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Grammar Revision


Ex.1. Translate the word combinations into Russian.

- go on using professional help;

- stop stuttering;

- finish identifying problems;

- like changing of meaning;

- admit having distinguished each person;

- deny recognizing their voices;

- forget hearing his songs;

- regret involving them into the play;

- remember attracting attention.

Ex.2. Tell the Gerund from the Participle I. Underline the Gerund with one line and the Participle I with two ones. Explain the function of the Gerund.

1. Stuttering is a disturbance of rhythm and fluency of speech. 2. In discussing individual sounds it is desirable to have an alphabet. 3. The following list gives the chief sounds of English with a phonetic alphabet in parentheses to indicate them. 4. Owing to the fact that the symptoms are the same or similar, it is convenient to include under “lisping” several different speech disorders. 5. The contact of the tongue with the hard palate in producing sounds may be studied by palatography. 6. Stop doing it in such a way! 7. The girl writing all the words properly could avoid agraphia. 8. Far more extensive recording a cast of the roof of the persons mouth is made, either with dental molding compound or with plaster.


Ex.3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Gerund where necessary.

1. Прослушав запись, они смогли слово в слово воспроизвести все, что сказал логопед. 2. При произнесении звуков родного языка дети шести месяцев уже могут слушать себя. 3. Когда дети перестают картавить, они лучше понимают изучаемый материал, лучше пишут и читают. 4. Чтение вслух чрезвычайно полезно при дислексии. 5. В процессе овладения речью может происходить нарушение фонологического, морфологического, синтаксического, семантического, просодического и прагматического аспектов речи. 6. Когда мы имеем дело с маленькими детьми, часто еще не ясно, есть ли у них расстройство языковых функций или нет.

Ex.4. Translate into English using both the Gerund and the Participle I.

1. Он подошел к молодой девушке, изучающей расписание. 2. Будучи упрямым, ребенок с трудом общался со сверстниками. 3. Будучи в Москве, не забудь навестить профессора Петровского. 4. Студент, написавший этот реферат, учится в нашей группе. 5. Отцу пришлось прекратить кричать на сына. 6. Ему не хотелось проходить через эти испытания снова. 7. Когда ты перестанешь заниматься по ночам? 8. После двух часов непрерывного чтения мы научились произносить эти слова.


Ex.5. Put the words in brackets into the correct form using the Participle I or the Gerund.

1. (to write) the word sometimes, she managed (to keep in mind) the spelling of it. 2. (to lisp) is a form of speech disorder when a person can’t pronounce words properly. 3. I wrote out all the mistakes (to make) by him, in order to improve his spelling. 4. The speech language pathologist made up some exercises for (to practice) difficult sounds. 5. The students (to fulfill) their project ahead of time were (to invite) to take part in the conference. 6. (to miss) two classes the pupil could hardly understand the teacher’s explanation. 7. I am ashamed of not (to cope) with such an easy test. 8. He stopped (to smoke). 9. Special psychologists and teachers have succeeded in (to help) children with disturbance. 10. Martin’s mother was surprised at his (to accuse) of bad conduct. 11. He is proud of (to bring) his brother back to Canada. 12. They insisted on (to interfere) into their friends’ plans.

Ex.6. Read and translate the text. Tell the Gerund from the Participle I.

Twin analyses of the genome are realized by two leading journals Nature and Science. Both issues also are packed with the reports looking at what the genome tells us about ourselves and how we differ from other organisms on Earth.

And the genome is the perfect place to look. If aincient Greeks talked of the " Great Chain of Being", the genome is it and in a form that the aincient could hardly have imagined – a spiraling chain of chemicals running through every living being. In humans the chain is vast, " 25 times larger than the sum of all such genomes" a report says.

Probably the most intriguing question to emerge from the analyses is this: How do relatively few genes build and maintain an organism as complex as a human with 90 000 to 300 000 proteins and 100 trillion highly specialized cells?

Venter, whose firm challenged the publicly funded international sequencing project by exploiting a clever, automated technique called " whole genome shortgun sequencing", says the answer, promises to topple a hallowed principle of thye gene world: " one gene (makes) one protein".


Ex.7. Think of sentences usin the following verb combinations with the prepositions and the Gerund.

Example: to be fond of + gerund

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