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Chapter Nine. Colby thought her heart would stop

Colby thought her heart would stop. Her last class was wrapping up when Elizabeth stepped out onto the sand in a pair of boy shorts and a bikini top, her bare stomach an invitation. Her hair was up. If she didn’t look so hot she’d be cute. Colby swallowed a gulp of salt water. Coughing, she ended the class a few minutes early, sending eight new surfers off on their own.

“Ready? ” she asked, still gazing up and down Elizabeth’s body. She was being rude but her eyes were invisible behind the opaque lenses of her sunglasses. Elizabeth had runner’s legs, the muscles in her calves and thighs well defined. A long pale scar ran along the outside of her right leg and disappeared into the hem of her swim shorts. The pair of perfectly formed breasts that fit nicely into Colby’s hands a few days ago were hiding modestly behind the blue material, but nothing could conceal the hard nipples underneath. Her mouth began to water.

“I can’t make it.”

“You can’t? ” Colby repeated Elizabeth’s statement as her heart sank.

“No, something’s come up at school. I have to take a call in half an hour and it’ll probably last at least an hour, maybe longer. I’m sorry, Colby, I really wanted to do this.”

She saw the disappointment in Elizabeth’s eyes and heard it in her voice, though it was nowhere near the level of hers. “Hey, no problem. Another time.” She acted more nonchalant than she felt. This is why she didn’t get involved, didn’t let herself. It hurt and she had hurt enough. “I’m around most every afternoon.” She was intentionally noncommittal.

A flash of something crossed Elizabeth’s face before she covered it with her own false indifference. “Yeah, another time.” It looked to Colby like she wanted to say more, but she didn’t. Instead she simply said, “See you later, ” and walked away.


You are going to hell, Elizabeth Grace Collins, she said to herself. Nothing was going on at school that necessitated a phone call, at least not that she knew of. She was a coward, plain and simple. Afraid of spending more time with Colby.

Being with Colby turned her mind to mush and her body on fire. From the moment she saw her in the water a connection, a hum had started inside her.

She knew hundreds of women of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, educational levels, and professions. She appreciated the beauty of all women, but the especially stunningly hot ones like Colby definitely caught her attention. Unlike some of her friends, she had never been attracted to any woman who wasn’t a lesbian. She seemed to have a definite on/off switch, not one with a dimmer.

Her interest in Colby was very different, and she had spent the better part of the morning thinking about it. Actually, she had spent most of the night as well. And it troubled her. She’d thought she was in love a few times, and in lust a few more than that. But she couldn’t put her mind around why Colby so intrigued, allured, and captivated her. Colby was stunning, her hair as black as night, every move graceful, her skin kissed by the sun. But those eyes, the color of coal, told a different story. A very different story.

She detected sadness in them. Colby rarely let it show, hiding behind flirtatious banter and teasing innuendos. But she had seen it once or twice and it had touched her deeply. She imagined a myriad of possible causes. The scenarios were endless, as were the players. But the last thing she needed was to get involved with anyone, especially a local. She was here to relax, research, and write, not get dragged into someone else’s drama.

She had more than her share of problems, dilemmas, and serious issues. The board was crawling all over her about the budget, the tenure committee was kicking her ass about the discipline she had doled out to a professor regarding a Saturday-night drunk, and if her friends didn’t stop nagging her to get laid she’d tell them to get fucked themselves.

As the sun was lifting itself over the horizon she had made a decision and spent all morning convincing herself it was the right one. Why were all the right decisions the most difficult? The same reason all the delicious food was bad for you. Sometimes life just sucked. But she was very certain of one thing. Everything was not what it seemed on the surface with Colby Taylor, surf instructor, and she wanted nothing to do with discovering what was underneath.


Elizabeth’s resolve lasted three days. Colby must have been waiting for her to emerge from her hotel, because the minute she stepped out of the lobby she was there asking if she wanted to grab some lunch. Thirty minutes later she was sitting on a wooden bench under a banyan tree in downtown Lahaina.

They had stopped at a local restaurant and ordered a box lunch, then walked a few blocks to the square. As they ate, Colby recited a bit of Maui history.

“This banyan tree was first planted in 1873 and marked the fiftieth anniversary of Christian missionary work here in Lahaina. It was imported from India when it was only eight feet tall. It’s over sixty feet high now and has twelve major trunks and a huge core. It stretches over a two-hundred-foot area and shades two-thirds of an acre. See that section there? ” Colby pointed to a branch system practically horizontal to the ground. “See what looks like vines hanging down? ”

Elizabeth followed her finger and nodded. The branches of this enormous tree had hundreds of such vines.

“That’s actually the root system. These trees have aerial roots, or roots that grow upward and form secondary trunks to support the expansive limbs.”

“I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s amazing.” People were taking pictures everywhere and Elizabeth suddenly wanted to have a picture made of her and Colby leaning against one of the massive branches, arms wrapped around each other like the couple directly across from them. Wouldn’t that be a fine souvenir to take back and display on her desk?

What was she thinking? She couldn’t get away with a picture of her and another woman on the hundred-year-old mahogany desk. Her assistant would be the first to ask about it, and she could practically hear the unspoken questions in her voice. Frank Wagner from the math department would be next. He had lobbied hard for the position she now held and came sniffing around every week or so trying to dig up any dirt he could on her. He was most likely the one funneling shit to the board that she in turn had to spend hours answering. She could just imagine his leer when he saw the photo.

“Elizabeth? ”

Colby had said something and she hadn’t even heard her. “I’m sorry, you caught me daydreaming. What did you say? ” Her inattentiveness embarrassed her.

“I asked if you’d like to walk down by the water.”

“Sure, that would be nice, ” she said quickly. Anything to spend more time with Colby. Even though she’d convinced herself otherwise. But that was yesterday and the day before and the day before that. Today was another day entirely.

Colby didn’t begin to try to understand the shift in Elizabeth. She had practically run away the other day after her excuse not to go surfing. She had a lot of experience reading people and had seen right through her.

First she was elusive, then bold, then shy and adventurous. At times Colby didn’t know if she would push her away or jump her right where they stood. She was sultry and restrained all in the same body, practically in the same breath. It was almost as if she was fighting her attraction.

Colby understood, since she was a local and any relationship they had would be short at best, heartbreaking at worst. Some women were built for short-term vacation flings, but she suspected Elizabeth was trying to decide if she was one of them. Her willingness to be kissed under the eucalyptus trees that night, sure, and the way she blatantly flirted with her said she was. But something was holding her back.

Colby’s nickname preceded her, and she was a legend in the minds of her fellow surfers. If they knew the truth they would be stunned. She wasn’t celibate but certainly didn’t sleep with as many women as everyone thought. It was easier to play along than try to convince them otherwise. She honestly didn’t know why women found her so attractive. She was too thin, her breasts too flat, and her wardrobe, as limited as it was, was for function, not fashion.

She envisioned Elizabeth sitting on the shore that night. At that moment Colby had drifted outside herself and watched from a distance as she walked over to Elizabeth, drew her into her arms, and kissed her. Somebody else had explored her lips and mouth, toyed with her tongue. A stranger had touched her hot flesh, caressed her heavy breasts, and sucked an erect nipple, then dipped into her pants. But it was Colby who had stepped away, ending the vision that later became clear as the fog of passion dissipated.

She had no right to this woman, wasn’t entitled to this joy, this excitement, this pleasure, but had done it anyway. She was ashamed of her actions and glad they had been interrupted. But she continued to be drawn to her. It made no sense, though it had driven her to practically stake out the resort for three days until Elizabeth finally emerged.

Elizabeth was a mystery. And it scared the hell out of her that she wanted to solve it.


“I thought we were meeting at the pool.” Colby hadn’t expected Elizabeth to be waiting for her. After walking and talking for several hours yesterday afternoon they had rescheduled Elizabeth’s surfing lesson for today.

“We were. I just thought I’d meet you halfway. It’s not a problem, is it? ” Elizabeth hesitated just before she dropped her towel and beach bag onto a vacant chair.

“No, not at all, ” she choked out. Her breath had stuck somewhere between an inhale and an exhale at the sight of Elizabeth walking toward her in her beachwear. “Just give me a minute and we’ll get started.”

She quickly secured the boards and life vests she used for her classes and jogged back to where Elizabeth was waiting. She had wanted to at least brush her teeth before seeing Elizabeth again, because they would be very close for the next hour.

“Ready? ” she asked, wondering if she was.

Elizabeth gave a thumbs-up. “Let’s do it.”

Her mouth grew dry and her hands began to shake. She had never been jittery, even during the first lesson she ever gave. But this was different. This was Elizabeth, and she wanted not only to impress her but have her enjoy surfing as much as she did. Here we go.

Elizabeth was standing next to one of the boards she had stuck vertically in the sand.

“Okay, usually I begin with a little history lesson, but we can skip that and start with the basics—”


“No? ”

“No, I want it all. History, safety, equipment. Everything you’d give a paying customer.”

“Okay, but you’re nothing like any of my other students.”

“Well, I’ve never had a teacher as distractingly good-looking as you. So we’re even. Except I get the raw end here. If I don’t pay attention I’ll end up drinking more of the Pacific than I care to.”

Elizabeth’s smile was devastating, and Colby had to open her mouth several times before something coherent came out. “Surfing is one of the oldest activities on the islands. It was a form of transportation from one island to another, and fishermen used it to bring their catch back to shore. Over time, surfing evolved from a form of getting around to an enjoyable pastime.”

“Kind of like sex, ” Elizabeth said calmly. She must have looked confused because Elizabeth clarified her comment. “It was needed to continue the human race, but now we do it for fun as well.”

Colby swallowed the vision of having fun with Elizabeth. “Spoken like a true scholar. Now, where was I? Yes, I remember. The beach movies of the fifties and sixties glamorized surfing while Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon romanticized it. Can’t beat either one. It’s a great chick magnet, ” she said, ignoring the look of surprise on Elizabeth’s face and moving toward the board. “We use several types of boards. This is a longboard. It’s long, duh, wide, stable, more buoyant, and easier to paddle than the others. It’s ideal for beginners. Now for the safety speech.” She moved away from the board and looked Elizabeth directly in the eye.

“I don’t think I need to tell you that surfing is very dangerous. Not just the drowning part, but these boards are solid, heavy, and damaging to whatever they connect with. Especially flesh and bone. Be aware of where people are around you all the time you’re in the water. Collisions between people and between boards and people are not pretty. Rest when you’re tired. Don’t try to show off. Watch out for coral and rocks hidden under the sand. We don’t have much trouble with jellyfish or sea urchins, but keep your eyes open. Any questions? ”

“No, ma’am, so far so good.” Elizabeth gave her a mock salute and returned her smile.

“Okay, end of safety talk. Now, surf etiquette. The surfer riding the wave has the right of way. The surfer nearest to the whitewater or breaking point of the wave has the right of way to the wave. Don’t paddle or catch the wave in front of another surfer. Don’t steal the other surfer’s wave. That’s really in poor taste. Got it? ” She looked at Elizabeth.

“Check.” Elizabeth gave another thumbs-up.

“Okay, the easiest way to learn is to practice all the moves here on the beach. The board is stable and you can get your form down before you have to balance in the water.” She dropped a board in the sand and went over each step several times, correcting Elizabeth’s form or moving her feet to the proper place.

After fifteen minutes she said, “Okay, let’s get in.” She pulled the board up and handed it to Elizabeth, who had a look of anticipation and excitement in her eyes. Elizabeth easily carried the bulky board into the waves. After ten or fifteen yards, the water was almost to their chests.

“Put the board in the water and lie on your stomach.” Elizabeth did as she was told. “Okay, good. Now just relax and feel how the board moves under you. Get your balance, good. Now lean a little to the left. Now the right. Good. Feel how she responds? ”

She had given these instructions hundreds of times, and thank God for that, because all she could think about right now was how much she wanted to get her hands on Elizabeth’s tight ass. It was perfect and right in front of her. She had more than her fair share of women in this position in her classes, but none had ever tempted her.

She was still reeling from the proximity of their bodies when they were practicing in the sand. Now, when she touched Elizabeth again, her body reverberated as she remembered how it felt. Whether she moved her foot closer to the front of the board, placed her hand in the small of her back to emphasize posture, or touched her thigh to level her leg, she was turned on. Colby almost fell off her board when an unexpected wave crashed into her.

“Okay, now let’s talk about what to do when a wave comes your way. You need to adjust your body weight as it reaches you. Slightly shift backward, then forward again. This rocking motion will keep your board from sliding out from under you.” Just then another wave came and Elizabeth did exactly what Colby had told her to. “Good, very good.”

She told Elizabeth to start paddling, then moved next to her and took one of her arms. “Let me show you. Like this. Nice, firm, slow strokes. That’s it, just like that, ” she said as Elizabeth took over again. She learned quickly and soon mastered the movement.

“Okay, now let’s try sitting up. This move is a little tricky. Watch me, ” she said, demonstrating each step. “First, push up with your arms and arch your back a little. Then open your legs and straddle the board. Hang on to it so you don’t tip, then straighten up.” She completed each movement in slow motion to show Elizabeth exactly what to do. “Be careful and pay attention to the swell of the water. You want to ride it up and down, not fight it, or you’ll tumble off. Lean into the wave when it comes and arch your back when it passes.”

When Colby finished that part of the lesson she looked at her student. Elizabeth had desire written all over her face before concentration replaced it. She knew that look, had seen it before on Elizabeth’s face, the night they kissed on the beach. Her insides started to throb. Good God, would she always get like this in this woman’s company?

“Okay, I think I got it, ” Elizabeth said, turning Colby’s attention to the board.

She did get it and smiled as she sat comfortably on top of the big board. “Now what? ”

Colby had no clue. Elizabeth had followed her directions to the letter and in doing so had just completed one of the most erotic movements she had ever seen. Her body was fluid, her muscles flexing, chin high, back arched, legs spread. Colby envisioned that Elizabeth would look just like that on top of her as she orgasmed.

“Colby? ” Elizabeth shouted over the wave that splashed water into her face.

“Oh, um, okay, good.” She was having trouble forming a coherent thought, let alone a sentence. She had seen other women complete the same maneuver, but none evoked the image that still danced in her mind.

“Ready to try one? ”

“As ready as I’ll ever be, ” Elizabeth said with enthusiasm. “What do I do? ”

She gave Elizabeth step-by-step instructions, and after six or seven tries and spills off her board, Elizabeth succeeded in standing up. She gave an excited yelp just as a miniature wave dumped her into the water. Colby laughed as Elizabeth’s head popped up. “You had it until you got carried away with yourself. You’re doing great. Now all you do is practice, practice, practice.”

Thirty minutes later Colby called it quits.

“But I was just getting good.” Elizabeth almost pouted.

“Did you forget one of the safety rules? Rest when you’re tired. You don’t know it yet but you’ll be exhausted soon, and you need to get back to shore. Come on, I’m the teacher and you’re the student. I don’t know how you do it in that fancy school of yours, but in my school the teacher is always right.” She slid off her board and into the thigh-deep water. As she lifted her board out of the water Elizabeth gazed at her with a wicked gleam in her eye. “What? ”

“But I thought I was the teacher’s pet? ”

Her heart skipped and the sand suddenly became very difficult to walk in. “You are, and the teacher wants to keep it that way. Now, unstrap your tether and go sit down. I’ll get us something to drink.”

On fire, Elizabeth watched Colby walk away. She had been so aroused by Colby’s half-nakedness and nearness on the beach she could hardly concentrate on what she was saying. Somehow she had managed to do everything she needed to in the water and, even with too many spills to count, found she really enjoyed it. But right now she was thoroughly enjoying watching her surf instructor walk away from her.

Colby’s body was strong and powerful yet she had the grace of a cat. Her shoulders were broad, her back tapering down to slim hips that somehow managed to keep her board shorts on. Just a slight sway in her walk indicated she was female. She was one fine specimen of a woman. For the umpteenth time she asked herself why she was fighting what she obviously wanted.

Colby returned with two large bottles of water and Elizabeth sat next to her, a mirror of the position she had taken. The board stuck in the sand provided a perfect backrest, and she leaned into the solid surface. A flashback reminded her of the last time her back was pressed against this board. Another hot flush spread through her. God, what was going on? She reminded herself again why she needed to stay away from this woman.

“What are you grinning about? ”

“Nothing, ” she replied, trying unsuccessfully to wipe the expression off her face.

“Don’t give me that. You’re thinking about something? Tell me.” Colby moved her fingers in sync with her words.

“I was just thinking how sexy surfing is.” So much for self-discipline.

“Sexy? ” She looked confused.

“Yes, sexy. Have you ever thought about what you say, the instructions you give, how they sound? ”

“Not really. What am I missing? ”

“Practically everything you said, every instruction or technique, had a direct allusion to sex.” Or was it just her overactive libido and wishful thinking? “I mean, come on, Colby. Push with your arms, arch your back, open your legs, rock back and forth. Holy shit, it sounds like chapter five in The Joy of Lesbian Sex.” Was Colby blushing?

“I’d never really thought about it.”

“Well, I certainly did, ” she murmured under her breath, but not quite low enough.

Colby turned her head in her direction and nailed her with a look of complete desire. “And? ”

“And it was just an observation.”

“And? ” she repeated, her eyes not leaving Elizabeth’s. While Colby waited for her response, her eyes grew darker, her pupils dilating even in the bright late-afternoon sun. Colby wanted her, no doubt about it. But what did she want?

She was no stranger to casual sex. It worked for her and she had very few regrets afterward. So why not now, with this woman who was so obviously offering? It wouldn’t mean anything for either of them. How could it? They barely knew each other. A quick vacation fling for her and whatever Colby would get out of it. No harm, no foul, no complicated feelings. No feelings at all except the raw hunger reflecting back at her.

“Would you like to go back to my room? ” Her voice was husky.

Colby raised one eyebrow. “Are you inviting me in for afternoon tea? ”

It was almost impossible for her to take a deep breath. This was it. The moment they both knew would come when they couldn’t or didn’t want to dance around the pull between them any longer. Slowly she looked at the tan legs splayed out beside her, the flat stomach, small breasts moving up and down quicker with each passing second, and finally into dark, black eyes. “I don’t have any tea.”

By the time they got to her villa she could barely restrain herself. Their kisses and initial exploration on the beach that night were simply foreplay. Colby stepped close, her body fitting nicely behind her, and she fumbled with the card key before sliding it into the slot. The blinking green light on the keypad signaled more than the unlocking of the door.

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