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A few youngsters created “Asociaţ ia Educatio” in Arad on April 2009 with preoccupation in the field of education, cultural and youth programs. “Asociaţ ia Educatio” aims to identify, discuss, analyze and solve specific problems of the youth segment and also to develop programs and projects. As well they are representing a true interface between civil society and local and central institutions.

By its objectives “Asociatia Educatio” stimulates volunteering, develops communication and interpersonal relations, promotes intercultural dialogue and implements national and international projects. The association aims to optimize youth involvement in public life, forming them as active citizens.

So far Asociţ ia Educatio initiated several projects that aimed to achieve an organized expression of young people in the Western Region of the country (events as “TeenFest” Festival which also was registered as the official Festival of “Asociatia Educatio” and it is organized since 2009 each autumn), while developing an educational support to increase their level of general education and engagement. Among other projects “Asociatia Educatio” organizes events designed to support intercultural dialogue and environmental protection.

“Educatio Association” has proper logistics; the expertise necessary to prepare specific projects; promoting a flexible human resource policy that allows connection to European trends and realities.

All above-mentioned associations are accredited as EVS Hosting – Sending and Coordination organizations and can be found in the international database for such kind of NGO’s.

As mentioned before we strongly cooperate in our projects and starting 2011 – European Year of Volunteering; together we also established the “Arad County Volunteering Center”. Trough the Center we are recruiting and working with a lot of local volunteers, mostly youngsters, organizing a lot of initiatives at local and regional level. The EVS volunteer each of our associations are hosting, involve mostly in a lot of such initiatives in the Center in their free time, or also develop own initiatives in the Center.

At the following links you can see some examples of our successful projects we organized in 2012, most of them are in Romanian but you may see in the photo and video gallery some of the organized activities during the project:

EVS-Vision – EVS project https://www.evsvision.org/

GO 4 Green – EVS project https://www.go4green.ro/

Eco Team – EVS project https://www.evsecoteam.ro/

Future Capital – EVS project https://www.evsfuturecapital.ro/

My Pet – EVS project https://www.my-pet.ro/index.php/multimedia/articles


Our city ARAD:

Did you know that Arad is situated on the West part of Romania, 50 km far from Hungarian border?

Did you know that is the 13th bigger city from Romania, with around 200.000 citizens?

But did you know this? Mureş is the river that crosses Arad and it’s the second biggest river from Romania (after Danube, of course) and we have a wonderful fortress here and in the past Arad was called “little Vienna” because the architecture from the center of the 2 cities were quite similar.

Our country ROMANIA:

Europe’s oldest remains of modern human were discovered in the “Cave With Bones” in present day Romania and they are estimated to be 42, 000 years old. However the first written history of the country was about the Getae tribes and dates back in 440 BCE. In the Ancient year’s Thracian tribes from Greece who established the state of Dacia inhabited the land. The Dacians suffered many conquests made by the Romans eventually becoming under their rule. The area and its people where then subject to a complete Romanization, enforcing the Latin language onto the people. This was the beginning of the formation of the Romanian culture.

Romania has been a rather worn-torn country throughout its history. Due to its location the country has had to encounter many invasions from its neighboring nations migrating through the area.

Through these battles and invasions many brave heroes arisen defending their lands. Notable is Vlad The Impeller's (The legendary Dracula) rein in Transylvania and Walachia against the Ottoman Turks and the Hungarians, and Stephen the Great in Northern Romania.

As the centuries past and the World Wars raved havoc through the land the country had to deal with another ordeal, the communist rule of Nicolae Ceausescu. His dictatorship literally destroyed the country's economy and resources with his absurd giant building projects. Under his rule the people were forced to live a rather low standard of life. Despite this a revolt raised in 1989 in Timisoara soon was spreading all over the country. The dictatorship was overthrown and democracy political system was established. This victory by the people allowed Romania's economy to return the European market and rejuvenate their cultural status.

Nowadays, Romania is rapidly integrating with Western Europe and becoming a popular spot for tourism.

Since the Romanian Revolution of 1989, European Union (EU) membership has been the main goal of every Romanian Government and practically every political party in Romania. Romania signed its Europe Agreement in 1993 and submitted its official application for membership in the EU in 1995, the third of the post-Cold War Eastern European countries to do so after Hungary and Poland. Along with its official EU application, Romania submitted the “Snagov Declaration”, signed by all fourteen major political parties declaring their full support for EU membership.

During the 2000’s, Romania implemented a number of reforms in order to prepare for EU accession, including the consolidation of its democratic systems, the institution of the rule of law, the acknowledgement of respect for human rights, the commitment to personal freedom of expression, and the implementation of a functioning free-market economy.

The Accession of Romania to the European Union took place on 1 January 2007. This date was set at the Thessaloniki Summit in 2003 and confirmed in Brussels on 18 June 2004. The country reports of October 2004 also affirmed the 1 January 2007 date of accession for both Bulgaria and Romania. The Treaty of Accession was signed on 25 April 2005 at Luxembourg's Neumü nster Abbey. The 26 September 2006 monitoring report of the European Commission confirmed the entry date as 1 January 2007. The last instrument of ratification of the Treaty of Accession was deposited with the Italian government on 20 December 2006 thereby ensuring it came into force on 1 January 2007.

Geographic location:

• South-East of Central Europe, North of the Balkan Peninsula, in the Lower Danube basin, bordering on the Black Sea. Time Zone Area: Seven hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Standard Time (GMT + 2)


• East: Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and the Black Sea

• South: Bulgaria;

• West: Hungary

• North: Ukraine.


Temperate continental, with oceanic influences from the West, Mediterranean from the South-West, excessive continental from the North-East. Mean annual temperatures: ranging between 8°C in the North and 11°C in the South. Average annual rainfall does not exceed 700 mm.

Demographic structure: Romanians - 89.47%; Hungarians (plus Szecklers) - 7.12%; Gypsies - 1.76%; other nationalities - 1.65%.

Administrative division: 41 counties and Bucharest municipality (with a county status), 260 towns (out of which 57 municipalities), 2, 688 communes (with about 13, 000 villages).

Your insurance:

EVS Volunteers are covered by an insurance plan specially designed to protect participants in the European Voluntary Service (EVS) during their period of voluntary activity. Cover is offered free of charge to EVS Volunteers. The Insurance premiums are paid by EACEA.

The aim of this plan is to give you access to an insurance network, which can help you whenever a medical, dental, disability or liability problem occurs.

All EVS Volunteers may claim the insurance, but will only be covered if the registration form for the group insurance plan has been completed and signed by the Volunteer and the Sending or Hosting Organization, or by the Volunteer and the Coordinating Organization in the case of projects on a European scale and multilateral projects with third-party countries.

Cover is valid throughout the world, 24/7, from the date when you leave home en route to the Host country, up till the second month following your return home at the end of your European Voluntary Service. Cover is also in place for preparatory meetings before your departure and for follow-up and final assessment meetings after your return.

The currency of the EVS plan is the Euro (EUR) but invoices for medical and dental care may be submitted in any other currency. Health care expenses are usually reimbursed in the currency indicated by the Volunteer on the registration form.

You are covered for the costs of hospitalization, surgery, medical and dental treatment throughout the world, on condition that the local medical authorities as being essential to recognize such treatment and/or supplies the treatment of the illness, the injury or (as the case may be) pregnancy, and provided by medical practitioners working in the field for which they are qualified (in accordance with the legislative, regulatory or other provisions concerning the exercise of their profession in the country concerned).

You are free to choose your own doctors and hospitals. You can use the public or private health service.

The EVS program does not cover certain medical and dental expenses:

- Treatment that is not necessary from a medical point of view, such as aesthetic treatment, orthodontic treatment, aesthetic surgery, pharmaceutical products that are not prescribed, personal expenses in a hospital (telephone, television, newspapers, etc.);

- Psychoanalysis;

- The treatment of psychiatric, mental or nervous problems or those related to alcohol or drug abuse outside the hosting country and the country of origin;

- Sunglasses;

- Hydrotherapy and cures at thermal spas;

- Hospital or doctors’ fees, which are clearly excessive or not customary, may be rejected or only partly reimbursed.

For the usual medical expenses (consultations, pharmacy, analyses, radiology, as well as dental and optical care), first pay the expenses before sending them to the management center for reimbursement.

Risk and Conflict Management:

The volunteer must not act in any way that could put others or her/himself at risk of being injured.

If a conflict situation arises, the volunteer may ask her/his mentor to facilitate communication between the volunteer and the local environment or Host Organization.

The mentor should be able to provide an independent an objective evaluation of the situation. If conflict arises between the volunteer and the mentor, the volunteer can ask to get another person appointed as her/his mentor. In the event of a conflict situation, the volunteer should be supported and must cooperate actively with the Coordinating, Sending and Host Organizations to avoid communication problems.

If a serious incident occurs, the volunteer can expect the mentor to establish and maintain appropriate contact with the Sending Organization, her/his next of kin (if required or requested) and the insurance company, if necessary.

Dear VOLUNTEERS above you could read detailed information regarding the EVS project and as well about Romania and Arad. In case you have any additional information please do not hesitate to contact your sending organization or directly us by the following e-mail address:

elek.thea@gmail Dorothea ELEK

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