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Forbidden motions and actions.
- throw a rival to his head; throw clutching the head with both hands (without clutching a hand or uniform of a participant attacked);
- intentionally hold rival’s mouth or nose, impeding breath;
- scratch, bite, pinch;
- twist or bend the neck, backbone of a rival backwards;
- press the head, body and throat of a rival with elbows and knees;
- clutch, press on or set arms and feet against groin and face (between eyebrows and mouth) of a rival;
- clutch fingers, hair, ears;
- perform “leveler” of a knee, bending leg not in the angle of its natural bend;
- perform painful or suffocating motion with a jerk;
- wrap the belt end or jacket tail around any part of a rival’s body;
- intentionally creep away of leave the area or to push out a rival;
- blow rival into grain, back, back of the head, parietal area, and joints against the natural bend;
- perform pokes and blows with fingers, palm, edge of a palm, open glove, head into face;
- blow into head with a knee or elbow from “laying combat” position;
- kick from “laying combat” position.
In youth category it is forbidden to blow the body of a rival against the surface, after lifting it from “laying on the back” position.
In case referees do not notice performance of a forbidden motion by one of the participants, the suffering part is allowed to give a signal by voice or gesture. False signal is considered and punished as a forbidden motion.
The following actions are also forbidden:
· clutching the edge or cover of the area;
· intentional disordering the uniform, taking off or throwing away any part of outfit, tying belt of bring uniform to order without referee’s permission;
· chatting between the participants.
Appendix № 2.
I ________________________________________________________________ regulations, rules and conditions of the III Combat Ju-Jutsu Open European Championship in held November 19-21, 2015. have read, agree and undertake to comply with them. I believe that I am physically and technically prepared for performances in this competition. In the case of my various injuries and even death, neither I nor any of my relatives, and my trustees claims against the organizers, judges and other persons related to the competition have not.
Passport number: _______________________________________________
" ____" _________________2014g. Signature ________________________
Appendix № 3.