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ББК Ш 81. 432.1 – 923 Б74 Навчальний посібник з читання на заняттях з основної іноземної мови за романом сучасної британської письменниці Софі Кінселла «Чи можеш ти берегти таємниці?» для студентів ІІІ курсу спеціальності «Переклад» із системою мовних, мовленнєвих та комунікаційних вправ. / Укладачі: Лисичкіна І.О., Лисичкіна О.О. – Харків: Академія внутрішніх військ МВС України, 2009. – 195 с.
Укладачі: Лисичкіна І.О., кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри філології, перекладу та мовної комунікації Академії внутрішніх військ МВС України Лисичкіна О.О., старший викладач кафедри фонетики та граматики Академії внутрішніх військ МВС України
Карамишева І.О., кандидат філологічних наук, в.о. завідувача кафедри прикладної лінгвістики НУ «Львівська політехніка» Васік Ю.А., кандидат філологічних наук, доцент
This book is targeted for senior students of English as a foreign language. The principal need of a language learner is to be able to understand and use the language simply and effectively. Students need to know that the English language will enable them to communicate their needs, ideas and opinions. To be able to operate effectively in the real world, students need plenty of opportunity to practise language in situations, which encourage them to communicate their life necessities. Motivation comes from knowing that language activities in the classroom are at all times meaningful, and aimed at real-life communication. For motivation to be sustained, students need to be continually challenged, either linguistically or intellectually, through texts, activities and tasks as the language work must engage students’ minds and challenge them to think. Reading texts are an invaluable source of language input and are an essential ingredient of language course. The reading texts serve a number of purposes: they present new language, they consolidate language already learnt, and they inform and discover how much of a challenging text they can understand. In this respect home reading activities become a significant basis for language learning. The book consists of several parts that cover the information about the author of the book, include reading tasks and activities to the appropriate excerpt of the literary work, tasks for general discussion and interpretation of the novel and sources of the information consulted and cited. Each section of reading tasks and activities contains the glossary of functional vocabulary, reading, writing and vocabulary tasks that help to understand the plot of the novel, its linguistic value, effectively practise its vocabulary and creatively use the knowledge obtained. The final section of the book devoted to general discussion and interpretation of the novel includes the following subsections: Themes and Characters, Literary Qualities, Topics for Discussion and Ideas for Reports and Papers i.e. the tasks for individual projects. Some materials were taken from Ukrainian and authentic sources (see the “Sources” at the end of the manual) and adapted by the compilers.