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UNIT 9 The psychology of strategic management


Text 1. Read and translate the text consulting the dictionary if necessary


Several psychologists have conducted studies to determine the psychological patterns involved in strategic management. Typically senior managers have been asked how they go about making strategic decisions. A 1938 treatise by Chester Barnard, that was based on his own experience as a business executive, sees the process as informal, intuitive, non-routinized, and involving primarily oral, 2-way communications. Bernard says “The process is the sensing of the organization as a whole and the total situation relevant to it. It transcends the capacity of merely intellectual methods, and the techniques of discriminating the factors of the situation. The terms pertinent to it are “feeling”, “judgement”, “sense”, “proportion”, “balance”, “appropriateness”. It is a matter of art rather than science.

In 1973, Henry Mintzberg found that senior managers typically deal with unpredictable situations so they strategize in ad hoc, flexible, dynamic, and implicit ways. He says, “The job breeds adaptive information-manipulators who prefer the live concrete situation. The manager works in an environment of stimulous-response, and he develops in his work a clear preference for live action.”

In 1982, John Kotter studied the daily activities of 15 executives and concluded that they spent most of their time developing and working a network of relationships from which they gained general insights and specific details to be used in making strategic decisions. They tended to use “mental road maps” rather than systematic planning techniques.

Daniel Isenberg's 1984 study of senior managers found that their decisions were highly intuitive. Executives often sensed what they were going to do before they could explain why. He claimed in 1986 that one of the reasons for this is the complexity of strategic decisions and the resultant information uncertainty.

Shoshana Zuboff (1988) claims that information technology is widening the gap between senior managers (who typically make strategic decisions) and operational level managers (who typically make routine decisions). She claims that prior to the widespread use of computer systems, managers, even at the most senior level, engaged in both strategic decisions and routine administration, but as computers facilitated routine processes, these activities were moved further down the hierarchy, leaving senior management free for strategic decions making.

In 1977, Abraham Zaleznik identified a difference between leaders and managers. He describes leaders as visionaries who inspire. They care about substance, whereas managers are claimed to care about process, plans, and form. He also claimed in 1989 that the rise of the manager was the main factor that caused the decline of American business in the 1970s and 80s. Lack of leadership is most damaging at the level of strategic management where it can paralyze an entire organization.

According to Corner, Kinichi, and Keats, strategic decision making in organizations occurs at two levels: individual and aggregate. They have developed a model of parallel strategic decision making. The model identifies two parallel processes both of which involve getting attention, encoding information, storage and retrieval of information, strategic choice, strategic outcome, and feedback. The individual and organizational processes are not independent however: they interact at each stage of the process.

Reasons why strategic plans fail. There are many reasons why strategic plans fail, especially:

  • Failure to understand the customer: Why do they buy
  • Inability to predict environmental reaction
  • What will competitors do:
  • Fighting brands & price wars
  • Will government intervene
  • Can the staff, equipment, and processes handle the new strategy
  • Organizational structure not flexible enough
  • Failure to obtain senior management commitment
  • Failure to get management involved right from the start
  • Failure to obtain sufficient company resources to accomplish task
  • Failure to obtain employee commitment
  • New strategy not well explained to employees
  • No incentives given to workers to embrace the new strategy
  • Under-estimation of time requirements
  • No critical path analysis done
  • Failure to follow the plan
  • Failure to manage change
  • Inadequate understanding of the internal resistance to change
  • Lack of vision on the relationships between processes, technology and organization
  • Poor communications
  • Insufficient information sharing among stakeholders



Aggregate v, adj – to put together different items into a single group

Commitment n – a promise to do or act in a particular way

Encode v – to change ordinary language into symbols in order to make secret messages

Facilitate v – to make a process possible or easier to perform

Feedback n – information about the quality of sb’s work

Intervene v – to become involved in a situation in order to improve it

Relevant adj – closely connected with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are thinking about

Pertinent adj - appropriate to a particular situation

Transcend v – to be or go beyond the usual limits of sth

Treatise n – a long and serious piece of writing on a particular subject

Visionary n – a person who has the ability to think about or plan the future in a way that is intelligent or shows imagination


Ex.1. Match each word in the box to its definition below.

aptitude background experience know-how knowledge skill


  1. Knowledge that you need to be able to do something:
  2. Information that someone knows:
  3. An ability to do something well, especially because you have practiced it:
  4. Knowledge or skill you get from being in different situations:
  5. The type of education, experience and family that you have:
  6. A natural ability to do something well or to learn it quickly:


Ex.2. The expressions in the box refer to losing your job.

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