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Article 285. Work payments to off-time employees

Off-time employees are paid in proportion to the hours worked, depending on their production, or on other conditions set in the labor contracts.

If the off-time employees work with time wages, standard work tasks they are paid for actual performed work in accordance with final results of their activity.

The off-time employees working in the regions with regional additional payments and rises in wages are paid taking into account these regional rates and rises.

Article 286. Leaves at off-time work

Annual leaves for off-time employees are granted at the same time as a leave at their principal place of work. If the off-time employee has not been working for 6 months leave is granted in advance.

If leave of absence at off-time work place is less than leave at the principal work place the employer grants the employee unpaid leave for a suitable period upon the request of employee.

Article 287. Guarantees and compensation payments for off-time employees

Off-time workers are granted any guarantees and compensation payments to the employees combining their work with education and to the employees working in the far north or equivalent regions only at their principal place of work.

The other guarantees and compensation payment stipulated in the present Code, other laws and statutory acts, collective contracts, local statutory acts of organizations are granted to off-time employees at full scope.

Article 288. Additional grounds for cancellation of labor contracts with off-time employees

In addition to the grounds specified in the present Code and other federal laws a labor contract with an off-time employee may be cancelled due to employment of the person for whom this job will be the principal.


Article 289. Conclusion of a labor contract for two months

Probation period is not to be set for employment for the period of two months.

Article 290. Work on free days and holydays

The employees who concluded a labor contract for two months may be engaged for working on their free days and holydays within the abovementioned period upon their agreement.

Work on free days and holydays is paid not less than twice.

Article 291. Paid leaves of absence

The employees who concluded a labor contract for the period of two months are granted leaves of absence or compensation payments in the amount of two workdays per month.

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