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Some Features of Analysis of Political Discourse
This sub-chapter aims at introducing and explaining the basic methods and approaches of political discourse analysis. It is evident that such a task is a hard one and this thesis cannot explain thoroughly all aspects of political discourse analysis. It is thus more accurate to say that the attention is devoted to some of the features of political discourse analysis. Firstly, the tendency to map political speech is a domain of various disciplines which may be characterized by many studies focusing on different constitutive elements and using a variety of methods. It is, however, necessary to point out here that some of these studies and methods bear little or even no relation to any linguistic theory. For instance, content analysis, the goal of which is to map and count of themes in order to test hypotheses, is the branch of analysis typical for sociology, social psychology, media studies or political science (Handbook of Discourse Analysis 4: 43). As such, it has just little to do with linguistic theory; however, it is related to pragmatics and the tendencies in political speeches. A different level of power and its representation is one - and for our purpose very important - aspect of political speeches. It is necessary to differentiate between two approaches - the study of the power in discourse and the study of the power behind the discourse. The first approach is characterized by a discourse where relations of power are present; behind the face-to-face spoken discourse and the mass media discourse, this kind of power is exemplified in cross-cultural discourse where its participants belong to different ethnic and social Groupings. The second approach, the power behind the discourse, investigates how orders of discourse - as the dimension of social order of societies with their institutions are themselves influenced by relation of power (Fairclough 43). Symbolically, in order to depict social change in the most traditional manner it is necessary for discourse to speak a language which should be other than the rhetorical due to the fact that its referential aspect is marked by broader cultural and political significance. Deep analysis would reveal the power relations between competing actors who occupy a common action space (Skillington 496). It seems that between various types of discourse it is especially the political discourse that posses a pragmatic dimension because it studies the sign system and codes in terms of user relation as the significant focus of investigation. To say it, hopefully, more understandably, the focus is aimed at what language is actually used by different users. Thus, the investigation tries to find out user's consistent semantic and syntactic options in terms of the interactional strategies of individuals, groups and classes. And it is especially this aspect that differentiates the discourse analysis from traditional studies of syntax, semantics, language change, and variation which do not concern with it (Handbook of Discourse Analysis 4: 45).