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Mechanical engineering and machine-building

Mechanical engineering is concerned with mechanisms, (gases, machines, air) and energy conversions and covers all manners of energy utilization with minimum pollution of the environment. It covers transport, machines and (bridge, manufacturing, engine) processes and the efficient use of mechanisms without excessive vibration and stresses. It covers materials and measurement and the prosesses of (robot, welding, strengthening) treatment, and (reinforcing, tracing, raising) of the machine parts. All these aspects are connected with design, automation and (automation, motor, advanced) technology.

The main branches of industry in Ukraine are machine-building and metal (performing, processing, identifying) followed by chemical and oil refining industry. Machine-tool building and metal working industries are focused on metalware and tool products for machine-building industries as well as on production of consumer goods and tools. The leading part in the machine-building belongs to the plant (increasing, producing, moving) milling machines equipped with microprocessors. The policy of machine-building industry is aimed at raising (reliability, workpiece, monotony) of the production, extending the service (work, development, life) of parts, increasing (productivity, machine-tool, control).

UNIT 4: Engineering materials and their properties

Engineering materials

Word list:

properties – властивості to work– обробляти metals– метали non-metals – неметали to divide – поділяти, класифікувати ferrous – чорні non-ferrous – кольорові to contain– містити (мати) в собі; вміщати iron – залізо cast iron– чавун steel– сталь alloys – сплави mixtures – суміші carbon – вуглець proportion – частина, частка to improve – удосконалювати(ся), поліпшувати(ся), кращати chromium – хром to include – містити в собі, охо-плювати, обіймати; включати to resist – чинити опір, протидіяти tungsten – вольфрам to increase – зростати; збільшува-ти(ся); посилювати(ся) aluminium– алюміній copper – мідь brass – жовта мідь, латунь plastics – пластмаса ceramics – кераміка to machine– піддавати меха-нічній обробці; обробляти на верстаті thermoplastics – термопластична пластмаса thermosets – термореактивна пластмаса to shape – надавати вигляду (фор-ми), виливати, формувати to reshape – надавати нового ви-гляду (іншої форми) to undergo(underwent, undergone) – зазнавати, зносити, переносити to harden – ставати твердим, тверднути to employ – вживати, застосовува-ти, використовувати to withstand – протистояти; ви-тримувати

Exercises to the subject:

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