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July 26-31, 2012


Project initiator -Arkhangelskregional youth ecological public organization “Aetas”(supported by the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism, Government of Arkhangelsk Region). https://www.aetasarh.net/english/

Goal: to enhance international youth cooperation in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region through joint participation in the International Section “Think in ECOstyle in the Barents Region! ” within the frameworks of IV International Arkhangelsk Youth Forum ”Team-29”.


Target group of participants: youth aged 18-30 y.o. (up to 40 persons).


Brief project description:

The Youth Forum “Team 29” is annually organized by the Arkhangelsk Region Government and attracts hundreds of young active people interested in politics, leadership and active citizenship. During several summer days the Forum’s participants take part in a variety of educational, sports and cultural activities. The fellow’s work and study divided into some sections, such as youth self-governance, youth entrepreneurship, mass media, tourism, volunteering etc.

In summer 2011 the International Section “International youth cooperation” was successfully arranged for the 1st time, 30 students from Norway, USA and Russia took part in the Section activities. In 2012 it’s decided to make special emphasis on environmental issues alongside with active citizenship promotion.


Importance of protecting natural environment of BEAR is evident due to its vulnerability and huge challenges caused by the climate changes as well as oil and gas exploitation in BEAR. Environment issues are of special concern for young people as ecology is their future and heritage, thus it’s especially important to stress these issues and provide platform for discussing them on the international level among the Barents youth.


The peculiarity of the International Section 2012 “Think in ECOstyle in the Barents Region! ” will consist in the participants ecological way of living: the fellows shall live and study in modern Eco-Village (in tents) built within the camp territory. The purpose is to learn the youth to live in the alternative, nature - friendly and balanced way with:

- using the sun and wind energy

- using separate collection and recycling of waste

- studying and reviving ancestors cultural heritage

- practicing in folk crafts and vulnerary plants usage


Alongside with intensive educational program each day will be marked with different issues on ecological and environmental topics: lectures, presentations, seminars, meetings with authorities, flash-mob actions etc.

Additionally foreign participants will get opportunity to know more about modern and ancient Russia, its political and public sectors, culture and traditions (see the Russian Day in the draft Section program) and the Arkhangelsk Region as a part of BEAR.


Draft program:


  Morning Afternoon Evening
1st day 26.07.2012 Arrival Day and Acquaintance Arrival of participants, registration and accommodation.   Preparations for the Forum (jointly by participants and Forum organizers) Antonina Kulyasova, Lefman Tatiana presents ecovillage, main principals of living here. Accepting the rules of " Ecovillage", setting goals and objectives of the camp and forum, acquaintance with the camp and forum educational and entertaining program Playing games to know each other. Official opening of the Forum. Welcoming words by national and regional politicians. Disco party.  
2nd day 27.07.2012 Working groups Day Lefman Tatiana, Svetlana Averianova -Presentation of camp participants (each tent thinks out the team name, slogan, logo and presents itself). Training and exercises for communication, team-building activities Work in groups * (see below the table) -1 group (Forest and biological diversity) is leaded by Antonina Kuljasova -2 group (Thinking and living in ECOstyle) -Presentation of working groups results. Discussion ”Eco villages in Russia” (Antonina Kuljasova, Aleksey Ovchinnikov, youth from Usjany)   Camp Fire.
3rd day 28.07.2012 Environmental and Volunteers’ Day Point of day – action against plastic packing and flash-mob “Wind mills” -Presentation about the Barents Region, and Arkhangelsk Region as a part of BEAR –Demidova Elena, Petrova Maria -Interactive workshop on environmental challenges for achieving the sustainable development of the Barents Euro-Arctic region (Lefman Tatiana, Kuljasova Antonina, Kuhmonen Anna) - - Fundraising opportunities in BEAR. Expert Maria Petrova (Barents youth cooperation office, Murmansk)   Presentation “Ecological movement in Barents region” – Positive experience. (Natur og Ungdom, Luonto-Liitto, LATIM experience)   Workshop “Furosiky” – plastic bags substitutes and “Wind mills”   Flash-mob action against plastic packing and “Wind mills” flash-mob for all forum participants.  
4th day 29.07.2012 Russian Day Point of day – Russian folk games Morning on the museum territory - Culture program in wooden museum Malye Karely. Ecological tea drinking. Seminar «Russian culture and traditions». Workshop on making Northern dolls, belts weaving, amulets, etc. Competition in Russian folk games.   Demidova Elena, Lefman Tatiana Interactive seminar –Political and social systems of the Russian Federation. Importance of collaboration between ecologists and politicians. Participation in political-ecological role-play game Discussion about Pomor culture (Ovchinnikov Aleksey) Evening fire”Soul ecology”. Singing songs near the fire camp.  
5th day 30.07.2012 Cooperation Day   Day is completely devoted to the topic «Social projecting». - International experience of projects elaboration and implementation.   Anna Kuhmonen     Presentation of successful NGO project activity. Work in groups * on elaboration joint international projects. 3 groups: international, Ustiana and Velsk. Work-shop and arranging flash-mob action “Wind mills”. Summing-up, discussing the results and preparing resolution and exhibition of the Section results. Fare-well partyL
6th day 31.07.2012 Departure Territory cleaning. Packing. Departure      


* Work in groups will be arranged according to the following subjects:

1. Forest and biological diversity

Discussing damages and challenges caused by forest industry complex, elaboration of joint practical actions to improve the situation, highlighting the local communities’ role in effective forest resources management.

2. Thinking and living in ECOstyle

Discussing how we can live in the alternative, nature - friendly and balanced way with without using recourses more then we need. Participants will learn about principles of renewable energy sources usage and have practical work with wind power generator and solar batteries ect


- Section’s working language – English.

- There is no tuition fee, accommodation costs, meals, study materials, local transportations are provided by the organizers. International transportation costs are covered by the participants.


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