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Home Reading # 3 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Letters and Documents (2) Then there is the preparation and presentation of reports drafted by the boss, either written by hand, or dictated. Graphs and charts may also need to be prepared. A LETTER OF INQUIRY is written to obtain information or to make a request. A direct inquiry asks a company about its products or services. Be precise and polite in explaining what you need in the opening. REPLIES. Good business and common courtesy require that you answer all letters even if you are unable to provide the information requested. Response letters should answer all questions as completely as possible and be sent without delay. Prepare your responses carefully. A MEMO (RANDUM) is a note sent within a company. They range from the two-line note calling a meeting or passing on a telephone message, for example, to informal reports. Memos differ from letters by having the courtesies at the top of the page. Signatures may not be required. As with letters, memos provide people with a record for future references and the secretary will normally file copies. A TRANSMITTAL should always be attached when you send information or material. A transmittal simply identifies what you are sending and gives your reason for sending it. Transmittals achieve two goals: (1) they let the reader know that he/she has received everything you have sent along with specific instructions concerning what to do with it, (2) they provide a record of where and when the material was sent and determine who is responsible for its care. Always keep a copy of the transmittal for your files. A LETTER OF COMPLAINT/CLAIM LETTER is written, so that the seller of goods and services will know that something has gone wrong and will take steps to correct the situation. Before you write a complaint, however, you might try to solve the situation by telephone. If the situation is a simple one and the solution is obvious, a phone call will probably bring the fastest results. If that fails or if the problem is complex, a letter is the most effective response. A POSITIVE RESPONSE TO COMPLAINTS. If you never make a mistake you probably aren't working. Errors happen in the best companies. When you receive a just complaint from a customer, don't be afraid to admit the mistake. Accept the responsibility, then solve the problem. Familiarize yourself with your company's policy for handling complaints. Act promptly, find out what went wrong and then write the customer a thoughtful letter. The aim of your letter will be to restore the goodwill of the dissatisfied customer. A PRO-ORGANIZATION RESPONSE TO COMPLAINTS. The customer is not always right. After having investigated the complaint you may decide that your company is not at fault and that the customer is not entitled to his/her requests. You'll have to write a pro-organization response. You reject the customer's request, maintain his/her goodwill and explain the organization's position politely. Find a way to make a small concession or gesture of goodwill, and always thank your client. A SALES LETTER aims to create interest in your product or service. Always begin with a strong, compelling statement that will entice and keep your reader's attention.
Слова и выражения для сдачи наизусть: 1. common courtesy – хороший тон 2. to provide the information requested – предоставлять необходимую информацию 3. to pass on a t e lephone message – передавать сообщение по телефону 4. to differ from … - отличаться от… 5. s i gnature – подпись 6. for f u ture r e ference – для последующего использования 7. transmittal – сопроводительный документ 8. to be resp o nsible for smth. – быть ответственным за что-либо 9. claim letter – претензионное письмо; рекламация 10. to take steps to corr e ct the situation – принять меры, чтобы исправить ситуацию 11. o bvious solution – очевидное решение 12. to adm i t the mistake – признать ошибку 13. to solve the problem – решить проблему 14. to handle complaints – рассматривать жалобы 15. thoughtful letter – содержательное письмо 16. to restore the goodwill – восстановить доверие / доброжелательность 17. to be at fault [fo: lt] – виноватый / виновный 18. to rej e ct the request – отклонить просьбу 19. to make a conc e ssion – делать уступку 20. sales-letter – письменное уведомление о продаже 21. to entice [in`tais] and keep the attention – привлекать и удерживать внимание