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Explain the meaning of the italicized phrases.Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
Find the English equivalents of the following expressions in the text and produce the Situations in which they occur.
пойти на компромисс дойти до сути презирать за посвятить себя ч-т кануть в неизвестность вывести из себя из уважения к выдержать проверку временем иметь значение упрямый зазнавшийся считать за общаться с легкомысленный человек мастер на все руки возражать против
Explain the following word combinations in English. Explain the meaning of the italicized phrases. 1. He looked the picture of health. 2. Oh, yes, they’re the flash in the pans. I’ve known them. 3.The old man was pestered with people who wanted to see him an she had to husband his strength. 4. … and of course Meredith has gone all to pot and Carlyle was a pretentious windbag.
5. Speak about: a) the people of early years b) the narrator’s childhood c) the natives of Blackstable d) the narrator’s first impressions of Driffield e) the attitude of Blackstable people to Driffield and his wife.
6. Translate and comment on the folloing saying with reference to the novel: Evil communications corrupt good manners.