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Самые употребительные глаголы с предлогами в английском языке

accustomed to... - I'm accustomed to hot weather.

afraid of... - The girl is afraid of the dog.

aim at... - He aimed at the bird.

angry with, at... - She was angry with him and at the weather.

arrive at, in... - He arrived at the village (in London).

ashamed of... - He is now ashamed of his conduct.

believe in... - Christians believe in Jusus Christ.

benifit by... - She has benefited by the change.

boast of... - He boasted of (about) his riches.

careful of... - He is very careful of his health.

come/go by... - He came by bus (in a bus) (on foot).

complain of... - They complain of the heat.

composed of... - Our class is composed of 30 pupils.

conform to... - We must conform to the rules.

congratulate on... - I congratulate you on success.

consist of... - A year consists of 12 months.

cure of... - He was cured of his illness.

depend on... - It depends on (upon) himself.

deprive of... - He was deprived of his freedom.

die of... - Many people died of hunger (malaria).

different from... - My book is different from yours.

doubt of/about... - I have no doubt of his ability.

dressed in... - The woman was dressed in black.

fail in... - He failed in maths.

full of... - The bottle was full of oil.

look forward to... - I look forward to his letter.

look after... - You should look after the baby.

look up to... - Who do you look up to? (= respect)

get rid of... - I'll be glad to get rid of him.

glad of... - I'm glad of (about) the news.

good at... - He is good at music.

guard against... - You must guard against bad habits.

guilty of... - He was found guilty of murder.

independent of... - He is independent of his parents.

indifferent to... - They are indifferent to politics.

insist on... - He insisted on his opinion.

interested in... - She is not interested in her work.

jealous of... - He is very jealous of his brother.

play for... - He plays for that team.

look at... - Look at the picture!

married to... - She was married to a rich man.

pleased with... - The teacher is pleased with me.

prefer to... - I prefer coffee to tea.

proud of... - He is proud of his achievments.

related to... - Are you related to him in any way?

repent of... - He repented of his wrongdoing.

satisfied with... - Are you satisfied with your marks?

similar to... - Your book is not similar to mine.

succeed in... - I hope he will succeed in his work.

superior to... - This is superior to that.

sure of... - I'm sure of his honesty.

surprised at... - We were surprised at his failure.

suspect of... - I suspect him of stealing the pen.

tired with/of... - I'm tired with writing (of sweets).

translate into... - Translate this text into English (from Russian).

warn of... - They were warned of the danger.

write in... - It's written in pencil. I write with a pencil.

Проверь себя!

He accused the man __ stealing.

I'm accustomed __ hot weather.

The girl is afraid __ the dog.

He aimed __ the bird.

She was angry __ him and __ the weather.

He arrived __ the village (__ London).

He is now ashamed __ his conduct.

Christians believe __ Jusus Christ.

She has benefited __ the change.

He boasted __ (_) his riches.

He is very careful __ his health.

He came __ bus (__ a bus) (__ foot).

They complain __ the heat.

Our class is composed __ 30 pupils.

We must conform __ the rules.

I congratulate you __ success.

A year consists __ 12 months.

He was cured __ his illness.

It depends __ (__) himself.

He was deprived __ his freedom.

Many people died __ hunger (malaria).

My book is different __ yours.

I have no doubt __ his ability.

The woman was dressed __ black.

He failed __ maths.

The bottle was full __ oil.

I look forward __ his letter.

You should look __ the baby.

Who do you look __ __? (= respect)

I'll be glad to get rid __ him.

I'm glad __ (__) the news.

He is good __ music.

You must guard __ bad habits.

He was found guilty __ murder.

He is independent __ his parents.

They are indifferent __ politics.

He insisted __ his opinion.

She is not interested __ her work.

He is very jealous __ his brother.

He plays __ that team.

Look __ the picture!

She was married __ a rich man.

The teacher is pleased __ me.

I prefer coffee __ tea.

He is proud __ his achievments.

Are you related __ him in any way?

He repented __ his wrongdoing.

Are you satisfied __ your marks?

Your book is not similar __ mine.

I hope he will succeed __ his work.

This is superior __ that.

I'm sure __ his honesty.

We were surprised __ his failure.

I suspect him __ stealing the pen.

I'm tired __ writing (__ sweets).

Translate this text __ English (__ Russian).

They were warned __ the danger.

It's written __ pencil. I write __ a pencil.

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