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Economy of New Zealand
New Zealand has about 71 mln sheep and about 7.5 mln cattle or about 25 times as many farm animals as people. No other country has so many farm animals in relation to its population. Sheep are so numerous that a distant hillside may resemble a field of cotton. The economy of New Zealand has long depended on farming and foreign trade. Exports of butter, cheese, meat and wool still provide much of the nation’s income. But manufacturing has been increasing rapidly, and about twice as many New Zealanders now work on factories as on farms. Tourism has also become an important source of income. New Zealand’s economy depends heavily on trade. The countries chief trading partners are Australia, Great Britain, Japan and the United States. Butter, cheese, dried milk products, lamb, and wool make up about half the value of New Zealand’s export. Exports of increasing importance include manufactured goods, fish products. The countries chief imports include iron and steel, machinery, motor vehicles, petroleum, scientific instruments and telecommunication equipment. New Zealand’s greatest natural resource is its land. About 55 per cent of the land consists of crop land and pastureland, and about 25 per cent is covered with forests. They provide valuable timber as well as protection from land erosion. The remaining 20 per cent of the country is made up of lakes, rivers, and mountain areas. The country has few minerals. The most important include coal, gold, iron ore, and natural gas. Water power provides about 75 per cent of the nation’s electricity. New Zealand provides enough meat and dairy products to feed millions of people in other countries as well as its own people, thanks to the country’s mild climate, modern machinery and scientific farming methods. Milk is made in to butter, cheese, and dried milk, while lamb and beef are frozen for exports. Factories also process wool and weaver woolen carpets. Auckland, New Zealand’s most populous city is its largest manufacturing centre with 3350 factories employing nearly 120, 000 workers. About a third of New Zealand’s manufacturing industries have their offices in Wellington, the country’s capital and its second largest city.
2. Дайте відповідь на запитання: 1) What has the economy of New Zealand long depend on? 2) What does the economy of New Zealand depend now? 3) Where does New Zealand export its goods? 4) What is the capital of New Zealand? 3. Заповніть пропуски відповідною формою дієслова to be: am, is або are. Перекладіть речення на українську мову: 1) My cousins … workers. 2) The Nile … in Asia. It … in Africa. 3) …you our new teacher? 4) Sorry, I … very late. 5) … a water melon a fruit or a berry? 4. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Пам’ятайте про те, що в сталих виразах дієслово to have втрачає своє основне значення “ мати (щось)»: 1) Those dogs have short tails and long ears. 2) We don’t have English on Fridays. 3) Dan has got a new sport bicycle. 4) My grandmother doesn’t have much time to go for a walk with my dog. 5) Who has got a spare pen? 5. Заповніть пропуски одним із поданих у дужках дієслів. Перекладіть речення українською мовою: 1) Yesterday Jim …(asks, will ask, asked) me to repair his car. 2) Cyprus and Malta …(were, is, are) famous tourist centers. 3) Oil …(was, were, is) used for the production of petrol. 4) Goods in this shop …(is, are, will be) not as expensive as in that one. 5) We …(shall discuss, discussed, discuss) this terrific idea at our next meeting. 6. Перекладіть наступні речення: 1) Мої батьки поїдуть до Києва наступного тижня. 2) Бабуся знайшла свої окуляри без моєї допомоги. 3) Яку книгу читала твоя сестра вчора ввечері? 4) Я завжди обідаю після уроків 5) Наш викладач не любить ледачих учнів. 7.. Оберіть правильну відповідь: 1) Harry’s room is (expensive) ….. of all the rooms, but he can afford it. A) most expensive B) so expensive C) expensivest D) the most expensive 2) The man is … least 70 years old. A) in the B) on the C) in D) at 3) We were rather surprised … the price of the dress. A) of B) about C) at D) in 4) I’d like two (dozen) … eggs. A) dozen B) dozens C) dozens of D) dozen of 5) We need ….. A) an other chair B) another chair C) another chairs D)one other chair 6) …. first hand news. A) These are B) Those are C) This is D) They are