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Article 406. Evasion of conciliatory procedures

In case of evasion by either party of participation in the formation or the work of the Commission for Conciliation, the collective industrial dispute shall be referred for consideration to the Industrial Arbitration.

In case of employer`s evasion of formation of the Industrial Arbitration and refusal to perform its recommendations, employees may call a strike.

Formation of the Industrial Arbitration is mandatory in organizations where strikes are being banned or restricted by law.

Article 407. Participation of the Service for Settlement of Collective Industrial Disputes in resolving collective industrial disputes

The Service for Settlement of Collective Industrial disputes is a system of state authorities (subdivisions), which are formed as part of the federal executive body of labour, the respective executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments. It is designed to assist in settlement of collective industrial dispute through conciliatory procedures and participation in them.

The Service for Settlement of Collective Industrial disputes:

provides notifying registration of collective industrial disputes;

verifies, where necessary, authorities of agents of the parties to collective industrial dispute;

produces a list of industrial arbitrators;

carries on training of industrial arbitrators majoring in settlement of collective industrial disputes;

reveals and abstracts reasons and background conditions resulting in collective industrial disputes, makes proposals on their elimination;

grants systematical assistance to the parties to collective industrial dispute throughout the whole process of settlement of such dispute;

provides financial assistance to conciliatory procedures in accordance with established procedures;

arranges for settlement of collective industrial disputes in cooperation with agents of employees and employers, state and local governments.

The employees of the Service for Settlement of Collective Industrial Disputes have the right, upon presentation of appropriate certificate, of unimpeded visit of a work area pertaining to the dispute (subsidiary, representative office or any other separate structural subdivision) for the purpose of settlement of a collective industrial dispute, finding and elimination of reasons giving birth to such disputes.

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