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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Learn the active vocabulary of the Unit and be ready to use it in your further work.

to go self-employed – займатися індивідуальною підприємницькою діяльністю to face challenges – зіткнутися з проблемами to overcome the challenges – долати труднощі to give up – здаватися, покинути commitment - зобов’язання, відданість to achieve the aim – досягти мети to take charge of–брати відповідальність VAT = value added tax –податок на додану вартість business rate – комунальний податок, місцеві відрахування retail chain - мережа роздрібної торгівлі legitimate – законний to assess – оцінювати, проводити перевірку     determination – рішучість to sort out – з’ясовувати responsibility – відповідаль-ність to keep up the pace –підтри-у мувати темп; income tax –податок на пприбуток to deduct – вираховувати, віднімати to be liable (for) –бути відповідальним (за) turnover – оборот to reclaim – вимагати повернення, відкликати allowance- кишенькові гроші, частка, порція lump sum –сума одним внеском receipt – чек to keep track – бути в курсі.

Before reading discuss in pairs .

1. Would you like to start a business of your own?

2. What do you think advantages and disadvantages of working on your own can be?

3. What does it take to start a business of your own?


Do the questionnaire, then compare your answers with your partner. Discuss them.

How do you rate as an entrepreneur?

Have you got what it takes to run your own business?

For each of the following questions, tick the answer which comes closest to what you feel about yourself.


1. Are you a self-starter? 2. How do you get on with other people?
  A I only make an effort when I want to.   A I get on with almost everybody.
  B If someone explains what to do, then I can continue from there.   BI have my own friends and I don’t really need anyone else.
  C I make my own decisions. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to do.   CI don’t really feel at home with other people.
3. Can you lead and motivate others? 4. Can you take responsibility?
  AOnce something is moving I’ll join in.   A I like to take charge and to obtain results.
  B I’m good at giving orders when I know what to do.   BI’ll take charge if I have to but I prefer someone else to be responsible.
  C I can persuade most people to follow me when I start something.   C Someone always wants to be the leader and I’m happy to let them do the job.
5. Are you a good organiser? 6. How good a worker are you?
  A I tend to get confused when unexpected problems arise.   A I’m willing to work hard for something I really want.
  B I like to plan exactly what I’m going to do.   BI find my home environment more stimulating than work.
  CI just like to let things happen.   C Regular work suits me but I don’t like it to interfere with my private life.
7. Can you make decisions? 8. Do you enjoy taking risks?
  A I’m quite happy to execute other people’s decisions.   A I always evaluate the exact dangers of any situation
  B I often make very quick decisions which usually work out but sometimes don’t.   BI like the excitement of taking big risks.
  CBefore making a decision, I need time to think it over.   CFor me safety is the most important thing.
9. Can you stay the course? 10. Are you motivated by money?
  A The biggest challenge for me is getting a project started.   A For me, job satisfaction cannot be measured in money terms.
  B If I decide to do something, nothing will stop me.   BAlthough money is important to me, I value other things just as much.
  C If something doesn’t go right first time, I tend to lose interest.   C Making money is my main motivation.
11. How do you react to criticism? 12. Can people believe what you say?
  A I dislike any form of criticism.   A I try to be honest, but it is sometimes difficult or too complicated to explain things to other people
  BIf people criticise me I always listen and may or may not reject what they have to say.   BI don’t say things I don’t mean.
  C When people criticise me there is usually some truth in what they say.       C When I think I’m right, I don’t care what anyone else thinks.
13. Do you delegate? 14. Can you cope with stress?
  AI prefer to delegate what I consider to be the least important task.   A Stress is something I can live with.
  B When I have a job to do I like to do everything myself.   BStress can be a stimulating element in a business.
  C Delegating is an important part of any job.   C I try to avoid situations which lead to stress.
15. How do you view your chances of success? 16. If the business were not making a profit after five years, what would you do?
  A I believe that my success will depend to a large degree on factors outside my control.   AGive up easily.
  BI know that everything depends on me and my abilities.   B Give up reluctantly  
  C It is difficult to foresee what will happen.   C Carry on.


  a=0 b=2 c=4 44 or above You definitely have the necessary qualities to become the director of a successful business. You have a strong sense of leadership, you can both organise and motivate and you know exactly where you and your team are going. 44 and 22 You may need to think more carefully before setting up your own business. Although you do have some of the essential skills for running a business, you will probably not be able to deal with the pressure and strain that are a part of the job. You should perhaps consider taking some professional training or finding an associate who can compensate for some of your weaknesses. Below 22 Managing your own business is not for you. You are better suited to an environment where you are not responsible for making decisions and taking risks. To operate successfully you need to follow well defined instructions and you prefer work that is both regular and predictable.
  a=4 b=2 c=0
  a=0 b=2 c=4
  a=4 b=2 c=0
  a=2 b=4 c=0
  a=4 b=0 c=2
  a=0 b=4 c=2
  a=2 b=4 c=0
  a=2 b=4 c=0
  a=0 b=2 c=4
  a=0 b=4 c=2
  a=2 b=4 c=0
  a=2 b=0 c=4
  a=2 b=4 c=0
  a=0 b=4 c=2
  a=4 b=2 c=0

Text A

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