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VOCABULARY. businessn – бизнес, компания

asset (s) n – актив(ы)

business n – бизнес, компания

to start/set up a ~

to operate / run a ~

to dissolve a ~

bankruptcy n – банкротство

board n – совет

~ of directors – совет директоров

chairman n (president / chief executive officer (CEO) n – председатель, президент

charter n – устав

demise n – прекращение существования

be in charge of – руководить, быть ответственным

company n – компания

limited ~ (Ltd) – закрытая акционерная компания с ограниченной ответственностью (ЗАО)

public limited (plc)~ – открытая компания с ограниченной ответственностью (ООО)

director n – директор

financial ~ – финансовый директор

managing ~ – управляющий директор

marketing ~ – директор по маркетингу

production ~ – руководитель производства

entity n – субъект

flotation n – размещение (займа)

liabilities n – пассивы, обязательства

liability n – ответственность, обязательство

manager n – руководитель

purchasing ~ – начальник отдела снабжения

personnel ~ – начальник отдела кадров

advertising ~ – руководитель рекламного отдела

home sales ~ – управляющий сбытом на внутреннем рынке

public relations ~ – руководитель по связям с общественностью

overseas sales ~ – управляющий экспортными операциями

merger n – слияние; объединение фирм в одну новую фирму

partner n – партнер

partnership n – партнерство

predator n – хищник (тж. перен.)

proprietor n – предприниматель, собственник

proprietorship n – собственность

sole ~ – единоличное предпринимательство

stock exchange n – фондовая биржа

strip v – (зд.) избавляться (от активов)

takeover n 1) взятие под свой контроль и управление 2) поглощение компании

~ bid - предложение о поглощении

hostile ~ bid– враждебное’ предложение о поглощении

underwriter n - гарант размещения выпуска ценных бумаг




· AGM (annual General Meeting) – a meeting held by public limited companies to which shareholders are invited in order to vote on resolutions and the election or re-election of board of directors.

· Assets of a company are all the things that it owns. The size of the company is measured in terms of its assets.

· Current assets generally consist of cash, marketable securities, receivables, inventories and prepayments. They can be converted into cash within one year.

· ‘Dawn raids’ – is the time when the predator, or its agents, start buying shares in the target company as soon as the market opens in the morning, in the hope that they can catch the market by surprise and accumulate enough shares quickly without anyone quite realizing that a takeover is in the offing.

· Fixed assets are assets which a company uses on a continuous basis such as property and machinery.

· Flotation – the process of becoming a public limited company as the shares of the company are ‘floated’ on the stock market.

· Holding company is a company that has enough shares in one or more other companies to be able to control the other companies.

· Liabilities are the sums of money which it owes.

· Limited company is a company that does not issue shares for public subscription and whose owners are legally responsible for only a part of any money that it may owe if it goes bankrupt.

· Merger is the joining together of two separate companies or organizations so that they become one.

· Partnership is a relationship in which two or more people, business or industries work together as partners.

· Predator – a company attempting to buy up another firm in a hostile takeover bid.

· Public company – is a limited company whose shares may be purchased by the public and traded freely on the open market.

· Sole proprietor is a person who owns his own business and does not have a partner or any shareholders.

· Takeover is the act of gaining control of a company by buying more of its shares than anyone else.

· Underwriter is a financial advisor which guarantees to buy any shares that are unsold from the original application process.

· ‘ White knight’ is a friendly company with which a hunted company would prefer to merge.

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