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by Kim Pritekel

Disclaimers: They’re mine so don’t steal them. J


If you’d like to tell me what a wonderful writer I am or that I royally suck, feel free at: XenaNut@hotmail.com

Happy April Fools!!

Passion’s Fool

by Kim Pritekel


The church was set up, and it was time to go. Sarah looked into the mirror, looking into green eyes that did not reflect the happiness of a bride-to-be. Quite the opposite. Today she was to marry a man she had never met, and all for the happiness of her father. He stood to gain a great deal from this union, except his daughter’s favor. But then, when had he ever cared about that?

Sarah was a woman. Of no consequence to him. Only Oliver was. First born, first boy.

" Bloody hell." She sighed, looking at the dress that her handmaiden had made for her. It was beautiful, and she hoped that her husband-to-be liked it. She knew his name was Fallon of Aragon, but that was all. He was from a prominent family with lots of land and wealth, all of which would be added to the Everston family’s fortune by the joining.

With a final sigh of resignation, she turned to her handmaiden, Mary, who had been with her since her birth seventeen years ago.

" Are you ready, milady? " Mary asked, her face sad for her mistress, but happy that she’d at least be able to join her in their new home at Camden Castle.

" No. But what choice have I? " Sarah placed the veil on her head, Mary straightening it, and making sure she looked her best. She was a lovely girl; long blonde hair, reaching to near her waist, and bright green eyes. Mary had always marveled at the color. Much like the sea – always changing.

She was beautiful, and the handmaiden just hoped that this Fallon person could appreciate it and treat her well. In 1540s England, this was not usually the case.


Fallon of Aragon also stood in front of the mirror. Blue eyes scanned the carefully tailored armor, made for just the ceremony. A decorative sword hung at her side, the leather armor in place. Dark hair, cut at the shoulder, made an enticing figure. She was dashing, having acted as a man since she was a small girl.

Fallon’s real brother had been killed by the Celts before she had even been born. So, she had been made to take on his identity so the family did not seem weak. And now to complete the life-long ruse, she was to marry an unsuspecting woman.

She did not mind this marriage, truth be told. She would like to have the companionship of the lady Sarah. She had heard of her beauty and wisdom.

Fallon looked down at the slight bulge in her trousers, a small smile forming in the corners of her mouth. She would be expected to take her new bride to the bridal chamber, and her father had made sure to outfit her in a way that would make this possible. She was nervous about that. Never having so much as kissed a woman, she was expected to make love to one.

" At least she is beautiful, " she said quietly, placing the ceremonial band around her head. She was ready.

Sighing her last nerves out, she headed toward the door that would lead her toward the church.


Sarah took a deep breath, waiting to see what this man she’s supposed to marry looked like. But more than that, she just prayed that he would treat her well. She knew that she had little purpose other than to help join their lands, and have his children.

Taking a deep breath, Sarah saw her father waiting for her. He would lead her down the aisle, and to her destiny.

" How are you my love? " he asked quietly in her ear.

" I want to turn back, father. I’m scared, " the blonde admitted, keeping a perfect smile pasted to her face as they entered the main sanctuary of the huge, ancient cathedral.

" No need to be, my darling. It’s time for you to be a woman, my love. Fallon is a fine match. His people are kind and generous." Her father tried to assure his daughter, praying that what he said was indeed true. His daughter had very few choices, but he did want her to be happy all the same.

He knew that her future husband was exceedingly handsome, and Sarah would be grateful for that. He saw the strapping young lad waiting near the priest at the altar.

Fallon waited, none too patiently, for her bride to make her way up to her. She could feel the heaviness of her dress sword at her side, and the stiffness of her new leather breeches. She tried to not readjust the foreign bump at her groin, and could hear the quiet squeaking of her knee-high boots as the leather soles met the smooth, polished marble of the cathedral’s floor.

She studied her bride as she got closer on the arm of her father. The girl was beautiful. She had her long blonde hair back in a braid that reached her lower back. Her eyes were lowered, so Fallon had no idea of their color or depth. She noted the slight rosy tint to her cheeks, and wondered how much was from nervousness. The tall brunette hoped that her young wife was as nervous as she.

Frankly, the warrior felt sick.

Though it seemed to take hours for Sarah and her father to reach the altar, finally Sarah’s smaller hand was being taken from the safety of her father’s familiar forearm, and placed on the muscular one of her husband.

Shy green eyes looked up, a small gasp escaping her lips when she saw the beautiful, intense blue looking down at her. She took in the face, the sharp cheek bones, full lips, naturally red and inviting, the strong jaw, dark hair.

Fallon gave her bride a small smile, looking down into the most amazing green eyes she had ever seen. They were the color of the sea, a beautiful and unusual blue/green in color, though mostly green. She was beautiful.

Fallon couldn’t help but notice the small stature of the girl, and her beautiful body. She knew that she’d be seeing at least a little of that body later that night. More of her conversation with her father returned to her:

" Do not be rough with her, Fallon. She is young, and will be pure. You can hurt her, so be gentle. She should dress in a proper dressing gown. You only need lay her on her back, and raise the gown just enough so that her womanhood is visible. Be sure to use your fingers, daughter. Get her ready for you. To do this, stroke her womanhood until you feel that she is properly wet. This wetness is only for lubrication purposes. Once she is properly lubricated, you climb atop her, and guide your ‘manhood’ inside her."

The tall brunette shook her head to shake these images from her mind. She had much to do before the wedding night. She so hoped that she could be friends with her wife.

The priest said his blessings from God in Latin, and the bride and groom listened and answered in the proper language and tones, each well educated and versed in such ceremonies.

They took their communion, each taking in their share of the Holy Spirit, and then said their vows of eternal devotion and faithfulness.

Sarah took her husband’s hands in hers, feeling the calluses from his fighting days. They were large, but warm and gentle with hers. She hoped that extended to other husbandly pursuits as well.

She looked up into his eyes, noting that a ring of dark blue was around the sky blue irises. He was handsome, and almost could be called beautiful.

He gave her a small smile of encouragement, which she returned.

" You may now kiss your bride, " the priest instructed, and Fallon complied with a small nod. She bent her head down and lightly brushed her lips across those of her new bride.

Sarah released a small gasp at the touch of her husband’s lips. A warmth spread through her, and she was anxious for the kiss to end. However, when Fallon stepped back, she felt a loss. She knew as a wife she was not to show such things as desire. That was seen as wanton, and unlady-like. A strumpet she was not.

The couple turned to view the audience before them, who clapped their approval. Both smiled and joined hands held high above their heads in a token of their union.

A carriage driven by four massive horses awaited the couple. Fallon helped his bride into the back, then climbed in after. The coachmen secured the door, and then climbed up into the driver’s seat. The carriage was in motion and Fallon fought her nausea. She had no idea what to do with a wife. She knew how to protect her. Her sword had been her best friend forever. Now, she had to actually interact with this poor, unsuspecting woman.

Turning, she saw that Sarah was looking straight ahead, hands carefully clasped in her lap. The girl looked terrified. Fallon felt her heart drop. She didn’t want this girl to be frightened of her.

" You look beautiful, milady, " she said softly. Green eyes met her own, and Fallon saw all of her own fears reflected back at her. The brunette tried to give the blonde the most reassuring smile she could. Sarah matched it.

" Thank you, sir. And you look handsome."

" Thank you." Fallon smiled wider. " So, what do you like to do, milady? I’d like to make your stay at Camden Castle as enjoyable as possible. If I can even send ahead for your pleasure..."

" No need, sir." Sarah placed a hand on her husband’s arm. " I am at your disposal, sir. What you wish for me, my lord, is what I enjoy."

Fallon looking at this beautiful creature who sat next to her, her eyes wide with surprise. Would she give herself up so freely? Give up her own pursuits? The brunette would not hear of it. Sarah was her own person, and Fallon wished for her to remain so.

" No, milady." She shook her head. " I wish for you to be happy doing what it is that makes you happy. I’ll make myself happy."

Sarah looked at the man sitting next to her in absolute shock. This is not what she had been taught by her mother to be a good wife. She did not know how to deal with this, or what to do. Or say. Was it a trap? Did her husband intend to be so cruel as to get her hopes up for a joyous union, and then take the rug out from under her feet? She would play it safe.

" For now my lord, if you wouldn’t mind, may I just look around the manor? " Hopeful green eyes met blue. Fallon could hear the mistrust in Sarah’s soft voice, and could understand it. She knew that she would definitely be an unusual husband to say the least.

She nodded her approval. When Sarah felt she could trust her, she hoped the blonde would take it upon herself to pursue her own interests.

The carriage continued on toward their new home.


Sarah was shown to her rooms by Fallon’s manservant. The rooms were beautiful, and she hoped to be happy in them. Her handmaiden made herself comfortable in the smaller adjoining room, then returned to help her mistress unpack.

" What do you think, milady? " Mary asked, hanging up her mistress’ dresses in the wardrobe, where she found some beautiful gowns already hanging. She noted their fine quality and measurements, and had to wonder of her mistress’ new husband’s taste in clothing. It seemed as fine as that of his home. It was carefully landscaped, lush greens and colors all around. A virtual feast for the optical senses.

" I don’t know, " Sarah said, running her fingers over the beautiful tapestry that was hanging upon the stone wall. The scene showed a lady of some means and her lover dancing. Their outfits were colorful and elegant. She smiled at the picture. " He seems to be gracious and kind. But I’m afraid to think this then find ’tis not true. I think I shall withhold judgment for now."

" Wise, milady. I hope he is as kind as he is handsome." Mary sat upon the window seat, hands clasped to her chest. She looked out the window with a most wistful smile upon her face.

" Aye, that. He is handsome, isn’t he? " Sarah said, joining her old friend.

" Should make fine looking children between the two of you, " Mary commented, looking slyly up at her mistress, who had flushed a deep red.

" Mary! You shouldn’t talk of our marriage bed that way." Though she was scolding, she could not keep the small smile from her lips. That part she was not looking forward to. She remembered what her mother had told her:

" Just lie still, my child. If you do, it will be over sooner. I will not lie to you; ’tis not a pleasurable venture for a woman. But you are strong, and can clear your mind to fill it with thoughts of a more pleasant nature. Most men do not need much time to complete their duty. Do not fight him, but allow him to complete his task, and then leave you alone once more."

She remembered asking if she should have to be naked during these couplings, and had been overwhelmed by her relief. Her mother told her that the man would only lift her gown as far as was needed, and not another glimpse of her would be needed for him.

" I dread this, " she breathed.


Fallon had a wonderful dinner prepared for her new wife. She wanted to make Sarah happy, and feel comfortable in her new home and new role as the Lady of Aragon.

The warrior changed into softer, broken in leather pants, and a soft, flowing white shirt. Her boots tucked up over her calves, and a dagger belt was in place. She tied her hair back, tired of it hanging in her face. It was unusual for her to have it down for the morning’s festivities, and she was ever grateful to get it out of her eyes. She had learned that the hard way. Having the stinging in the eyes during a fight – not smart.

Lady Sarah arrived after the invitation had been extended. She had also changed from her wedding finery to a beautiful velvet and silk gown of green. It played to her body well, her mother having it made for her just for such an occasion. Sarah knew she had to interest her husband, and though uncomfortable in revealing her curves, knew it was what she was to do.

She saw her husband speaking with some staff, and took the unobserved opportunity to take in his long, lean body. He was tall and trim. She knew him to be a warrior, and saw his dagger at his side. Two swords hung with a coat of arms over the massive fireplace in the great dining hall. A fire roared its warmth throughout the stone-enshrouded room, bouncing shadows off every object that did not move, including the dark hair of her husband. She noted that it was pulled away from his face.

" Milady, " Fallon said softly, feeling her presence even as she talked with the serving party. She smiled at the start her words gave, and took in the beauty that stood not ten feet away. " You look lovely, " she said, walking over to Sarah, and taking small, cool hands in her own.

" Thank you, my lord. And you handsome as ever." Sarah smiled, knowing it would earn her one in return.

" Thank you. Come. Let’s dine."

Dinner was carried out mainly in silence, both husband and wife glancing at the other under the pretense of asking for salt or butter. Both were equally nervous and unsure. This made Sarah feel better. She would have hated for her husband to be experienced, or throw his expectations at her. Fallon did none of this. He seemed as unsure as she.

Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.


Sarah paced around her bedchambers, wondering when her husband would come to claim his right of their wedding night. Her body was buzzing with nerves. She tried to relax, following some of the exercises Mary had given her to try and be calm. They worked for but a moment before her mind would begin to conjure up all sorts of pictures.

Her sleeping gown flowed behind her as it swept across the hard, cold floor that was covered by large, beautiful rugs. She had a fire blazing in her fireplace, trying to stay warm. The sweat that crept up her back and ran between her breasts was cold, giving her a chill.

Finally when she was about to douse the flames and climb into the massive bed, she heard a soft knock on her chamber door. Swallowing hard, she called out.

" Come."

The large, heavy door slowly opened and Fallon stood, bathed in the golden hue of the fire. He wore the same outfit as earlier, though now the laces of the shirt were partially open. He held a single rose in a hand.

" Milady." His voice was so soft as he entered the chamber, closing the door behind him.

" My lord, " Sarah near whispered, her heart in her throat. She wanted so badly to run, to not have to deal with her duties.

" For you, " he said, handing his bride the gift. She took it in her trembling fingers. " Do not fear, wife, " Fallon whispered. " I shall not hurt you."

Sarah swallowed again, pleased by the comforting words, but scared all the same.

" Would you like to talk first? " Fallon asked. She watched as the blonde brought the rose to her nose and inhaled the strong, perfumed fragrance. Green eyes met hers.

" If it’s all the same, my lord, I’d like to just get on with it."

Fallon smiled softly and nodded. She had hoped Sarah would take her up on her offer so she, too, could build her courage. The smaller woman walked over to the bed and threw back the heavy covers. Climbing in, she laid down, waiting.

Fallon took a deep breath and followed. Once at the bedside, she unlaced her pants and kicked the boots off. She could feel the end of the ‘manhood’ that touched her, pushing into her. She withheld a groan as it sent warmth throughout her body.

She took in Sarah’s posture, body stick straight, eyes facing the underside of her decorated canopy. Pushing the covers aside, Fallon climbed onto the bed, her weight being absorbed by the extra amount of straw she had had put into Sarah’s mattress.

Scooting over to her wife, she reached out a hand and gently took hold of the hem of the sleeping gown. Sarah’s breathing increased and her eyes closed for a moment as she tried to get herself under control.

Fallon felt the warmth of Sarah’s thigh on her hand, and moved the hand up further. She was not surprised to find no undergarments, though it excited her on some level.

Sarah swallowed again when she felt the warm hand touch the wiry hair between her legs. She wondered what Fallon was doing. Her husband laid next to her, his hand roaming over the landscape that made her a woman. She hadn’t expected him to take so much time. She just wanted to be alone again.

Suddenly those thoughts were cut off when she felt that hand ease through the soft skin of her sex, a finger trailing over her expanse. She released a little gasp, her eyes popping open. She looked at Fallon and saw him looking down at her exposed skin, and to Sarah’s horror, she felt a wave of heat shoot through her. She did not want to feel anything. Was not supposed to feel anything.

Fallon marveled at the feel of Sarah’s velvety skin against her calloused fingertips. She ran her fingers through the soft skin, feeling a slow build of moisture begin to gather. She was absolutely amazed, and almost wanted to just stroke the younger woman to see what would happen. She could hear Sarah’s breathing increase, though the little blonde did nothing to indicate she was either in pain or enjoying what was being done to her.

Knowing she had a duty to perform, Fallon kept stroking, feeling for the source of the wetness. This would be where she would need to enter. Running her fingers down, feeling Sarah’s body jerk slightly at a certain time, she ran her finger straight down, following the natural curve of Sarah’s sex until the tip of her finger disappeared into soft warmth.

Sarah made the softest of noises when she felt that finger enter just the barest little bit. She closed her eyes, angry at herself for responding. She didn’t want Fallon to think she was depraved.

The brunette slowed her movements, enjoying the feel of the smooth wetness against her fingers. It turned the skin impossibly soft. Moving, she gently eased Sarah’s legs open with the hand that was already between the blonde’s legs and positioned her body between them.

Sarah’s breath caught as she realized what was about to happen. She felt her legs opened further, and then nudged, indicative of Fallon wanting her to raise her knees. She did, feeling the cool night air whisper against her sex. She felt so vulnerable. In a small way, she almost wished that Fallon had his pants off as well. Perhaps she’d feel a little more at ease.

Fallon moved herself over her wife, holding herself up with a hand placed next to Sarah’s shoulders, and reached down with the other to between their bodies.

She could feel an immense heat radiating between their bodies in the small space between Sarah’s thighs. She reached inside her pants, immediately feeling the ‘manhood.’ She grabbed it, lightly tugging until it came loose from the confines of her leather pants. Once it was free, she guided it toward the hot, wet spot between the blonde’s thighs.

" Are you ready, milady? " she asked, her voice just slightly breathy. She saw the nod, and she gently eased the head of the phallus just inside Sarah’s opening. She watched carefully, looking for any signs of discomfort or pain.

Sarah closed her eyes as she felt her husband’s penis touch her sex, her hands at her sides, fists clenching the sheet beneath her. The warmth that Fallon had created in her with his fingers flared to life once again as her sex was touched once more.

She felt the slightest bit of discomfort as Fallon pushed in a little more, spreading her inexperienced walls a bit more with his width. She held her breath as he pushed in more, feeling him stop when he reached the barrier of her maidenhood.

Fallon closed her eyes, amazed that even though the phallus strapped to her hips was not truly a part of her, she still was able to feel. The sensation of entering into Sarah’s body was incredible, and she had to hold her breath to try and keep her breathing under control.

She stopped when she heard the small noise Sarah made when she felt something, some sort of barrier. Realizing what it was, she opened her eyes and looked down at the face of her wife.

" Are you alright, milady? " she asked, her voice even more breathless and husky than it had been before.

" Yes, my lord, " Sarah said, her own voice breathless, though more from fear than desire.

" I have to break through, my wife, " Fallon said, her hips begging her to move again. Sarah nodded, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth. She braced herself as she felt Fallon begin to move again. He moved his hips, pulling himself out, slow and steady, only to push back in. He was getting her used to the feel of him inside her. Pushing in a little more with each slow thrust until he was at the barrier again, this time he did not stop.

" Oh, " Sarah breathed, eyes squeezing shut as she felt the brief sting, then the strange sensation of being completely filled. Fallon, totally inside, held still. She held herself up on her arms and looked down into the beautiful face of her wife. Sarah breathed slow and easy for a moment, a small wrinkle forming between her brows as she concentrated on what was happening to her body. Finally the green eyes opened, and she looked up into the intense blue that were looking down at her.

Sarah was getting used to the feeling of her husband inside her, and though foreign, she could not say it was completely unpleasant.

Seeing that the blonde was alright, Fallon began to move her hips again. Slowly pulling out to the tip of the head, she thrust back in, though she kept her stroke smooth and slow. Sarah released a soft sigh upon re-entry, and Fallon felt it down to her core. The end of the phallus pushed against her own sex with every movement, and she looked down at Sarah with lust-glazed eyes.

She adjusted her hands against the mattress, spreading her weight more equally upon her arms, and continued to move slowly within her wife.

Sarah closed her eyes again, but this time it was out of a faint pleasure that she could detect. She still had fear, but had the distinct feeling that perhaps giving Fallon his duty would not be as bad as she had worried.

Instinctively her knees raised, and her lips opened slightly in a soundless sigh as she felt Fallon go deeper within her body. She wanted to bring her hands up and touch her husband, but wasn’t sure if that was allowed. She did not know what he liked, or would let her do.

Fallon groaned when she felt Sarah open up to her more, the blonde’s legs opening wider, her knees lifting to allow her to thrust even deeper. Her movements were getting a little faster as she felt a burning low in her stomach, a burning that begged for more.

Sarah felt the need to move her hips a bit, wanting more, but what that more was, she had no idea. Just wanted.

Soon the large room was filled with the sound of snapping embers and skin slapping skin. The occasional wet sound of the phallus sliding in and out of Sarah’s depths sent Fallon into a spin. She gripped the sheet beneath her hands with clenched fingers, the muscles in her arms and back tensing as she thrust faster and faster, the phallus moving quickly, slicing through the continual wetness.

Fallon raised her head, eyes closed, mouth open as her orgasm began. Her skin slapped ruthlessly against Sarah’s as her body took over. She could not keep the panting under control, nor the groan that was building in her throat.

Sarah spread her legs wider as the thrusts got faster, needing more contact. She felt as though pleasure were just out of reach, when suddenly it began to gain, increasing her breaths, making her feel lightheaded. Fallon yelled out, his hips jerking a few times, his manhood slamming into her. Sarah bit her bottom lip as she felt an immense wave of pleasure rip through her, though she was determined not to make a sound.

Fallon felt the hot breath of her young bride on her, and she looked down, still trying to recuperate from her intense experience. She was pleased to see the look of flushed pleasure on Sarah’s face, though the woman made not one sound.

The brunette stayed put for a moment, not sure she could do anything else. Any move she made put more pressure on her sex, which was overtaken with pulsing pleasure.

Finally, after a moment to recover, she slowly pulled out, bringing a slight gasp from the blonde.

" Are you alright, milady? " Fallon asked once she’d gotten her voice back. Sarah, still unable to make a sound, merely nodded. Fallon climbed off her and sat on the edge of the bed. She looked down at the phallus, which stood erect from the opening in her pants. It glistened with Sarah’s wetness. " I should go, " she said softly, standing and rearranging herself. Lacing up her pants, she heard nothing from the small blonde, so she looked at her over her shoulder.

Sarah had gathered the blankets up around herself, her eyes slightly open. She was looking at her husband.

" Good night, wife, " Fallon said.

" Good night, my lord, " Sarah whispered. She took a deep breath as she heard the man leave her alone. Her body was still trembling from the sensations that she had just felt, still able to feel her husband inside her. It was almost like a phantom lover still hovered.

She sighed, long and deep, and turned to her side, staring at the burning out embers of the fire. The room was mostly thrust into darkness. She closed her eyes and prayed for a quick sleep.

Though she had felt some discomfort, some pain and pleasure, she could not help but feel invaded. She had not wanted this marriage, yet it was thrust upon her. She had not wished to copulate with Fallon, yet they had no choice.

A single tear made a lazy trail down her cheek, only to disappear into the material of her pillow.


Fallon made her way to her chambers, her heart still thundering in her chest.

" My god, " she breathed, closing the door behind her and leaning against it. She was glad she had thought to tell her manservant to retire before she had headed to Sarah’s room. She had no desire to see him right now.

Her body was trembling and tingling, her own wetness making her slightly uncomfortable in her leather pants. Pushing away from the door, she was grateful for the fire Charles had started before leaving to his own rooms. She stood before it, unlacing her pants and peeling them down her legs. She looked at the ‘manhood’ that hung between her legs, still seeing the remnants of Sarah’s juices on it.

Quickly she unbuckled the harness that held it in place and tossed it aside. Her own dark curls were wet and sticky from her passion. She had no idea it would feel good to her. God. No wonder men chased women so much. She understood now.

Stripping completely, careful to hide the phallus and harness away, Fallon climbed into her own bed, twice the size which Sarah used. She was exhausted.

Her last thoughts were of how wonderful it had been to be inside the young blonde.


" Mistress, are you alright? " Mary asked as she entered the young bride’s room. By the smell of things, the blonde had been visited by her new husband. She knew that Sarah had been terrified about the ordeal of her wifely duties.

A blonde head barely poked out from underneath the blankets, as Sarah had buried herself all night, finding comfort and safety in the covers. A green eye peeked out.

" I’m fine, Mary, " she said, her voice quiet.

" Are you sure? " The older woman sat on the edge of the bed, and took the hand that had squeezed through the cocoon. " Was he here? " "

Sarah nodded.

" And? " Mary’s brows were drawn, worry etching the lines of her face.

" And it’s over. He was gentle." Sarah pulled herself out from the cave of blankets, and sat up. She ran a hand through her hair. As she moved, she felt the slight discomfort of her sex. It wasn’t really painful, she could just still feel the unfamiliar stretch of her muscles. " You may take the bedding down for the nobles to inspect."

" Yes, miss Sarah, and I’m glad. I would have been surprised had he hurt you. He seemed far too gentle for that."

" Yes, well. Perhaps I’ll be with child now and won’t have to do it again."

Mary raised her brows, but said nothing.

" Well, milady. Are you ready for a bath now? "

Recalling the sticky feel between her legs, Sarah quickly nodded.


Fallon bathed and dressed, ready to face her day. Today she would start the routine of Camden Castle. She was feeling fresh, and a bit spry on her feet.

She greeted her staff with a smile and a kind word. Eating a quick breakfast of fruit, she was off to the stables to survey her lands.

Meanwhile, Lady of Aragon bathed, thoroughly, and dressed in shades of green and yellow, then too had breakfast. She explored the immediate grounds of the manor, enjoying the rose garden immensely. She inhaled the scent of the roses that surrounded her, and couldn’t help but wonder if this was where the rose had come from that Fallon had brought her the night before. The night before.

She sighed, and slid her hands down her body, starting at her breasts, and running them down over her flat tummy. She wondered if there was a baby in there now. There was a part of her that felt she’d know when there was, and did not feel it. She did, however, still feel that strange sensation. Her body was different, and she knew it.

She wondered when her husband would want her again.


Fallon pulled her sword, holding steady as she faced her opponent. He looked into her eyes, brows drawn in concentration, upper lip slightly pulled.

The tall brunette could feel beads of sweat on her upper lip. She watched his eyes, trying to read his next move.

" Ahh! " He attacked, raising his blade high, bringing it down to a sharp clink as he struck her blade.

With actions that were quick and precise, his sword was kicked from his hand, and the warrior found himself on the ground, a boot on his chest, and a blade tip at his throat. He looked up into blue eyes and put his hands up.

" I surrender, Fallon." The soldier was panting from the exertion and surprise of such a complete defeat.

The brunette took her blade away and took a step back, a satisfied grin on her face.

" Nice work, Miklo. Keep at it." She reached down and helped her man up, brushing him off. " Go eat. You need the energy."

Fallon turned back to the manor from the practice field, sheathing her own sword. Her gaze was caught by a figure up along the bridge who quickly turned away when seen.

A small smile on her face, she hurried inside.


The days passed with Sarah and Fallon rarely seeing each other. Fallon had no idea if she was supposed to visit her wife as a husband again. The nobles had seen the sheets the morning after their wedding, and were more than satisfied that the marriage had been consummated. So, was her job done?

She didn’t want it to be so. She had enjoyed her role, and had enjoyed being with Sarah.

As the brunette headed for the staircase that would take her to her chambers, she saw Sarah just ahead of her. The blonde was hurrying up the stairs, holding her skirts just above her ankles to avoid tripping. Once she reached the landing, she stopped, almost as if she knew she were being followed. Looking over her shoulder, green met blue.

" Milady, " Fallon said, slowly advancing on her wife.

" My lord, " Sarah said, her voice near breathless as a sudden surge of nerves clutched at her heart.

" How are you? " The brunette caught up to Sarah.

" I am fine, my lord." Green eyes ducked in deference to her husband. Long, strong fingers gently clasped her chin and brought Sarah’s face up to look at her own.

" Are you really? Is there anything you need, Lady Sarah? Anything to make you happy? "

Sarah looked into the unbelievably handsome face of her husband, and the kindness of his eyes. So intense and blue. Stunning.

" No, my lord. I, I..." She stopped, swallowing hard. " I am fine, sir."

" Call me Fallon, " the brunette asked, bowing slightly. Sarah smiled.

" And will you call me Sarah, my lord? "

" Aye." Fallon gave her a brilliant smile. " Sarah."

Green eyes twinkled.

" Aye, Fallon."

" Good night, Sarah." Fallon took Sarah’s hand, and placed a light kiss on the back.

" Good night, Fallon." Sarah gave her a small curtsey, and she hurried to her chambers, her heart beating double time.

Fallon watched her go, her own heart pounding.

She sighed, then headed to her own chambers.


Sarah sat in front of her fireplace, trying to stay put. She felt antsy and restless, and had no idea why. It had been nearly a month since Fallon had come to her, and for some reason, she felt as though she were failing in her role as a wife. Granted, it was for the husband to decide, but still.

She grabbed the long braid that fell down her back, pulling it over her shoulder, and carefully began to pull the golden strands free. She had started watching Fallon as he practiced with his soldiers. He was an amazing fighter and his strength and ability was more than evident.

She sighed again, then started when she heard a soft knock at her door.

Turning, she called out. " Come in."

The door slowly opened, and Fallon poked her head in. She saw her wife sitting in front of the fire, pulling her braid free. The long strands draped over her shoulder, and the light from the fire made it appear as though she had a golden halo around her head.

" Hello, Lady Sarah, " she said, stepping into the room. She felt so unsure, as though she were doing something wrong. Taking advantage, but was drawn all the same.

" Hello, sir Fallon." She stood, clasping her hands to her chest, almost as if she were trying to keep her pounding heart behind her breast.

" I bring you this." Fallon walked over to her wife and handed her a red rose. Sarah took the gift, and once again brought it to her nose. She eyed her husband, remembering the first night. She wondered if the rose was to be the symbol of his wants and desires.

" ’Tis beautiful, my lord, " she said softly.

" As are you." Fallon said, a small smile tipping her lips. She had come to this room out of curiosity, just to see what would happen and if Sarah would bite. The bait was the rose, and though she felt manipulative, wanted to know if she would be welcome.

Sarah blushed lightly at the compliment, then looked up at Fallon.

" Did you need something, my lord? " she asked quietly, twisting the rose in her fingers. Blue eyes scanned over the small blonde and a smile formed.

" I wish to be with you again, Sarah, " she said, her voice low and husky, sending a surprising chill down the blonde’s spine.

" Of course, Fallon. You need not ask." She laid the rose down upon the chair she’d just abandoned, and walked over to the bed. She felt nervous excitement racing through her blood. After watching her husband for the past two fortnights, she was glad that she was still found desirable.

Fallon watched the small blonde, noting how she could still see the gentle sway of her hips even through the thick, flowing material of her sleeping gown.

The brunette had been listening to her men when they talked about their wives or lovers. Many of them had mentioned kissing. Fallon knew of kissing from the small kisses on the cheek she’d get from her mother, but knew nothing of a sexual kind. The men said the kisses were on the lips, and often the best kind was when the wench would use her tongue.

This was a strange concept to her, but after referencing it with her manservant, who spoke very highly of the virtues of the kiss, she decided to perhaps try this. It had been said that it proved highly pleasurable for the woman as well.

The warrior walked over to the bed, unlacing her pants as she went. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she pulled off her boots, and then turned to her wife. Sarah lay on her back, tucked under the blankets up to just under her breasts. Green eyes were on her, watching her every move.

With her back still to Sarah, Fallon asked, " Sarah, did you enjoy what we did last time? " She spared a glance at her wife, but quickly looked away, not wanting to see rejection n her face, no matter what her words might be. " And the truth. Not what you think I might like to hear."

Sarah’s heart raced, trying to decide what might be the best answer, when she decided to just be honest. Besides, it wasn’t like the answer was bad.

" Yes, my lord. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I might, " she said softly. " You were gentle and kind, Fallon."

The warrior turned to look at the lady, her expression guarded. " Really? "

" Yes, my lord. Come." Sarah pulled the blankets back, inviting her husband to join her. " And you, sir? " she asked, dropping her eyes. She knew it was an entirely inappropriate question, but really wanted to know.

" Yes, Sarah, " Fallon said, making her way over to the smaller woman, slipping beneath the covers and scooting her long body until she could feel the heat of Sarah’s. " I enjoyed it very much, and I am very happy to hear that you did as well. I would never hurt you, my wife. I’m very pleased that I did not."

" My mother warned me." Sarah smiled shyly. " She told me it would hurt."

" And my father tutored me on the best way to cause the smallest amount of discomfort or pain."

" You did well, my lord." Sarah looked at the face of her husband. There had always been something there that seemed different. She was amazed how he could seem so strong and capable, yet possess a vulnerability that she more sensed than saw evidence of.

" Thank you.." Fallon brought the covers down a bit, exposing Sarah’s clad body. She saw the girl’s breasts rising and falling with every breath and suddenly wished to see them uncovered. This was inappropriate to the ways of coupling, so she would leave them be But she was still curious. Instead, her hand roamed down to the hem of Sarah’s sleeping gown, and using her fingers, slowly brought it up until she felt the warm skin of the blonde’s thigh.

" Very beautiful, " she whispered, looking into Sarah’s face. She was pleased to see that her wife held not the fear that she had the first time. She looked a bit trepidatious, but not afraid.

" Thank you, my lord, " Sarah whispered back. She could feel her breathing already begin to hitch in anticipation and slight anxiety. She knew in her bones that Fallon would never hurt her, but she wanted to make sure she did things right. Perhaps she had done wrong the first time, and that is why he stayed away for so long?

" You are very soft."

Sarah was surprised at how much talking her husband was engaging in tonight. He said so very little on their wedding night. Her fingers itched to touch her lord, but she was still unsure if this was allowed.

A small sigh escaped her as she felt that strong hand caress up her thigh, pushing the material of her gown further up, then gentle fingers slip into the hair and finally into the folds of her sex.

To Fallon’s surprise, Sarah was already a bit wet as she ran her fingers along the unbelievably soft skin. She heard a soft moan from her wife as she ran two fingers along the natural curve of Sarah’s sex. She smiled, liking that sound. She felt it all the way down.

" You like to be touched, don’t you? " she asked, her voice husky and raw. The blonde looked at her.

" I’m sorry, my lord." Sarah immediately stopped any noise or movement.

" No, no, Sarah. Please do not stop. I like your enthusiasm. I wish for you to enjoy this as much as I do." Surprised green eyes took her in.

" Do you mean it, my lord? "

" Yes." Fallon smiled again, leaning in to press her lips lightly to Sarah’s slightly flushed cheek. Sarah closed her eyes, allowing the sensations to course through her body. She felt those fingers begin to dip just inside her opening, causing more of the thick fluid to pour out.

Fallon could feel her fingers becoming quickly covered, and decided that Sarah was ready. It had taken only a few moments this night. She moved over the blonde, and again, bracing herself on one hand, she reached down to further spread Sarah’s legs and guide the head of the phallus inside. This time Sarah was looking into her eyes, and suddenly Fallon felt an incredible connection to this woman. It was a connection of their bodies, but more than that as she gently, slowly slid inside.

Sarah’s lids grew heavy as she fought to close them when her body was being entered by her husband, but she wanted to see Fallon’s eyes as he slid inside.

" Touch me, " Fallon whispered as she held herself above the blonde, her hips slowly moving the phallus out then back in again.

Sarah was surprised at the request, but immediately obeyed. She brought her hands up, placing them on Fallon’s broad, strong shoulders. She could feel the muscles under her hands as the body on top of hers worked, his hips slowly moving. Sarah closed her eyes as she felt herself being completely filled, her knees raising to accommodate even more of Fallon’s length.

The brunette groaned. She felt the brief touch of one of Sarah’s heels against her leather-clad butt, which made her realize again that she was between those beautiful thighs, thrusting inside Sarah’s sex, making the young blonde moan quietly beneath her. She looked down at her wife and saw Sarah’s eyes barely open, her lips slightly parted as soft, warm air hit the warrior’s face in puffs as Sarah silently panted.

She lowered her head, placing a gentle kiss on Sarah’s forehead. The blonde started, eyes opening to look up at her husband. What was he doing?

Fallon went back down, this time her lips laying gently atop Sarah’s.

" Wha, what are you doing, my lord? " she asked, her voice breathy and low.

" Kissing you, " Fallon husked, her hips trying to hold a slow, steady pace, but they were beginning to move faster of their own accord.

" Oh."

The brunette leaned down again, and this time the blonde did not flinch beneath them. Sarah had never heard of such a thing during coupling, but would not fight it. She figured her husband had experience that she did not, and knew what he was doing.

At first her lips stayed stiff and still, but upon his third pass, she pursed hers, meeting his. This sent a fiery jolt through both of them, causing Fallon’s hips to jerk. Sarah grimaced slightly at the unexpected thrust. The blonde’s still inexperienced sex was not accustomed to such treatment.

" I’m sorry, " Fallon whispered against Sarah’s lips. She stopped her thrusts and began to rotate her hips, moving the phallus in a circular motion inside Sarah’s core. The blonde moaned, arching her head back as her fingers grasped the shirt that covered Fallon’s arms, earlier discomfort forgotten. Fallon saw the expanse of Sarah’s throat, and brought her lips to it. She inhaled the smell of the lady; herbs and her own natural scent.

Sighing in pleasure, she began to move her hips again, moving the ‘manhood’ in and out. Both of their breathing picked up as her rhythm did, again, the sounds of skin slapping skin and wetness filled the air. Sarah’s hands clutched rhythmically at Fallon as she thrust, her hips moving the bed as she filled the woman beneath her again and again until she felt that slow burn in her lower belly turn into a roaring fire.

Sarah felt her own impending orgasm begin, and raised her knees even higher, silently begging Fallon to move faster and deeper, needing that final thrust that would throw her over the edge and into the abyss of pleasure that began to fill her.

The blonde’s panting drove Fallon on, raising onto her hands again as she used all the power she had to give her wife the pleasure she could hear in Sarah’s rising moans and breathy pleas.

" Yes, Sarah, " Fallon panted, eyes closing tightly as she threw her head back, the pleasure tearing through her at unbelievable speeds and heights.

The blonde tried to bite her lip as she felt the need to cry out, but the cry got out around the block, filling Fallon’s heart and ears with joy. The blonde grasped the taller woman almost painfully as she released.

They remained still, both panting as they tried to get themselves back under control. Fallon fell to her forearms again, her forehead resting on the pillow next to Sarah’s. She felt a soft hand resting on her bicep and another on her shoulder. Sarah’s legs relaxed, her heels coming into contact with the mattress beneath them, then flopped over, opening her legs fully. She was too spent to hold them up any longer.

" My lord, " Sarah breathed, trying to get herself back under control. Fallon raised her head to look at the blonde. " Was that alright? " Hopeful green eyes looked up into blue. Fallon could see the sweat that had gathered in the hollow of Sarah’s throat, shimmering each time the blonde took a breath.

" Yes, milady, " the brunette husked, leaning down again to place a light kiss on Sarah’s parted lips. " It was wonderful."

The warrior was surprised when she felt the hand that had been on her arm make a tentative journey up to her upper back. The fingers twined themselves in the loose material of Fallon’s shirt.

" Good, " Sarah whispered. " I’m pleased, my lord."

" And you? Did you enjoy it? " Fallon asked, slowly lowering her body to lie against that beneath her, though she still held the majority of her weight upon her forearms. She could feel Sarah’s breasts against her own and fought to hold back a soft moan.

Sarah sucked in a breath as she felt the warm, strong body over her relax into her. The hand on Fallon’s back began to roam slightly, her fingers gently kneading the material of the rough shirt.

" Yes, husband. Very much so." Her voice was soft as her body thrummed with the left over feelings of their coupling. Fallon was still inside of her, and every time he moved, a pleasant little sensation washed through her body.

" I should go, " Fallon whispered, slowly, carefully removing herself from Sarah and sitting up. She was tired and content.

" Yes, my lord." Sarah felt a small shadow of disappointment, but at the same time she was anxious to be alone and sleep. She was exhausted.

Fallon stood, careful to give her back to Sarah as she relaxed her pants. She was beginning to hate the ruse, and knew not how to be honest with her wife. If Sarah were to go to her family, the alliance would be finished.

She took a deep breath and turned to look at the blonde who lay on her side, looking up at her. Once again, she had the blankets pulled up to her chin.

" Good night, Sarah."

" And you, Fallon. Sleep well."

Fallon made her way out of the large chamber.

Sarah rolled over onto her back, staring up into the darkness that was her ceiling. She sighed, running a hand through her hair, still slightly sticky from sweat. This coupling had been amazing, and she closed her eyes as she could still feel sensations prickling her skin. Inside and out.

She brought a hand up to her lips, still feeling those of her husband. The kisses, though brief, had brought an intimacy to the act that had been unexpected. Was that why he’d done it?

She did not understand.


Fallon collapsed into her bed, clothing thrown around the floor. She thought of her young wife, and a smile slowly spread over her lips. She could still feel the blonde’s juices on her skin and inhaled. The smell was fresh and potent and sent shivers down her spine, ending between her legs.

Perhaps she’d take Sarah for a ride the following day. She saw very little of the small blonde during the day. This only being the second time she’d visited her during the night, she knew nothing about the woman, only what her family had supplied Fallon’s father to make Sarah seem good marriage material for their alliance.

She wanted to get to know the blonde. She would start tomorrow.


Sarah rose early, a smile on her lips and song in the air. Mary helped her to dress, watching the girl carefully. Her young mistress was happy this morning, and she wondered if her dashing husband had anything to do with it.

" Visited last night, were you? " she asked, a small smile on her lips and twinkle in her blue eyes. Sarah looked at her through the mirror. The older woman stood behind her, braiding her long hair with bits of green ribbon.

" Why do you say this? " Sarah handed her long-time friend and servant the brush that Mary was reaching for.

" You are glowing, young Sarah." Mary smoothed back some of the golden hair. Sarah blushed deeply, staring into her own face. She felt older somehow. The eyes that stared back at her were different than those of the frightened young girl who had married Fallon of Aragon little more than a moon ago.

" Yes. That I am, and that he did, " she whispered, seeing her husband’s blue eyes before her face. So handsome. Yet beautiful at the same time. She sighed, content.

There was a soft knock on the door.

" Come, " Sarah called out. The large, wooden door opened and Henry, the house servant, popped his head inside.

" Milady, Lord Fallon wishes for your company at the morning meal, " he announced.

" Thank you, Henry. Tell Lord Fallon I’ll be there shortly."

The door closed, and Mary smiled. She was happy to see her mistress happy.


Sarah was accompanied to the dining hall by Henry and seated to her lord’s right. Fallon rose when the blonde entered, and waited until she was properly seated before she sat again.

" Good morning, milady." Fallon smiled, welcoming her bride to her table. Sarah smiled in turn.

" Morning, my lord. Did you sleep well? " The servants placed food in the center of the end of the table the couple used. Goblets of gold were filled with water, and food was placed on the plates before Fallon and Sarah.

" I did. And you? " Fallon grabbed her three-pronged fork, much like a tiny pitch fork, and began to stab a bit of venison.

" Indeed, my lord." Sarah smiled, full and bright.

" I thought perhaps we could take a walk today. Or perhaps a ride. Do you ride, Sarah? " the brunette asked.

" Oh, yes, my lord! " Sarah exclaimed, shining at the idea. " I quite enjoy riding. I would be very pleased to join you, husband." She smiled again, her spirit soaring. She so wanted to get to know her husband. He seemed like a gentle soul. And the fact that he wanted to spend time with her, other than that of trying to get an heir, meant so much to her. Almost as if he were trying to court her. She did not understand this. They were already married, after all.

The couple quickly ate, then changed into proper riding clothes. Fallon, in her tight breeches, and Sarah into a dress that was a bit looser, allowing her to mount.

Fallon assisted the blonde to her mount, a gentle gelding named Athena, then mounted her own beast of a horse, Thor.

Combining the two culture’s gods, and two households, Fallon led Sarah out into the pastures and fields around the manor. She pointed out different aspects of the land that she had discovered through her various adventures and explorations. She knew some of the history of the estate and shared her knowledge.

" You are very familiar with your estates, my lord, " Sarah enthused. Her cheeks were rosy from the chill in the air and the excitement of being out with her husband. She had not strayed from the keep or the gardens since she’d arrived at Camden Castle.

" I try to know where I am, Sarah." Fallon smiled. She brought her horse to a stop, dismounting, and grabbing the reins of Athena. She met the questioning green eyes of her bride. " Care to walk, milady? " she asked, indicating the lake off to their left. The blonde nodded and allowed herself to be lifted from her gelding and placed on the green grass below her feet. Fingers grasping Fallon’s arms for balance, she looked up into the blue eyes of the incredibly handsome man before her.

" Thank you, Fallon, " she said, her voice quiet, feeling she should speak in a hush. Those eyes quieted the voice and quickened the heart. The brunette smiled and extended her arm in invitation. Sarah wrapped her smaller hand around it, and they walked after tethering the horses to a tree.

They walked along the shores of Lake Camden. Sarah told Fallon of the birds that flew overhead, surprising the brunette. Her wife also held great knowledge, which she found most welcome.

" My lord? " Sarah asked, glancing up into the face of her husband. " May I speak plain? "

" Of course, Lady Sarah. You are my equal." Fallon smiled down at the surprised blonde, bringing the small woman’s hand further onto her arm.

" Equal? Indeed? "

" Yes, milady. I want not a slave. Please. Speak." Fallon directed them over to a large log, fallen many seasons before.

" Why do you wish to spend time with me? " Sarah asked. She straightened her skirts around her as she sat, sure to be proper.

" I wish to know you, milady."

Green eyes looked up in confusion. This sort of declaration was unheard of in her world. Certainly had she been no man’s equal. Most men would have beat her for the mere thought. She tried to sense treachery, but found none.

" What do you wish to know? " Sarah asked softly. She looked out over the lake, watching as birds swooped down to catch fish in their curved, sharp talons.

" What do you wish for, Sarah? " Fallon asked, readjusted the sword that hung at her side.

" In what way? "

" Well, in the way of our marriage. What do you wish from me? " Fallon turned slightly on the log to face the young woman next to her. She studied her face and the way the sun shone through her golden hair. Beautiful.

" I wish to be treated well, my lord, " Sarah said simply.

" That is all? Do you not wish for happiness? "

" That would make me happy, Fallon. The rest I can find on my own." The two looked at each other, trying to read what the other was thinking.

" Alright. I will not press the issue. Will you dine with me later this eve? " Fallon asked, changing the subject.

The setting sun brought the couple into the castle, hungry and tired. But happy.

After a full day in the company of her husband, Sarah could only hope to end the day with a nighttime visit from Fallon. She felt so close to him and wished to spend more time with him. This was all to her surprise. Generally she was a person who needed her time alone. She craved it, watching the birds and sewing.

She smiled as she thought that perhaps she’d sew something for him.


Fallon sighed deeply, sated from a wonderful meal of roast duck and fresh vegetables and bread. Sarah had sat to her right, the firelight of the torches around the dining hall accentuating her fine features.

Lady of Aragon had gone to bed nearly an entire candle mark ago, and the brunette sat in her own chambers, drinking wine and staring into the flames in the fireplace. Her manservant, Charles, added wood to the fire as she watched, sending warmth spreading throughout the large room.

She thought back to the day they had shared. Sarah had been sweet and amusing. The blonde told her stories of her childhood and some of the antics she used to play. Youngest of four surviving children, she was often favored by adoring parents. Parents who had felt the match with Fallon of Aragon would be the most beneficial for their lands, but would also make their daughter the happiest.

Sarah told Fallon how she was pleased with the match herself. She was intrigued by the tall, dark-haired man who walked at her side, and wanted to know more of him. She had seen his efforts on the practice field with his men, and enjoyed watching his prowess with bladed weapons.

They had spent many hours walking, talking, and amazingly, laughing.

Fallon smiled at the memory when she heard soft knocking at her doors. She dismissed Charles as she got to her feet, and opened one side of the double doors. Sarah stood at the stoop of her raised rooms, shyly smiling up at the brunette.

" My lord, " she said softly.

" Milady. Are you alright? " Fallon leaned against the frame of the door, studying the young woman.

" Oh yes, for certain, " Sarah quickly assured. " I just wanted to thank you for a most wonderful day." She smiled. " It was immensely enjoyable."

Fallon smiled and took a step back, inviting her wife inside. " Please, join me." The blonde stepped inside, looking around. She had never been in her husband’s rooms before, and was curious.

She noted the door that probably led to her manservant’s quarters, and another that opened up to Fallon’s dressing chambers. There was also a short hall that led to the bathing chambers. The sitting room was large, nearly as large as Sarah’s entire chamber, and was furnished with beautiful, lavish furnishings. The large fireplace was ablaze.

" Sit, milady." Fallon indicated one of the two chairs that sat in front of the fireplace. The blonde did, arranging her skirts around her. " Care for some wine? " Fallon tapped the pottery jug that held the warm beverage.

" No thank you, my lord, if it’s all the same."

" Suit yourself." Fallon sat in her abandoned chair, sipping from her goblet. She pondered what her wife had said of their day and smiled. " I’m pleased that you enjoyed your day so, Sarah. I also enjoyed my time with you." She smiled, raising her glass in toast to her young bride. " You made the day special."

Sarah blushed at such words, not sure what to do with them. " Oh. Thank you, Fallon." She near whispered, feeling shy, her face burning with her blush. " I dare say ’twas you." She smiled, her look slightly coy as she studied her husband. Fallon could feel her loins beginning to stir once more. She noted the way the flames’ shadows licked Sarah’s face and body, even if it was buried in the plentiful material of her dress.

" You charm me, " the brunette said, a coy smile of her own. She set the wine goblet down, looking back into the flames. She heard the rustle of material as Sarah stood from her seat and came to stand before her lord. Fallon looked up into her face, obscured by shadow as the flames were at her back.

" My lord? " she said, her voice low and soft. She reached down and placed a hand gently on the shoulder of her husband. " I wish to tell you that you are a most welcome husband."

Fallon heard the soft words and wondered just what was meant by them.

" I do not understand, " she said, bringing a hand of her own up to gently trace the delicate pattern on Sarah’s dress.

" I mean..." The blonde could feel her heart pounding. " I mean that if it pleases you, you may have me." She looked down, feeling foolish. Fallon smiled, bringing her hand up to cup the blonde’s flushed cheek. " I’m sorry, my lord, " Sarah whispered. " That was inappropriate."

In answer, the brunette took Sarah’s hand and tugged gently. The smaller woman looked into blue eyes, not understanding. She let out a gasp of surprise when she was pulled down to sit cross-wise on Fallon’s lap.

" My lord! " she exclaimed, her hands resting upon his shoulders to steady herself. The brunette grinned, wrapping an arm around her wife’s back, the other stroking her cheek.

" Yes, mi

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