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Read the text and name the main terms connected with the operation of any machine.

The efforts of civilized man are largely directed towards obtaining food and clothing, providing shelter, and gaining satisfying social and intellectual experiences. In all these activities man now makes use of a multitude of machines.

Defined in the simplest terms a machine is a device that uses force to accomplish something. More technically, it is a device that transmits and changes force or motion into work. This definition implies that a machine must have moving parts. A machine can be very simple, like a block and tackle to raise a heavy weight, or very complex, like a railroad locomotive or the mechanical systems used for industrial processes.

A machine receives input from an energy source and transforms it into output in the form of mechanical or electrical energy. Machines whose input is a natural source of energy are called prime movers. Natural sources of energy include wind, water, steam, and petroleum. Windmills and water wheels are prime movers; so are the great turbinesdriven by water or steam that turn the generators that produce electricity; and so are internal combustion engines that use petroleum products as fuel. Electric motors are not prime movers, since an alternating current of electricity which supplies most electrical energy does notexist in nature.

Terms like work, force, and power are frequently used in mechanical engineering, so it is necessary to define them precisely. Force is an effort that results in motion or physical change. If you use your muscles to lift a box you are exerting force on that box. The water which strikes the blades of a turbine is exerting force on those blades, thereby setting them in motion. In a technical sense work is the combination of the force and the distance through which it is exerted. To produce work, a force must act through a distance. If you stand and hold a twenty pound weight for any length of time, you may get very tired, but you are not doing work in an engineering sense because the force you exerted to hold up the weight was not acting through a distance. However, if you raised the weight, you would be doing work.

Power is another term used in a special technical sense in speaking of machines. It is the rate at which work is performed. The rate of doing work is sometimes given in terms of horsepower, often abbreviated “hp”.This expression resulted from the desire of the inventor James Watt to describe the work his steam engines performed in terms that his customers could easily understand. After much experimentation, he settled on a rate of 33, 000 foot-pounds per minute as one horsepower. In the metric system power is measured in terms of watts and kilowatts. The kilowatt, a more widely used term, equals a thousand watts or approximately 1 ⅓ horsepower in the English system.

2.Find the following words and phrases in English in the text: отримання їжі та одягу; забезпечення житлом; отримання задоволення суспільних та інтелектуальних знань; рухомі частини; проста машина; блок або шків; приладдя або інструмент; підіймати важку вагу; складна машина; паровоз, тепловоз або електровоз; джерело енергії; вітер; вода; пар; нафта; вітряки; водяні колеса; двигуни внутрішнього згорання; нафтопродукти; паливо; точно; підіймати коробку; лопаті турбіни; поєднання; діяти на відстані; будь-який проміжок часу; дуже стомитися; тримати вагу; вислів; винахідник; парові двигуни; легко зрозуміти; приблизно.

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