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Visit to Dietician

D r. J о n e s: Good morning, Mrs. Fat. Sit down, please.

Mrs. Fat: Good morning. Dr. Jones. Do you mind if I sit on the sofa?

D r. J о n e s: No, not at аll. You can take any seat you like. So you would like to lose weight, wouldn't you?

Mrs. Fat: Exactly. I've been overweight all my life and now I think it's time I started dieting.

D r. J o n e s: Oh, yes. I see. You know... before I can recommend you a particular diet I must team all about your eating habits. How many meals a day do you normally have?

Mrs. Fat: I usually have only three meals a day. I mean breakfast, lunch and dinner, but unfortunately I very often eat between meals.

D r. J о n e s: What do you have for breakfast?

Mrs. Fat: A traditional English breakfast. I have a glass of orange juice, a bowl of cereal and bacon and eggs. And then I drink tea.

D r. J о n e s: Do you take milk in your tea?

Mrs. Fat: I normally drink tea with cream, though I realise that I should have it with skimmed milk.

D r. J о n e s: And what about lunch?

Mrs. Fat: Well, that depends. On some days I just have a couple of sandwiches for lunch, but sometimes I also have a bowl of soup and cakes or pies to follow.

Dr. Jones: What do you have for dinner and when do you have it?

Mrs. Fat: I normally have dinner at 8 p.m. I know it's a bit too late, it just happens so. What do I have? You know, I like to have a very substantial dinner — a starter, like a salad or assorted meat, followed by a main course such as beefsteak or fish and chips and then dessert and tea or coffee.

D r. J о n e s: What do you have for dessert as a rule?

Mrs. Fat: Ice-cream or cakes, or both.

D r. J о n e s: And what do you eat between meals?

Mrs. Fat: Peanuts, chocolate, popcorn, crisps and stuff. Sometimes I just like to nibble candies.

D r. J о n e s: In fact, many people do the same and yet they have no problems with excess weight. Let me see... Do you fry one or two eggs with your ba­con in the morning?

Mrs. Fat: I actually take eight eggs, but I share my breakfast with my toy-poodle dog.

D r. J о n e s: I see. Here is my prescription: Don't change your diet. Change your dog. Replace it with a

Labrador. Or keep both dogs and share all your meals with them. And here is the telephone number of a vet, who is a very good dog dietician, just in case your dogs might need a correction of their diet.


III. Dramatize the dialogue between Mrs. Fat and Dr. Jones.


IV. Translate into English:

1. Я завтракаю в восемь часов утра.

2. За завтраком я обычно съедаю бутерброд и выпиваю чашку чая.

3. Мои брат всегда ест яичницу с ветчиной на завтрак.

4. Что ты ешь в обед на второе?

5. Какой десерт нравится твоей маме?

6. Я никогда не перекусываю между завтраком, обедом и ужином.

7. Вы хотели бы похудеть?

8. У тебя нет лишнего веса и тебе не надо садиться на диету.

9. Я терпеть не могу рыбу с картошкой.

10. Мой друг постоянно ест жареный арахис или соленую воздушную кукурузу. Меня это раздражает.

11. — Что такое традиционный английский завтрак? — По-моему, это стакан сока, кукурузные хлопья с молоком, яичница с ветчиной и чай.

12. Я люблю плотно поесть в обед — закуску, суп, второе, десерт и выпить чашечку крепкого кофе.

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