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III. Word Study. Ex. 5. Translate all the Vocabulary entries and examples.

Ex. 5. Translate all the Vocabulary entries and examples.

Ex. 6. Paraphrase or explain in your own words:

present; avoid wasting money; a person who sells meat; a shopkeeper who sells dry and preserved foods, and other things for the home; have force, influence; an owner; money received regularly; become smaller, as from the effect of heat or water; become pale; take off; take on; a very valuable object; seek; take out of the pocket; have a look; pure, simple in design; show tact; hug; search for.

Ex. 7. Find in column В words opposite in meaning to those in column A.


1. save

2. accurate

3. bear in mind

4. prosperity

5. pride

6. dry

7. quickly

8. slender

9. rare 10. modest


a. wet

b. stout

с arrogant

d. selfishness

e. lustreless

f. clear

g. inexact

h. wastefulness

i. humility

j. forget


11. brilliant

12. blur

13. prudence

14. generosity

k. poverty

1. ordinary

m. waste

n. slowly


да. 8. Paraphrase the italicized parts of the following sentences. Trans­late them into Russian.

1. Now, when the income was shrunk to $20 the letters of " Dillingham" looked blurred. 2. Delia finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with a powder rag. 3. Suddenly she whirled from the window and stood before the glass. 4. On went her old brown jacket; on went her old brown hat. 5. She fluttered out the door and down the stairs to the street. 6. There was no other chain like this in any of the stores. 7. When Delia reached home her intoxication gave way a little to prudence and reason. S. She got out her clirling irons and lighted the gas and went to work. 9. Poor fellow, he was oiily twenty-two — and to be burdened with a family! 10. His eyes were fixed upon Delia, and there was an expression in them that she could not read, ajid it terrified her. 11. My hair grows awfully fast. 12. Maybe the hairs of fliy head were numbered. 13. Jim drew a package from his overcoat pocket. ]4. I don't think there's anything that could make me like my girl any less. l5- I hunted all over town to find it. 16. Jim tumbled down on the couch aiid put his hands under the back of his head and smiled.

Ex. 9. Choose a phrase from the list below that has the same meaning as the italicized phrase:

count; pile; collect; pant; possessor; anxious; in place of; fix up; laboriously; и'й//; crave; tresses; none the wiser; turn white; prosperity.

1. I was worried about the children when they didn't come home from school.

2. We must provide him with a job and a room in the hotel.

3. There is a heap of dirty clothes in the corner of your room.

She can't stand the heat, that is why she is breathing with difficulty.


5. When Jim saw the chain he became pale.


6. Everybody including Jim admitted her beauty.

7. I heard a low cry coming from the corner.

8. Will you go to the party instead o/me?

9. When he worked it was a period of good fortune and success in money matters.

10. I have some problems with money and I awfully want your help.

11. They had only two treasures — Delia's long hair and Jim's watch.

12. I'm sure he'll know no more even if I tell him the truth.

13. I used to gather seashells as a hobby, but now I gather stamps.

14. He was shocked and spoke with difficulty.

Ex. 10. Translate the sentences paying special attention to the meaning of the italicized words and phrases from the Vocabulary.

1. Jason merely shook his head, walked out of the building, climbed into his car and drove north. 2. Out in the street, they tossed hand grenades to distract the arriving gendarmes, leapt into their car, and sped toward the seaport. 3. Let's hope it's our only one, Yoni thought as he leapt out of the aircraft on to the tarmac to confer with Zvi, who was riding in the second plane. 4. He didn't add that it was a rare opportunity to make a quantum leap ahead in his career. 5. Danny suddenly leapt to his feet and began to pace the room. 6. And George soon discovered that his wife had a remark­able gift for " party politics". 7. You're strong, you're independent, you're a gifted lawyer. 8. Despite being Washington born and bred, I'm still an optimist. 9. He bore me no malice since he understood that I was a victim of my own upbringing. 10. You could have been born with this condition, which has only now surfaced. 11. I mean, he'd dedicated himself to a cause and sacrificed a lot of'the glittering prizes. 12. Do you understand what it means to sacrifice your youth for nothing. 13. Haven't you sacrificed enough of your life? 14. This building is to honour the sacrifice of Harvard sons who died to defend the dignity of man. 15. You barely even trust yourself. That's your problem, George. 16. He couldn't bear the tension. 17. Danny was a born-again workaholic. 18. They worked themselves to such exhaustion that they barely had the strength to drive home. 19. I would have done anything to help you — even strangle Tony with my bare hands. 20. Then how can we fix this damn thing (his arm) so I can get back to work. Weisman paused and then answered softly, " Mr Rossi, I would be less than honest if I told you we could 'yb; " your condition." 21. The mustard — colored wall-paper was peeling- She pulled away an edge of it, and underneath was the same marble. 22. At this juncture, he thought he saw a sparkle in the young

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