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II. Give a short summary of the text in English in a written form.

Test yourself:

1. In Ukraine, higher schools students and postgraduates are trained…

a) to have good knowledge of everyday English.

b) to read professional literature.

c) to have good knowledge of everyday English and to read professional literature.

d) to have good knowledge of technical English, to read and use professional literature in their practical activity.

2. Technical English is often said to be…

a) easy to understand.

b) difficult to understand.

c) rather difficult to understand.

d) very difficult to understand.

3. Each branch of science and technology has…

a) familiar grammatical patterns and models.

b) a difference in the frequency with which certain grammatical forms occur.

c) its own vocabulary (terminology).

d) so-called learned words.

4. Grammatical patterns and models in technical English are…

a) the same as in everyday English.

b) not the same as in everyday English.

c) very different from everyday English.

d) rather different from everyday English.

5. The style of most scientific texts is…

a) impersonal.

b) concise.

c) impersonal and very concise.

d) impersonal and rather concise.

6. In order to master technical English the learner must…

a) first acquire knowledge of literary English.

b) first acquire thorough knowledge of everyday literary English.

c) first acquire knowledge of everyday literary English.

d) first acquire knowledge of everyday English.

7. Learning English efficiently requires that…

a) you don’t put your mind on what you are doing.

b) you have not the intention and the will to learn.

c) you don’t put your mind on what you are doing and haven’t the intention and the will to learn.

d) you put your mind on what you are doing and have the intention and the will to learn.

8. Knowledge of foreign languages…

a) opens many doors before you.

b) gives you many opportunities and advantages.

c) has always been a sign of high culture anderudition.

d) helps to promote cultural education and technical cooperation among nations.

9. Many people spare no efforts to acquire English…

a) for communication.

b) to use computers and the Internet.

c) to read and use professional literature in English in their practical activity.

d) to consult specialized reference materials in English for additional details.

e) to cooperate with partners.

UNIT 2: My future speciality. Job hunting

My future speciality

Word list:

to make significant decisions – приймати важливі рішення to suit/to fit – відповідати, під-ходити to find satisfaction in working – отримувати задоволення від ро-боти an occupation – заняття; рід за-нять, професія, фах mechanical engineering – ма-шинобудування to be in a great need – бути вкрай необхідним to deal (with) – мати справу (з) to depend (upon) – залежати (від) mechanical engineer – інженер-меха-нік, машинобудівник to design – проектувати to develop – конструювати, розробля-ти to influence – справляти вплив, впли-вати to insure – забезпечувати to manufacture – виробляти an awareness – обізнаність an ability – здібність, здатність skills – уміння to hire – наймати to include – містити в собі, охоплюва-ти

Exercises to the subject:

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