send your articles to e-mail: codexcumanicus15@gmail.com