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Саба қ № урока Occupation Бө лімдер мен тақ ырыптар атаулары Наименование разделов и тем Name of the sections and themes Сағ.сан Кол-во часов всего Amount hours whole Сабақ тын типы Тип урока Type lesson Кө рнеқ іліктер Наглядные пособия и оборудование Visual aids and equipment Оқ ушылар ұ шін тапсырмалар Задание для учащихся Task for pupils
    Foreign language is a language of business communication. The Noun. Countable and uncountable nouns.     Практический books, cards To write a composition “The role of English language in my life”.
  What is a court? Plural form of the nouns.   Практический books, cards To retell the text: «What is a court?», to learn new vocabulary.  
  The Judicial system of the USA. Possessive case of the nouns.       Практический books, cards, dictionaries To retell the text: «The Judicial system of the USA», to learn new vocabulary and make some sentences.  
  Government of the USA. The Articles.   Практический books, cards, dictionaries To retell the text: «Government of the USA», to learn new vocabulary.
  The US political system. Degrees of comparison of adjectives.   Практический books, cards, dictionaries To retell the text: The US political system to learn new vocabulary, to find some information about the head of the political system.
  The American legal professions. Indefinite pronouns (some, any, no, every)   Практический books, cards, dictionaries To retell the text «The American legal professions», to learn new words.  
  The republic of Kazakhstan. Word formation.   Практический books, cards, dictionaries, pictures To retell the text: «The republic of Kazakhstan», to learn new words  
  Parliament of the republic of Kazakhstan. Indefinite pronouns (much, many, little, few.)   Практический books, cards, dictionaries To retell the text: «Parliament of the republic of Kazakhstan», to learn new words.    
  The functions of Parliament in the republic of Kazakhstan. Definite pronouns (personal, possessive, reflexive, interrogative)     Практический Schemes, dictionaries, books To retell the text: «The functions of Parliament in the republic of Kazakhstan», to learn new words  
  Court and Justice in Kazakhstan. Numerals (cardinal and ordinal numerals)   Практический Schemes, dictionaries, books To retell the text: «Court and Justice in Kazakhstan», to learn new vocabulary and make some sentences.  
  The UK. Political system of the UK. Modal verbs.   Практический Schemes, dictionaries, books To retell the text: «Political system of the UK», to learn new words, to find some information about the head of the political system.  
  The court system of England and Wales. The infinitive.   Практический Schemes, dictionaries, books   To retell the text: «The court system of England and Wales», to describe national symbols of England and Wales.
  The legal professions in Great Britain. Types of questions.     Практический dictionaries, books   To learn new words to retell the text: «The legal professions in Great Britain»
  What is constitutional law? Present Indefinite Tense.       Практический dictionaries, books   To learn new words, to retell the text: «What is constitutional law?»
  Civil and criminal law. Past Indefinite Tense.       Практический dictionaries, books   To learn new words, to tell about civil and criminal law.  
  Kinds of torts. Future indefinite tense.       Практический dictionaries, books   To make up sentences, to retell the text: «Kinds of torts».  
  The law of torts. Present Continuous Tense.       Практический dictionaries, books   To make up a dialog, discuss the text: «The law of torts».  
  What is crime? Past Continuous Tense.       Практический dictionaries, books   To learn new words to retell the text: «What is crime?»
  Crime in modern society. Future Continuous Tense.     Практический dictionaries, books   To retell and discuss the text, to write the composition: «Crime in modern society»  
  The Jury. The Present Perfect Tense.     Практический dictionaries, books     To learn new words, to retell and discuss the text: «The Jury»  
    Jury service: an important job and a rewarding experience. The Past Perfect tense.       Практический dictionaries, books     To learn new words, to retell and discuss the text: «Jury service: an important job and a rewarding experience»
  What is criminal procedure? The Future Perfect tense.     Практический dictionaries, books     To learn words; to make up 10 sentences.
  Criminal justice. Present Perfect Continuous Tense.   Практический dictionaries, books   To learn new words, to retell and discuss the text: «Criminal justice»
    Criminal punishment. Past Perfect Continuous Tense.       Практический dictionaries, books   To learn new words to make up a dialogue.
  What is law? Future – in – the Past.   Практический dictionaries, books   To make up a dialogue, to learn new words, to retell the text: «What is law?»  
  Elections. The first type of conditional sentences.     Практический dictionaries, books   to retell the text: «Elections»
  UK government. The second type of conditional sentences.       Практический dictionaries, books   To make up a dialogue, to learn new words, to retell the text: «UK government»
  Human rights. The third type of conditional sentences.       Практический dictionaries, books,   To make up a dialog, to retell the text: «Human rights».  
  Definition of contract. Sequence of tenses.     Практический dictionaries, books, schemes     To retell the text; to make up contract.
  Offer. Passive voice.   Практический schemes, dictionaries, books To retell the text: «Offer» to make up a dialog.
  The legal effect of marriage. Participles.     Практический schemes, dictionaries, books   To learn new words, discuss and retell the text
  The law and the family. Prepositions of place.     Практический dictionaries, books To retell the text: «The law and the family» to make up a dialog.
    Marriage Requirement Prepositions of time. .   Практический dictionaries, books, cards To retell the text: «Marriage Requirement» to make up a dialog, make up sentences using new words
  State jurisdiction. Direct and Indirect speech.   Практический dictionaries, books, cards «To retell the text: State jurisdiction»
  The European community. Gerund.   Практический dictionaries, books, cards To learn new words To retell the text: «The European community»
  Control work   Урок контроля tests  


Литература: «English»Starkov A.P., Ostrovsky B.S.; «английский язык»Ajapova; «английский язык для юристов», учебное пособие, Э.А.Десяткова, А.П.Верещягина, Т.М.Бакарева; «английский для юристов», А.Я. Зеликман.

Преподаватель: Медецкая Я.В.



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