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Petroleum Refining Operations


Petroleum refining begins with the distillation, or fractionation, of crude oils into separate hydrocarbon groups. The resultant products are directly related to the characteristics of the crude processed. Most distillation products are further converted into more usable products by changing the size and structure of the hydrocarbon molecules through cracking, reforming, and other conversion processes as discussed in this chapter. These converted products are then subjected to various treatment and separation processes such as extraction, hydrotreating, and sweetening to remove undesirable constituents and improve product quality. Integrated refineries incorporate fractionation, conversion, treatment, and blending operations and may also include petrochemical processing.

Petroleum refining processes and operations can be separated into five basic areas:

1. Fractionation (distillation) is the separation of crude oil in atmospheric and vacuum distillation towers into groups of hydrocarbon compounds of differing boiling-point ranges called " fractions" or " cut s."

2. Conversion processes change the size and/or structure of hydrocarbon molecules. These processes include:

3. Decomposition (dividing) by thermal and catalytic cracking;

4. Unification (combining) through alkylation and polymerization; and

5. Alteration (rearranging) with isomerization and catalytic reforming.

Treatment processes are intended to prepare hydrocarbon streams for additional processing and to prepare finished products. Treatment may include the removal or separation of aromatics and naphthenes as well as impurities and undesirable contaminant s. Treatment may involve chemical or physical separation such as dissolving, absorption, or precipitation using a variety and combination of processes including desalting, drying, hydrodesulfurizing, solvent refining, sweetening, solvent extraction, and solvent dewaxing.

Слова для сдачи наизусть:

  1. petroleum ref i ning - переработка нефти; очистка нефти и нефтепродуктов
  2. s e parate groups - различные / обособленные группы
  3. res u ltant products - продукты, получаемые в результате каких-л. процессов
  4. related to smth. - относящийся к; имеющий отношение к чему-л.
  5. u sable - пригодный для использования; пригодный к эксплуатации
  6. subj e ct to smth. - подвергать чему-л.
  7. tr ea tment - технологическая обработка
  8. undes i rable const i tuents - нежелательные компоненты
  9. blending - смешивание (различных сортов нефти)
  10. cuts - светлые фракции при разгонке
  11. alteration (rearranging) - изменение (химического состава / структуры)
  12. imp u rities - примеси
  13. cont a minant - загрязняющее вещество
  14. dissolving - растворение
  15. absorption - поглощение промывочной жидкости; потеря циркуляции
  16. precipitation - выделение осадка
  17. solvent refining - очистка селективными растворителями; селективная очистка
  18. solvent dewaxing - депарафинизация растворителями


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