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Exercises ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
1. a) Listen to the recording of Text One and mark the stresses and tunes, 2. Consult a dictionary, transcribe the following words and practise their pro- vaultlike, dais, atmosphere, powder-magazine, disorderliness, pleasant-faced, deliberately, uncanny, outrageously, facetiousness, armoury, assembly, subtly, clever-looking, impudently, penalty, congratulate, fulsomely, ordeal, prefect, execution 3. Read the following word combinations paying attention to assimilation and on the dais, watched the school straggling to their places; but there was an atmosphere of subdued expectancy; the boys stared about them; at the far end of the hall; consulted the map; by counting down the rows discovered the boy's name; when the laughter subsided; in the front row but one; again the assembly laughed; who dropped the desk-lid; but that you put them off; and they tell me; in their armchairs 4. Read the passage beginning with " Speed was very nervous..." till "...he was eager for the storm to break"; concentrate your attention on weak forms and the rhythm. 5. While reading the following dialogues mind the intonation of the stimuli and responses and convey proper attitudes according to the author's directions given in the text: A. When the laughter subsided, a lean, rather clever-looking boy rose up in the front row but one and said, impudently: " Please sir, I'm Worsley. I didn't do anything." Speed replied promptly: " Oh, didn't you? Well, you've got a hundred lines, anyway." " What for, sir" — in hot indignation. " For sitting in your wrong desk." [19] В. " And what's your name? " asked Speed. " Naylor, sir." " Very well, Naylor, you and Worsley can share the hundred lines between you." He added smiling: " I've no doubt you're neither of you worse than anybody else but you must pay the penalty of being pioneers.'' They went away laughing. 6. Read the text and consider its following aspects. a) Comment upon the choice of words in: watched the school straggling to their places (why not " walking, coming"?); the boys stared about them (why not " looked"?); there was some tittering (why not " laughter"?); the whole assembly roared with laughter (why not " the whole school laughed"?) b) Explain: there was a sense in which he was eager for the storm to break: I don't want to be hard on anybody; a class had ragged a certain Master; you put them off c) What stylistic devices are used in the sentences beginning with " Speed felt rather as if..." and " Instinct in him..."? Explain their purpose and effect. Comment on the fitness of the comparisons. d) Indicate the use of formal (learned) words and colloguialisms. Explain their purpose. e) What words and phrases give atmosphere to the description? Select descriptive details that contribute to the realism of the fragment. f) Point out the climax of the episode. Give reasons for your choice. g) Do you think that there are sentences where the author is over-emphatic? Select them and criticize or justify the emphasis. 7. Copy out from Text One the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases and translate them into Russian. 8. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases: 1. Our life in the house followed a quiet pattern. 2. The scheme was soon put into operation. 3. She turned sharply to meet his glance. Suddenly she felt a pang of pity. No, she could not be cru- [20] el to him. 4. It was hard to tell where you stood with Eddy and I was careful not to become a laughing-stock for his pals. 5. He was arrested by her face immediately, so gentle it looked in the crowd. 6. He looked up in the telephone-directory but there was no telephone listed under his name. 7. When the white figure emerged at the window, there was a spooky silence, but in a moment we recognized George and burst into laughter. 8. He tried to get rid of me 9. Compose short situations in dialogue form for each of the given word combinations and phrases. Mind their stylistic peculiarities. Use proper intonation means in the stimuli and responses. 10. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations 1. Обстоятельства помешали им привести свой план в исполнение. 2. Учитель говорил тихим голосом, но его было хорошо слышно. 3. Сказав это, он понял, что поставил себя в глупое положение. 4. Услышав эту шутку, все разразились громким смехом. 5. Какое расстояние отсюда до города? — Я не знаю. Посмотри по карте. 6. После этого весь судебный процесс проходил без единого происшествия. 7. Спид знал, что молодой учитель должен с самого начала утвердить свой авторитет (to gain a firm standing), и поэтому он сразу поставил мальчиков на место, когда они стали плохо вести себя. 8. Она отделалась от него шуткой (with a jest). 9. Я не хочу, чтобы ты поставил себя в глупое положение. 10. Герберт не обращал внимания на то, что она говорила. 11. Все знали, что Фэти пользуется шпаргалками, но никто не обращал на это внимания. 12. Не будь с ней так сурова, она не виновата. 13. Узнав о случившемся, отец сурово обошелся с сыном. 11. Answer the following guestions: 1. What was Speed conscious of when he took his seat on the dais? How did the boys behave? 2. What was the first breach of discipline during the prep? 3. Do you think Speed's reaction to the breach of discipline was correct? 4. Was he conscious of the risks he ran? What 12. Ask each other questions covering the text. Mind the intonation of interrogative sentences to convey proper attitudes. Models: a) Do you think the boys liked Speed's answer? Who do you think warned him? etc. b) When was it that tittering began? How was it that Speed won the respect of the boys? 13. Study the vocabulary notes and translate the examples into Russian. 14. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics: A. 1. Subduing a wilful child is not an easy task. 2. Both Hope and the Professor were rather subdued, not guite their customary selves. 3. In the large dimness of the hall they sat together, for three hours very conscious of each other. 4. I've never suspected you to be so dress-conscious. 5. Largs gave hem one of his infreguent but disarming grins, which suddenly turned him into an over-size small boy out for a lark. 6. Mamma is smiling with all her might. In fact Mr. Newcome says... " that woman grins like a Cheshire cat." 7.1 paid attention to the orderly placing of furniture in the room. 8. Mrs. Ernest Weldon wandered about the orderly living-room, giving it some of those little feminine touches. 9. He was a man of unusually conscientious, industrious and orderly mind, with little imagination. 10. He thought of it as he contemplated the small orderliness of the cabin against the window background of such frantic natural scenery. 11. He came mincing forward, almost swooned at the sight of so many staring faces but bravely recovered himself, and then began hissing at them like an outraged serpent. 12. And as Lady Foxfield stepped back a pace and appeared to swell up with outraged dignity, Bessy grabbed half a dozen balls of wool and hurled them straight at her. 13. The pictures on the walls of the room were an outrageous challenge to good taste. 14. The fascist invaders committed numerous B. 1. The words may have been the usual conventional stuff, but they neatly fitted a fine marching tune. 2. He gave the egg a neat rap on the table and peeled it scrupulously. 3. He was neat in his dress; [22] he went to work in quiet grey trousers, a black coat and a bowler hat. 4. Her coat was pretty old, but neat as a new pin. 5. But he would have worried more about all this if he had not been so busy worrying about how to keep his senses, his wits and his manhood intact on the back of that infernal motorcycle. 6. " I have here the figures of the annual expenditure of the company in wages." — " Keep 'em. Don't want figures. No use addling our wits with a lot of nonsensical figures." 7. Throughout all this my lord was like a cold, kind spectator with his wits about him. 8. Nick possessed that ability sometimes found in an 15. Translate the following sentences to revise the different meanings of the a) Translate into Russian: 1. He is under orders to start for India next week. 2. The general drew up his troops in order. 3. You may get these books by money [23] order. 4. He has always been distinguished by intellectual ability of high order. 5. The disorders in the city detained him long. 6. I've come b) Translate into English: 1. Председатель призвал его к порядку. 2. Он дал указание немедленно приступить к работе. 3. По приказу судьи его вывели из зала. 4. Мы разложили книги по степени их важности. 5. Все эти товары в полном порядке. 6. Он остановился в дверях, чтобы рассмотреть всех получше. 7. Машина испортилась, но они думали, что шофер нарочно тянет время (to play for time). 8. После налета грабителей комната была в большом беспорядке. 9. Вражеские войска в беспорядке отступали. 10. Ее одежда и волосы были в беспорядке. 16. Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary 1. Спид отчетливо сознавал, что такой шаг опасен, но решил рискнуть. 2. Ему удалось установить тишину, но в классе чувствовалось сдержанное волнение. 3. Он отлично справляется со своей работой. Это очень добросовестный, опытный рабочий. 4. Увидев, что все в полном порядке, он выразил улыбкой свое одобрение. 5. Несмотря на шум во время перемены, мы услышали их приглушенные голоса за стеной. 6. Она так устала, что даже не почувствовала боли. 7. Что ты там ухмыляешься? Иди и помоги нам. 8. Я не могу простить ему его наглости. Я хочу, чтобы он немедленно уехал. 9. Не было сомнения, что за его широкой улыбкой скрывалась обида. Я поняла, что его задели ее слова. 10. Речь Спида на прощальном обеде так и искрилась остроумными шутками. 11. Его откровенная усмешка вызвала у всех возмущение. 12. Когда он собрался с мыслями, он понял, что дети хотели подшутить над ним. 13. Это был спокойный, методичный человек, лет 50. 14. Она совершенно растерялась и не знала, как поступить в этой сложной обстановке. 15. Урок был хорошо организован, и учительнице удалось овладеть вниманием учеников с самого начала. 16. Его непринужденность и остроумие создавали ту приятную обстановку взаимопонимания, которая [24] необходима в любом обществе. 17. Он был арестован за нарушение общественного порядка. 18. Как он остроумен! Обратите внимание на его точные ответы и быструю реакцию. 19. Его наглость и возмутительное поведение вызвали всеобщий гнев. 20. На ней было скромное, но изящное платье, и комната ее была 17. Write a one-page precis of Text One. 18. Give a summary of Text One. 19. Relate the incident that took place during the preps at Millstead from the point of view of: a) Speed who tells it to his colleague Clanwell in a facetious way; convey proper attitudes by using adequate intonation means; b) one of the boys who took part in the ragging of the new teacher; the boy is excited and somewhat frightened; use proper intonation means; c) Clanwell whose attitude to the whole incident is disapproving. 20. Write an entry in Speed's imaginary diary describing the episode. 21. Reread Text One to answer the following questions on its style. a) How is the atmosphere of uneasiness and suspense created and maintained? b) What are the outstanding qualities of the language of the extract? c) Does the extract appeal to you? If so, why? If not, give well-founded criticism. [25]
Практический курс английского языка 5 курс. /Под ред. Аракина В.Д. – М.: ВЛАДОС, 1999. С. 13 – 25 Scan & OCR by
* here planes (Air Force slang)