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The pearly beach. П frost turnswater into ice

П Frost turns water into ice. □ His hair turned grey.

drop (v) (here) lose (money, especially in gambling or a risky enterprise) П He dropped 100 francs at the Casino last night.

run the show manage, supervise the undertaking shadier parts disreputable parts


Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:

1. What started the discussion at the club?

2. What opinions were given?

3. What was Jorkens' opinion?

4. Why did Jorkens have to go to a pawnshop?

5. What sort of man began talking to Jorkens after the latter came out of the pawnshop?

6. What information did Jorkens get from the drunken man?

7. How did he get down to carrying out his plan?

8. Who accompanied Jorkens on his voyage?

9. What did the beach look like?

10. What did Jorkens and his companions do when they reached the bay?

11. Why was Bill unwilling to fill more than one pocket?

12. What had Bill read about?

13. When did they arrive at Aden and what did they do there?

14. Why did they need cash?

15. Where did Bill take his companions in Port Said?

16. Why did Jorkens join them?

17. What sort of place did they come to?

18. Why did the downstairs room remind Jorkens of " a trail of grain over grass leading up to a trap"?

19. What sort of man ran the show upstairs?

20. Why did Jorkens lose his temper and what blunder did he make?

21. What was the next thing Jorkens remembered?

22. What steps did Jorkens take to find his pearls?


23. Why wasn't he able to insist on his charges?

24. What's the end of the story?

Ex. 2. Translate the following passages into Russian.

1. p. 144. From " Some said memory didn't matter so much..." to "...by any amount of looking into the future."

2. p. 144. From " 'Well, it was this way..." to "...what was left of my gold pin into my tie."

3. p. 145. From '" Well I jotted the latitude and longitude down..." to "...and had blurted the thing out."

4. p. 145. From " 'So T came to Aden..." to "...who they said would do very well."

5. p. 146. From " And at last we got there..." to "...all out of pure kindness."

6. p, 146. From " I shall never forget..." to "...how much that was of solid pearls."

7. p. 146. From " Well, of course there was nothing to do..." to "...a fear he had of growing too rich."

8. p. 147. From " 'And another thing he was very keen on..." to "...something a bit frightening about all that wealth."

9. p. 147. From " 'In little more than a fortnight..." to "...but Bill knew how to get some."

10. p. 148. From " 'Anyway we came to the house..." to "...than I'd been warned against."

11. p. 148. From '" The man's style irritated me." to "...in quite a funny small voice."

12. p. 149. From: '" I never saw Bill or the Portugee again." to "...I was never able to see."


Ex. 3. Translate all Vocabulary entries and examples.

Ex. 4. Give synonyms or explain in your own words the following:

to look forward; to put a name to smb; pretty good information; ruefully; to observe; barely; to have a secret; mind you; to head for; to fancy; queer; a


sailor; to alter; perfectly truthful; to brighten one's memory; peculiar; en­tirely; a curious thing; reasonable; to be frightened; a fortnight; terror; to get hold of smb; to turn up; small voice; to question.

Ex. 5. Paraphrase the italicized parts of the following sentences; translate them into Russian.

1. And at that Jorkens stepped in. 2. No, memory was the thing, he said; he could have made more by a good steady memory than by any amount of looking into the future. 3. I remember waiting till it was dark one winter's evening, so as to get to the pawnshop decently unobserved. 4. That put the financial position on a sound basis again. 5. What I was looking for was three sailors; I fancied we could do with that. 6. I saw his point. 7. The Portugee was quietly filling his pocket, but with an uneasy ear taking in all Bill's warnings. 8. The three of us took cabins on a large ship bound for London.

Ex. 6. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences with words and phrases from the text.

I. The most important thing, he believed, was a good memory. 2. 1 hastily wrote down the latitude and longitude and gave much thought to what he had said. 3. I was convinced that the man had not told me a lie (could he trusted). 4. At last we reached a very small bay with a white beach. 5. Bill couldn't be kept from playing cards. 6. The man was extremely anxious to win a considerable sum of money by playing cards. 7. I personally didn't care to play cards, but I didn 't want to let my friends go by themselves.

8. An unpleasant-looking man was in charge of the downstairs room.

9. " Got the money? " the Greek asked curtly, this made me angry. 10. He lost consciousness in the street.

Ex. 7. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

I. I thought his proposal... a lot before I made the final decision. 2. When we came... that harbor we decided first to go ashore and to look... while the others preferred to stay... board. 3. We all recognized the man at once but we could not put a name... him. 4. The ship turned homeward

... France and... little more than an hour it was completely...... our sight

5. What port is this ship bound...? 6. Though they tried to interrupt him several times, he stuck... his point during the whole conversation. 7. Has he altered his mind... this question? 8. Both men looked Spanish... me,


though they said that they came... Germany. 9. There was something strange... the whole situation. 10. I said that quite... a guess but it turned... to be right. 11. He used to be quite rich but he didn't take... our warnings about dealing... such sort... people and soon he went... pieces. 12- To be successful in business you should learn to look... and to watch

closely what is going...... you. 13. The mother asked her neighbours to

keep an eye... her children during her absence. 14. He looked... each of us ■ -■ turn... the air of contempt. 15. This staircase leads... the upstairs rooms which have not been ocuppied... years.

Ex. 8. a) Find in the text the following expressions. Use them in the

sentences below.

Внимательно наблюдать; действительно (на самом деле); вот как это случилось; короче говоря; ломбард; прислоняться (к); выболтать; бросить якорь; мельчайшие подробности; помножить (на); возбудить подозрения; каюта; мы можем себе это позволить; незаметно положить в карман; ставки; по очереди; кивнуть; выйти из себя; вытащить горсть; ничего общего с...; шишка на лбу; не говоря уже о...; прервать молчание; опознать; клясться; подкладка

1. Это не имеет ничего общего с темой нашего разговора. 2. Мы думали, он умеет хранить секреты, а, на самом деле, он очень скоро проболтался. 3. Короче говоря, он очень быстро вышел из себя и всё испортил. 4. Вот уже в течение нескольких лет я внимательно наблюдаю за ним и знаю мельчайшие подробности его карьеры. 5. Н.е прислоняйтесь к этой стене: её только что покрасили. 6. Он незаметно положил в карман деньги и вышел из магазина. 7. Если вы помножите длину этого зала на его ширину, вы узнаете его площадь. 8. Он ничего не сказал, просто кивнул головой. 9. Все видели вора и без труда опознали его. 10. Он оставался совсем без денег, и поэтому ему пришлось заложить вещи в ломбарде. 11, У этой куртки теплая подкладка, поэтому ты можешь носить её зимой. 12. Чтобы не возбудить подозрения, они решили не выходить из каюты. 13. Мы решили бросить якорь и сойти на берег. 14. Мы ничего не говорили в течение нескольких минут, но потом кто-то прервал молчание. 15. Они достаточно состоятельные люди, чтобы позволить себе это. 16. Они клялись, что никого не видели прошлой ночью. 17. После драки у него была большая шишка на лбу, не говоря уже о синяке под глазом.


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