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Exercise 37. Tick the following sentences that are acceptable. Correct the others.


1 Did Mozart have an unhappy childhood?

2 After interesting travel to Los Angeles, he wanted to live in the USA.

3 An undiagnosed illness in his twenties has left him with virtually no hairs.

4 We learn many things throughout the life.

5 Her face shone with an unearthly beauty.


Exercise 38. Translate into English:


1. Улітку необхідно їсти багато фруктів. 2. Його волосся вже зовсім сиве! 3. Я не міг увійти до саду, оскільки ворота були зачинені. 4. Ці новини не дуже цікаві. 5. Ваші поради мені дуже допомогли. 6. Чиї це гроші? 7. Він досяг значних успіхів у сфері науки. 8. Його одяг зовсім новий. 9. Неподалік знаходиться сталеливарний завод. 10. Товар ще не прибув. 11. Експорт цього товару значно знизився. 12. Зміст цього листа був несподіваним. 13. У цій статті ви знайдете цифри експорту та імпорту Італії за останні три місяці. 14. Фірма повідомила, що на експорт цього товару потрібно мати ліцензію. 15. Ми отримали важливі відомості стосовно його місцезнаходження.


1. Іменник у присвійному відмінку слугує означенням до іншого іменника і відповідає на запитання whose? чий?, позначаючи приналежність предмета. Форму присвійного відмінка мають іменники, що позначають істот. Виключення становлять:

1) іменники, що позначають час та відстань: He had a month’s holiday last summer. He lives at a kilometer’s distance from here;

2) іменники, що позначають країни, міста, судна, а також слова world, country, city, ship: America’s achievements in space are astounding. World’s greatest magic show is about to start! The ship’s crew stood on deck;

3) деякі прислівники часу: yesterday’s conversation;

4) сталі вирази: for order’s sake (заради порядку), at a stone’s throw (за два кроки) etc.

2. Присвійний відмінок утворюється шляхом додавання закінчення s до іменника в однині та до іменника у множині, який не має закінчення – s: the girl’s hat, the children’s toys. До іменника у множині із закінченням – s додається тільки апостроф ’: the girls’ hats.


3. У складених іменників закінчення s додається до другого слова: the commander-in- chief’s order.


4. Якщо власниками предмета є дві або більше осіб, то закінчення присвійного відмінка додається до останнього іменника: Peter and Helen’s flat is large.


5.Якщо іменник у присвійному відмінку є власною назвою, то артикль не ставиться: Kate’s flat.


6. Два іменника у присвійному відмінку не можуть слідувати один за одним, тому другий іменник замінюється на іменник з прийменником of: He is the father of my sister’s husband, а не He is my sister’s husband’s father.


7. Слова house, office, shop часто пропускаються після іменника у присвійному відмінку у прийменникових зворотах, що виражають обставину місця: I dined at my friend’s (house). She went to the baker’s (shop).


Exercise 39. Change of-phrases into -’s form where it is possible:

1. The new club of the workers. 2. The poems of Schevchenko. 3. The clothes of the boys. 4. The walls of the room. 5. The plays of Shakespeare.6. The voice of his sister. 7. The orders of the Commander-In-Chief. 8. The pages of the book. 9. The watch of my friend Peter. 10. The birthday of my daughter Helen. II. The parents of all the other boys. 12. The boats of the fishermen. 13. The opinion of the lawyer. 14. The signature of Mr. Brown. 15. The offer of the seller. 16. The conclusions of the expert.


Exercise 40. Translate into English paying attention to the possessive case:


1. Кімната твого друга велика? – Ні, вона маленька, але дуже світла і простора. 2. Ви не відповіли на запитання Євгена вчора. 3. Дружина вашого друга знає німецьку мову? – Так, вона добре володіє нею. 4. Чиї це зошити? – Це зошити наших студентів. 5. Ви знаєте друзів вашого сина? – Так, ми їх всіх знаємо. 6. Як звуть вашу подругу? 7. У вас є карта Європи? 8. Сестра дружини мого брата працює на цьому підприємстві. 9. Ми ще не отримали відповіді покупців. 10. Чоловік моєї сестри Олени поїхав до Києва. 11. Я провів тиждень у друга моєї матері, який живе у Лондоні. 12. Жіночий голос десь поруч тихо промовив моє ім’я. 13. Це було рішення досвідченої людини. 14. У сьогоднішній вечірній газеті є стаття Пітера на цю тему.


Exercise 41. Explain the formation and pronunciation of the plural form of the italicized nouns:


As we sailed up the River Hudson towards the cities of New York and Brooklyn, we experienced a sensation which is, I think common to all travellers who come to the end of their voyage:

Many people have tried to analyse this emotion, and I have read many such analyses but none have ever really satisfied me.

The buildings stood out against the skyline like enormous boxes of matches stuck on end. The houses and churches were completely dwarfed by them. As we went up the river, we examined it all with our glasses. It seemed as if each building brushed the skies.

There were a lot of ships in the river mouth. They were bringing cargoes from all over the world - cargoes of meat and potatoes and mangoes, of machines and toys and many other things. They carried silks from China and teas from India as well. They flew the colours of almost every seafaring nation on the globe.

Armies of customs-officials, port-authorities and others, came on board. The passengers were paraded before the port doctor. He was a huge fat man. The first class passengers filed before him as solemn as oxen. Most of the third class passengers stood waiting their turn as quiet as mice, though some were as noisy as a flock of geese. They carried their savings in knotted handkerchiefs, and the rest of their belongings in bundles. Many seemed to have completely lost their bearings in their new and strange surround­ings and seemed as bewildered as sheep, while their wives and children stared around like startled deer.

There seemed to be varying criteria for the treatment of pas­sengers by the immigration authorities, according to the class in which they travelled. Those of the third were examined for [ice and other vermin, regardless of their feelings. And if a single louse was found, the individual was taken to Ellis Island, where there were plenty of delousing apparatuses. Our American breth­ren do nothing by halves, and do not care sixpence for anybody's opinions of their methods.

We landed with every manifestation of high spirits and the customs people examined our effects. The hangers-on stared at us as though we were curious phenomena.

On the day we landed, the news got around that an armistice had been signed, and New York was beside itself with joy. Nobody then guessed how many world crises would follow in the years to come; and what small consolation there would be for the men who had performed their duties like heroes in a “war to end war”.


Exercise 42. Choose between a singular or a plural verb to use it in the follow­ing sentences:

1. We were at the head of the valley and below us we saw an old house. " This is where my family (to live), " he said.

2. Con's family (to be) in the process of having tea when we arrived.

3. All the family (to be) gathered to see the dog.

4. My family who (to be) occupied each with their particular guest did not notice anything.

5. Monty's family (to be) of about the same social status as my own.

6. When the family (to be) alone she often read to them before going to bed.

7. Do you know what the family (to get) into their heads about this business?

8. The police (to know) about him for years.

9. Everybody says the Swiss police (to be) great at finding people.

10.The police (to be) not fools. That man did not believe a word of what I said.

11.The police (to call) and a sergeant and a constable arrived.

12.The public (not to think) so.

13. The public (to request) not to leave litter in these woods.

l4. As Alan appeared, the crew had quit their loading and (to be) assembled along the rail.

15.There (to be) two fish in his basket.

16.That evening the net was so heavy that he could hardly draw it into the boat. " Surely I have caught all the fish that (to Swim), " he said to himself and laughed.

17.When he came the baseball team (to practise) on the school field.

l8. The team (to have) baths at the moment and then (to come) back here for tea.

19. The team (to play) tomorrow morning.

20. The summons (to be) already overdue.

21.The ashes (to be) still hot.

22. The job is unpaid, but a number of persons (to be) willing to undertake it.

23.There (to be) important information in the letter.

24. The clergy (to be) generally dressed in black.

25. The Government (to discuss) the matter for a long time bUt they have shown no signs of reaching agreement.

26. The Government (to decide) to pass the bill.

27. He was reserved concerning himself but a fluent talker when

politics (to be) under discussion.

28. Politics always (to interest) me.

29. Ethics (to be) a difficult study.

30. The company (to find) shelter from the rain in the village inn. They are going to have lunch there.

31. In the meantime the young couple (to be) to live in the old house.

32. That day the committee (to be) to meet at her friend's house.

33. I had to find out whether the committee (to be) competent enough to consider the project.

34. The committee (to be) of the opinion that the matter should be dealt with at once.

35. Close by, a group of men (to sit). They kept the waiter busy with their orders.

36.A group of students (to go) on a tour to Slovakia in summer.

37.The board (to be) extraordinarily kind to you.

38. The board (to be) going to consider your application at the next sitting.

39. There (to be) a few little craft anchored in the harbour.

40. The staff (to be) all gathered in the main office when I came.

41. His staff (to be) very small. I don't know how he managed to do any business at all.

42. You've bought yourself a nice car. Your money (to be) well spent.

43. His advice always (to be) useful to me.


Exercise 43. Write the correct form of the possessive case:

1. He sis not want to impose his sorrow on his ________(friends) pleasure.

2. Wormwood Shrubs is a first ________ (offenders) prison.

3. The estate where they were to spend the week-end belonged to a cousin of ________ (Andrew).

4. Otto turned up at ________ (Arthur) about a week later.

5. It was ________ Robin's turn now to be annoyed with what he felt to be the boy's stubbornness.

6. Annie turned great frightened ________ (doll) eyes upon him.

7. In stressingher________ (mother-in-law) peasant originshe found it easier to disregard her.

8. A________ (professor) life is little better than a high-grade________ (clerk) nowadays.

9. She did not ask him anything because she knew a ________ (sister) place.

10. The street had not changed. There was the ________ (baker) at the cor­ner, and there was the ________ (butcher) with the gilt oxhead on the signboard.

11. I'm sure you know far more than they do about their ________ (country) history.

12. The ________ (sun) rays refracted in an intense glare from the chalk­white cliffs.

13. He looked expectantly at Maria, but she dilated her ________ (camel) nostrils slightly and said: " I don't give blank cheques."

14. It was a habit of ________ (John) not to tell you things and then assume that you knew all about them.


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