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Vocabulary. apologize(vi) - извиняться You must apologize to your sister for being so rude

apologize (vi) - извиняться You must apologize to your sister for being so rude. apology (n) - извинение offer/make/ accept an apology apologetic (adj) - извиняющийся, оправдывающийся He wrote an apologetic letter.

puzzle (vt, vi) - 1) - озадачивать, ставить в тупик He was puzzled what to do next. His unexpected disappearance puzzles me 2) - puzzle sth out разобраться, разгадать, найти решение3) - puzzle over sth - ломать голову над чем-то puzzle (n) - трудный вопрос, проблема, загадка.

solve (vt) - разрешать, решать (проблему, задачу) solve a crossword puzzle/ an equation solution (n) - решение, разрешение Economy might be the solution to/of your financial problems. They found a good solution to the problem.

introduce 1) - вносить, предлагать на рассмотрение; вводить; ввозить (into) He introduced new ideas into their business. Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America. 2) - представлять, знакомить He introduced me to his parents. The chairman introduced the lecturer to the audience. introduction (n) - 1) [U] - (официальное) представление, знакомство a letter of introduction - рекомендательное письмо It was necessary to make introductions all around. 2) [C] - предисловие, введение, вступление ‘An introduction to Greek Grammar’ 3) - введение, внедрение the introduction of a new fashion The introduction of the new method of work sped up production introductory - вступительный, вводный an introductory lecture/chapter/article etc.

postpone (vt) - откладывать, отсрочивать postpone a meeting /sending an answer to a request They agreed to postpone the discussion till a later date postponement (n) - отсрочка They received the goods after numerous postponements.

patience (n) [U] - терпение I haven’t the patience to hear your complaints again. She has no patience with people who are always grumbling. Phr be out of patience with sb - потерять терпение try/ tax sb’s patience - испытывать чье-либо терпение patient (adj) - терпеливый be (im)patient with children patient (n) - пациент, больной he is an old patient of doctor Smith

detail (n) - подробность, делать Please, give me all the details. Don’t omit a singe detail. Phr go into details - вдаваться в подробности; explain sth in detail - объяснить что-либо подробно

connect (vt, vi) - соединять, связывать, сочетать The two towns are connected by a railway. Mr Brown has been connected with the firm for many years. I can’t connect these two facts in my mind. I always connect the colour blue with being sad because the ‘blues’ are a sad kind of music. connection (n) - связь, соединение, (связующее) общее How long will the connection of the new telephone take? What is the connection between the two ideas? Phr in connection with - в связи с Themeetingis in connection with a proposal to build a new swimming-pool. in this/that connection - в этой связи

exhibit (vt) - экспонировать, показывать, выставлять exhibit paintings/ cars/ flowers He is a young painter who has not exhibited his works. exhibition (n) - выставка, показ An exhibition of flowers is held at the Botanical Gardens. Phr on exhibition - на выставке exhibit (n) - экспонат Do not touch the exhibits.

sign (vt) - 1) подписывать ~ a document/ a letter/ a cheque/ one’s name Please sign on the dotted line. 2) - подаватьзнак, выражатьжестом The policeman signed (for) them to stop. sign (n) 1) - признак, примета Are dark clouds a sign of rain? There are signs of suffering on her face. 2) - знак, жест She put her finger to her lips as a sign to be quiet; a sign-language signature (n) - подпись Put your signature here and here, please.


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