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Chapter Twenty. Trent couldn’t believe Juliet had slept through the sounds of war and her constant chatter

Trent couldn’t believe Juliet had slept through the sounds of war and her constant chatter. The game was drawing to a close. Everyone had played their best, but the Reapers had once again won most of the night’s battles. Trent had bid her good nights to everyone and had answered Elton’s sly “Say good night to Juliet for me, ” with a simple “I’ll do that, ” before taking off her headset and exiting the game. Out of habit she checked their ranking and was pleased to see her clan among the top names, some of which she recognized as worthy opponents they’d be sure to go up against if they could get everyone online at the same time again. Trent switched off her console, turned off the TV, then rested her chin in her hand and just stared at the sight of Juliet fast asleep on her sofa. Trent hadn’t been in the least bit put off by Juliet walking in on her game. She didn’t distract her, hadn’t called for her attention. Instead she’d been so quiet Trent had almost forgotten she was there. Almost. Trent greedily took in the tiny pair of sleep shorts Juliet wore under an oversized shirt. Slowly, so as not to wake her, Trent eased herself out of her chair to kneel in front of the sofa.

She let her eyes look everywhere, from the mane of blond hair, over the finely arched eyebrows, to the rich mouth that even in sleep quirked with a knowing smile. The sleep shirt was bunched up, revealing Juliet’s soft stomach, and Trent had to restrain herself from leaning in to press her mouth against the pale flesh and just breathe her in. She longed to lick her way up Juliet’s shapely legs, rest her face between her breasts, and slide her fingers deep inside Juliet, wringing out an orgasm that she could watch take hold of Juliet’s body before clutching her tight and relishing the closeness. Trent sucked her lip in between her teeth as she pondered her current dilemma. How the hell do I get you off the sofa and into my bed, seeing as where you’re sleeping is supposed to be my bed for the night? She was just wondering if she could slip her arms under the back of Juliet’s knees when Juliet stirred and her eyelids flickered open.

“Hi, babe, are you still playing? ” Juliet’s soft voice made Trent grow hot, as did the whispered endearment that Trent had never heard from Juliet’s lips before.

“I’m all done for the night. Dave’s wife came and called time on him so we all decided to call it a night. You know what they say about gamers the minute they get married? ” Trent paused for effect. “ Game over, ” she intoned darkly.

“I’d never expect you to stop playing, ” Juliet said. “You love it too much. It’s who you are.”

Trent warmed at Juliet’s appraising look. “Can you get up? ” She noticed Juliet’s surprise at being found on the sofa.

“Did I fall asleep here? ”

“God knows how. We were blowing up buildings and shouting and you just slept right through it all. Even when I cursed at someone for lobbing a grenade in my direction.”

“Wow, I must have been tired.” Juliet rubbed at her face and shifted to sit upright, bringing her legs between Trent’s knees.

“This presentation is sucking the life out of you. The sooner it’s done, the better.” Trent stood and drew Juliet up with her. “You need to go sleep on a proper mattress. I just need to make sure everything is locked up for the night and then I’ll get ready to turn in too.” She undid her watch. “I can’t believe we all ended up turning in early. It’s only just past two in the morning. We’re usually still up when the milkman delivers.” Juliet’s hand slipped into hers and Trent took pleasure in the simple gesture. She turned out the main light and left just a small one burning for her return. She gently pushed Juliet in the direction of her bedroom. “I’ll just get my pj’s and then I’ll…” She gestured to the bathroom. Juliet’s warmth was spreading a fire all along Trent’s side.

“Before I woke up, were you planning on picking me up and carrying me to bed? ”

Trent nodded. “I figured if I was careful enough I could slip my arms around you and lift you. I was just calculating the variables when you woke up.”

“And saved you pulling your back out.”

“You’re not that heavy. I could have done it with little strain. It was the waking you up part I was most worried about.”

“It was nice to wake up and see your face.”

Trent swallowed hard at the sensual, sleepy lilt of Juliet’s voice. It did nothing to calm her. She was still wide awake from her gaming, revved up and wired, and Juliet looked so damn sexy in her sleep shirt that Trent wanted to rip it off her and climb all over her. “I’d better go check all the locks, ” she muttered and quickly took herself away from temptation. The house duly alarmed, Trent paused in the kitchen for a long moment, taking deep breaths as she listened to Juliet move around above her. Trent went back upstairs, gathered her nightwear, and slipped into the bathroom. She washed her face briskly, brushed her teeth, in fact did everything she needed to before being unable to delay any longer. She turned the bathroom light off and headed back down the hallway to her game room.


She halted at the sound of Juliet’s call. The bedroom door was open and Trent could see Juliet kneeling on the mattress facing her.

“Please don’t let me sleep in your bed alone.”

Trent stood still in the doorway. “My invitation for tonight wasn’t for this, Juliet.”

“I know, which just makes you all the more special.” Juliet edged forward to kneel at the end of the bed. “But I want you.”

Trent feared she was glued to the spot. Juliet’s shy look was disarming. Seeing her waiting on the bed wearing just sheer nightwear was banishing any thoughts of chivalry Trent could conjure up.

“Go turn that light off in your game room and come back to me.”

The sensual tone Juliet used spurred Trent to hustle to do as she bid. She locked the door haphazardly, a first for her, then she hurried back to her bedroom door. She leaned against it, almost weak with need for Juliet waiting for her.

“Do I need to come get you? ” Juliet said, sensing Trent’s hesitation.

Slowly Trent walked over to the bed and stood before her. “I can’t believe you’re really here.”

“In your bed? ”

“In my life.” Her breath was suspended as Juliet edged ever closer and raised up on her knees. Chest to chest, they just breathed each other in. The flame in Juliet’s eyes set her own need ablaze.

“I’m frightened I’ll hurt you, ” Trent said. “I want you so much I might be too rough, and I don’t want to frighten you off.”

In answer, Juliet speared her fingers through Trent’s hair and tugged her down. “You can never want me enough.” The kiss was electric. Trent moaned as Juliet’s tongue pushed in deep, seeking hers. Soft lips devoured her and Trent let herself be taken, thrilling to the desire that exploded between them. Too hot, too fast. Trent pulled back gulping for air, not used to someone else setting the pace.

“Fuck, you know how to kiss, ” she said, breathing against Juliet’s lips. Then she took over the kiss, taking control and delighting to hear Juliet moan.

“So do you, ” she gasped, surrendering to Trent’s ardor. “But I want more than kisses from you. I want what you started downstairs. I want to feel your body on mine.”

Trent pushed Juliet back upon the bed and quickly followed her down to lie on top of her, covering her with her long length. Juliet wrapped her arms tightly around Trent’s back and pulled her even closer. Trent could feel her breasts pressed into the softness that was Juliet’s. Hardened nipples rubbed between them, and Trent shifted, enjoying the friction that sent bolts of electricity down her spine. Tugging at Juliet’s shirt, Trent growled, “I need to touch you, need to taste you. You’re so damn soft.” She licked down Juliet’s neck and eased back to allow Juliet to move. Juliet twisted and managed to remove her top, throwing it to the floor. Trent’s breath whooshed out of her chest as if she’d been punched. “You are so sexy.” Mouth watering, she moved to take as much of Juliet’s breast into her mouth as she could. She ran her tongue over the pebbled areola and then sucked on the diamond hard nipple. Juliet bucked beneath her, nails digging into Trent’s back, scratching her lightly then with more fervor as Trent flicked her tongue roughly over the rigid tip.

“That feels so good, ” Juliet said, pushing more of her flesh to Trent’s mouth, arching off the bed and pressing into Trent’s firm flesh. Juliet’s leg slipped between Trent’s, and Trent jerked as her heated center suddenly had pressure applied.

“I need to move before you have me come all over your leg.”

Juliet’s answer was to press her thigh even tighter, and Trent nearly exploded as the pleasure rushed through her clitoris. “I’m not kidding.” Trent hastily shifted position and ignored Juliet’s moan of disappointment. “You’ve got me so fucking wound up I can hardly see.”

“I want you to come, babe. I need you to.” Juliet tugged Trent to her as they lay side by side. Her hands were driving Trent to distraction; they seemed to be everywhere at once. Soft kisses landed all over her face, fingers were chafing at her nipples, and the way Juliet was rubbing against her in a sensuous dance was making Trent wetter than she had ever been. She pulled back a fraction, determined to set the pace, and got a hand free to rub her fingers over Juliet’s naked chest. She traced patterns all over her skin, followed them with her lips, and slowly worked her way down until she reached the barrier of Juliet’s skimpy shorts. She pulled them down Juliet’s legs until she lay naked before Trent’s eyes. Although Trent had seen Juliet naked before, the sheer beauty of it stirred her soul, and she paused to just stare.

“What? ” Juliet asked, brushing her hand over Trent’s cheek.

Trent looked deeply into Juliet’s eyes. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” Gently she ran her hand over every contour of Juliet’s body, breathed in Juliet’s unique scent, and then rested her cheek where Juliet’s heart beat. “You turn me inside out.” She took Juliet’s lips with hers. She kissed her until Juliet was writhing beneath her again. Trent’s hand drifted down to play in the soft hairs that framed the top of Juliet’s legs, legs that instantly parted for Trent to explore further.

Teasing a finger through the wetness, Trent very diligently committed to memory every fold, crease, and pleasure point that she touched upon. She kissed down Juliet’s body, then settled herself between Juliet’s outspread legs and pressed a finger at the entrance of Juliet’s sex. Juliet raised her hips to try to push Trent in farther. In her own time, teasing Juliet unmercifully with soft nips and licks along her thighs, Trent pressed her finger in more, and her breath hitched at the molten warmth that engulfed her. Juliet’s back arched again, letting Trent slip in even farther. Trent added another finger, starting the rhythmic tempo that made Juliet’s breathing stutter and Trent’s own to catch. Trent pressed her tongue to Juliet’s straining clitoris. She pressed again as Juliet squealed her name. Trent pushed her fingers harder inside and sucked the hard little knot of flesh into her mouth. Juliet’s muscles tightened around her fingers.

Trent sped up her rhythm, harder, faster, pressing her fingers into the ridged flesh that held her tight. She could hear Juliet calling to her—“more, ” “deeper, ” “Oh God, just like that.” Trent quickly moved her fingers and before Juliet could realize the loss quickly filled it with her tongue. She licked Juliet firmly, then speared her tongue to capture all the essence she could taste. Juliet’s scent was heady. Trent found it addictive and she buried her face between Juliet’s legs, desperate to take her all in. She flicked her tongue over Juliet’s reddened clitoris, swiftly returned her fingers inside with a firm push, and was elated as the orgasm ripped through her. Juliet called out her name and Trent’s own clitoris spasmed in a fevered response to the siren’s call. A hand finally batted at Trent’s arm and she stilled her fingers.

Unable to stop herself, Trent laid a kiss on Juliet’s clitoris as she calmed. It made Juliet jerk again and release a soft moan. Trent felt empowered, mighty, yet safe and sheltered in the hold of Juliet’s body. She was loath to move in case Juliet somehow vanished and Trent was left alone.

Juliet stirred languidly under her. “God, that was so good, ” Juliet purred.

Trent’s chest expanded at the praise. A hand reached down to playfully ruffle through her hair.

“Monica was right.”

Trent raised her head from where it was resting on Juliet’s thigh. Her fingers had been lazily tracing the edges of Juliet’s labia. Trent was fascinated by the ruffles and the deep rose shade now shining wet with juices.

“Monica? ”

“She told me that as a gamer, you’d have amazing dexterity and would be able to push all my buttons.”

“Did she now? And she was discussing my sexual prowess why? ”

“Perhaps because she could see I was all but undressing you with my eyes at the tournament that day. I was wondering myself just what kind of lover you would be if I was lucky enough to have you.”

Trent held her breath, waiting. “And? ”

“You make love like you play, wholeheartedly, with great passion, and you have the amazing ability to know what needs to be pressed when. You are truly amazing, and I love it when your hands are on me.” She tugged Trent up by her shirt. “Come here.”

Trent reluctantly left her haven between Juliet’s thighs and moved to her side. Juliet kissed her sweetly, then drew back. Trent was transfixed as her pink tongue ran over her lips and she tasted herself.

“I love how you taste, ” Trent said, licking her own lips before leaning down to kiss Juliet once more. She let out a startled breath when Juliet flipped her over and straddled her hips. “Hey! ”

“I want to taste you too, ” Juliet said, brushing her hair over her shoulder and leaning down to take Trent’s mouth with eager lips.

Trent’s breath began to escape in sharp gasps. Her body tensed up and she struggled with her fear as it threatened to overwhelm her. Breaking the kiss, her eyes slipped past Juliet’s enticing body and instead looked fearfully toward the closed door. Her hands involuntarily clenching, Trent had to physically stop herself from pushing Juliet off her. Juliet looked up and then she very gently eased herself up off Trent’s body. Making sure Trent’s eyes were on her, she deliberately went and opened the bedroom door wide.

“Do you have the house alarm on? ” she asked.

Her head still buzzing, Trent just nodded as she sat up, unable to stay lying down.

“There’s only you and me in the house, Trent.” Juliet began to walk back over toward her, hips swaying, drawing Trent’s eyes to her and her alone. “No one else is here. No one is going to disturb us. I’m going to make you mine like I have fantasized ever since you had me in your lap and dancing on your fingers.”

The room was full of white noise, and all Trent could focus on was Juliet. Her voice was all Trent could make out. She dominated the room and filled Trent’s heart. Trent couldn’t take her eyes off her. Juliet beckoned Trent farther down the bed, and Trent was stupidly relieved that Juliet wasn’t angry with her. She hadn’t been able to control her freezing up when she was on her back. That was why she never got herself in that situation with any other woman. She couldn’t allow herself to be put in such a vulnerable position again. Fear of reprisals smothered all other thoughts and feelings.

It had kept her alone for so long. But Juliet was no ordinary woman. Juliet beckoned her closer and Trent obeyed, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, feet on the floor, just staring at Juliet in wonder at the kindness that lit up her face and promised so much. Swallowing hard, Trent could only watch as Juliet came to stand between her legs. Hands brushed through Trent’s short hair and snagged softly at it.

“It’s just you and me, Trent.” She ran her fingers down Trent’s face and let a finger linger on Trent’s lips. Trent caught it gently between her teeth and licked at the tip. Before she could suck it in, Juliet swiftly pulled it away and wagged it in front of her. She trailed the same finger down Trent’s chest, tugging at her T-shirt until Trent took the hint and pulled it off. “Much better.” Juliet sighed, looking Trent over with delighted eyes. She pressed in closer between Trent’s knees and nudged them farther apart. “It’s just you and me. And you’re playing my game now.”

Trent’s eyebrows rose at Juliet’s choice of words. “Your game? ” she asked huskily, captured by the intent blatantly shining in Juliet’s gaze.

“We’re playing passion’s game now.” Juliet sealed Trent’s mouth with a kiss.

Trent’s lips parted beneath Juliet’s as she kissed her softly, more than aware of the nervousness still causing Trent to tremble. Taking her time, Juliet seduced Trent with gentle kisses, her hands just skimming over her flesh. Juliet held back her desperate need to take Trent hard and fast, to devour her whole to quell some of the hunger she had for her. Soon, Juliet told herself and filled her palms with Trent’s firm breasts. She brushed her thumbs over deep red nipples and thrilled to hear Trent’s sharp intake of breath. Trent pushed herself closer as Juliet fondled her, loving the firmness of Trent’s smaller breasts compared to her own larger, softer ones. Trent’s eyes grew darker the harder she gripped her nipples.

“Ooh, you like it a bit rougher, eh? ” Juliet tugged a little more, enough to make Trent moan and lean closer still. She grabbed for a hold on Juliet’s hips and held her tightly.

“You’re making me crazy doing that, ” Trent said, rubbing her face over Juliet’s breasts. Juliet gave her one more tweak, then abruptly knelt before her and sucked a nipple into her mouth. Gasping out loud, Trent grabbed for Juliet and kept her in place, soft gasps erupting from her throat.

“How long has it been since you’ve been touched, Trent? ” Juliet asked, looking up at her and keeping up her seduction by flicking Trent’s nipple with her fingertips.

“Long enough.” Trent shuddered and tried to pull Juliet to her. “It was always easier for me to just fuck and run when I did find someone.”

“Well, you’re not running tonight, ” Juliet said in Trent’s ear, and a shiver ran through Trent’s body. She bit Trent’s earlobe, then ran her tongue over it to take away the sting.

“I’m not going anywhere, ” Trent managed to say before Juliet pushed her back to rest on her elbows.

Juliet slipped her fingers under the waistband of Trent’s sleep shorts and pulled them down her legs and off. She explored Trent’s flat stomach and the muscles that were visible beneath the flesh. She barely scratched her nails down Trent’s stomach and got an instant reaction.

Trent jumped, groaned, and fell back on the bed. “Stop teasing, ” she growled.

Licking her lips, Juliet ignored Trent’s comment and instead kissed her way down each ripple of flesh. Trent twisted beneath her, hands grasping for her, trying to pull her closer. Juliet rested her face on Trent’s hard stomach and rubbed her chin over the soft patch of dark hair at the top of Trent’s legs. Without preamble, Juliet pressed Trent’s legs wider, moved lower, and licked her with the flat of her tongue, taking in all of Trent’s sex. Trent’s lower lips were spread for her, leaving her open for anything Juliet wished. She first pressed light kisses to Trent’s large blood-red clitoris, which strained from under its hood. She then took it into her mouth and sucked hard.

“Christ! ” Trent’s legs were shaking so much Juliet had to hold them still with her arms. Trent pushed her closer between her legs. “Suck me, ” she said, all restraint gone. Juliet complied while slipping a finger into Trent’s warmth. Her fingers met with resistance. Trent was tight, and Juliet groaned at the pressure as she pushed in. Her groan in turn made Trent’s clitoris twitch in her mouth, and Trent let out a loud moan.

“You’re incredibly tight, ” Juliet said, leaning back on her heels to watch her finger be welcomed inside Trent’s wet walls. Strong muscles contracted around Juliet’s finger and she moved deeper, adding another finger and pressing in harder, opening Trent up. “You okay? ” Juliet asked, pressing in and out in rhythm to the lift of Trent’s hips. She barely caught Trent’s yes that hissed out of her.

“Do it, ” Trent gasped, all semblance of control gone.

“Do what? ” Juliet stood to look down over Trent’s length spread out before her, held up on her elbows. A sheen of sweat beaded her skin, her muscles tight and defined, nipples rock hard and straining. Juliet thought she had never seen anything so beautiful. She ran her hand up Trent’s chest, rolling her palm over Trent’s breasts roughly, catching her nipples between her fingers and pulling on them. Trent’s eyes were wide, drawn to Juliet’s.

“Fuck me, ” Trent pleaded, clutching Juliet’s hand to her breast and closing her eyes to the passion. Juliet pumped into Trent quicker, her desire to bring Trent to orgasm a raging fire inside her. Trent’s face revealed its pleasure. Juliet loved how Trent’s mouth opened to gasp for each breath, her name escaping in whispers.

“Come for me, Trent.”

“I am, ” Trent gritted out, writhing under Juliet’s touch.

Juliet straddled Trent’s leg and began to rub her own needy flesh against Trent’s muscled thigh. Trent clutched at Juliet’s hips to help her ride. All too soon Juliet’s own orgasm threatened.

“I’m coming, ” Juliet cried as her hips pounded against Trent. She pushed her fingers in deep and curled her finger over the spot roughened for pleasure. Trent howled, her body spasming as she came with a loud shout. While Trent bucked beneath her, Juliet came from the pressure of Trent’s leg pounding her clitoris. She fell forward and was swiftly gathered up in Trent’s arms. Kisses were rained on her face and Trent nuzzled her, burrowing into her neck as if seeking shelter there.

“God, that was amazing. ” Juliet eased her fingers carefully from inside Trent and brought them up to her lips. “You taste exactly as I thought, strong and spicy.”

Trent just held on to Juliet as if afraid to let her go. Juliet could feel the tremors still rolling through Trent’s body. Juliet looked down at Trent’s face and was shocked to see trails of tears on her cheeks. Juliet began to kiss them away, laying soft kisses all over Trent’s face.

“You all right? ” Juliet whispered, waiting for Trent to open her eyes.

Trent just nodded against Juliet’s flesh. “I don’t remember ever coming so hard, ” she said, finally looking at Juliet.

“You inspire me with your sexy body.”

Trent moistened her lips and let out a shaky sigh. “Looks like you got me on my back after all.”

Juliet realized that they were laid out on the bed, her body covering Trent, who was flat on her back holding Juliet tight. “You okay with that? ” she asked softly, preparing to move, but Trent held her still.

“Yeah, at this precise moment I think I am, ” Trent replied, sounding surprised. She took a deep breath. “God, you fuck like a dream! ” Her wide, toothy grin made Juliet’s heart expand with pleasure. “It’s a good thing I didn’t know you were that good, otherwise I’d have blown off the game entirely and left my team high and dry.”

Juliet snuggled into Trent’s arms and laid her head on her chest, just in reach of Trent’s nipple, which she first breathed on, then touched with the tip of her tongue. It instantly hardened. Trent pressed a hard kiss to Juliet’s forehead as Juliet began to tease the firm nub of flesh.

“I take it you’re not tired? ” Trent slipped a hand between them to capture Juliet’s breast and deliver some of the same teasing she was receiving.

“The milkman hasn’t delivered yet, ” Juliet replied slyly and moved to close her teeth around Trent’s nipple.

“Juliet! ” Trent jolted under her as if touched by an electric current.

“You’ve got to love a butch who has sensitive nipples to play with.” Juliet barely had time to make her comment before she was flipped over on her back with a wild-looking Trent rearing above her.

“And I do so love the games you play.” Trent kissed her soundly.

Juliet was delighted as she witnessed the passion sparkle in Trent’s dark eyes. “Game on? ” she asked, light-headed and almost giddy in her love for Trent.

“Oh, the game is definitely on, ” Trent said, slipping down the bed purposefully. “Listen to you, using gamer speak.”

“I Googled it just for you.”

Trent’s amused sound made Juliet’s heart swell with pride that she had caused that happy look on her face. My lover, in every sense of the word now.

“I think we need to test out your trigger button, don’t you? ” Trent moved lower still. “I bet you didn’t have time to Google that.”

Juliet’s delighted giggle turned into a squeal of pleasure when Trent’s tongue wrapped around her clitoris once more.

“You ready to play? ” Trent asked from between her legs.

“I’m always ready where you’re concerned, ” Juliet said, her heart pounding and her arousal burning through her as Trent took her once more.

Game on indeed.

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