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Listen to the text, read, translate and retell it. Genius, magician, legend, George Best is perhaps the most talented footballer ever to walk on the face of the planet

Genius, magician, legend, George Best is perhaps the most talented footballer ever to walk on the face of the planet. Best was the complete player, Pele, Cruyff, Maradona – all were superb but Best had a bit of each in his game and more.

He could beat opponents with skill and dazzling tricks, swerving through defences like a skier on a slathom course. He could shoot brilliantly with either foot and out- jump much taller opponents to win the ball in the air. He knew he was a genuis and was not afraid to show it. Playing as a winger and sometimes striker, he would inspire his team and bring a crowd, home or away, to its feet.

Born in East Belfast, Northern Ireland, he made his Football League debut for Manchester United and won the first of 31 international caps before he was 18. He was perhaps the most important member of the great Manchester team.

Sometimes nicknamed the fifth Beatle’, he was one of the most famous stars of Britain in the 1960s. Unfortunately, increasingly wayward behaviour off the field and alcohol related problems impaired his health and ultimately shortened his career.He finally ended his career with Bournemouth in 1983.

In the 1990s he has established himself as a successful sports commentator with sky sports and after dinner speaker.

There are many regrets for Best such as ending his career early, and never displaying his phenomonal skills in the World Cup Finals. George Best was the ultimate genius, a player that took the game to a different level, a level which more footballing mortals can only gaze up at, in wonder, awe and sheer exhilaration.

Choose the best variant to complete the each sentences.

1. Genius, magician, legend, George Best is perhaps the most talented footballer ever to walk on the face of the______________.


a) country c) planet
b) world d) USA


2. He knew he was a genuis and was not afraid to ______ it.


a) forget c) feel
b) speak d) show


3. He finally ended his football career with Bournemouth in _____.


a) 1979 c) 1980
b) 1985 d) 1983

Match the words.

1). Talented a) exhilaration
2). Dazzling b) skills
3). Sheer c) commentator
4). Phenomonal d) tricks
5). Sports e) footballer

Find the synonyms in the text.


Find the opposites in the text.


Find the best variant of the words in the text.

1........ and won the first of 31 international _______........


a)glass c) caps
b) cups d) wineglass

2. He could beat opponents with _______............

a) art c) artistry
b) mastery d) skill

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