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The Lviv National Academy of Arts
The Lviv National Academy of Arts is the only higher state educational institution of the 4th accreditation in Ukraine which trains specialists of applied and decorative, monumental arts, restoration, art criticism (License: series AA ¹429198). In the structure of the Academy there are such faculties as “Decorative and Applied Art”, “Fine art and Restoration”, “Design”, “History and Theory of Arts”, the faculty (separated subsection) in Sevastopol, the faculty of Retraining and Refresher, a preparatory department for entrants, a post-graduate course, Doctorate, the Academic Council for defending master of art and doctor of art theses, a scientific-research department, a scientific library and a museum. In 1993 educational scientific creative complex of the Academy was formed by the decree of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. It comprises the Kosiv Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts, the Transcapathian Institute of Applied Arts named after Yu. Shkriblyak, the Lviv art Lyceum, a boarding school “Small Academy of Arts”, in the village Pidbuzh (Drohobych district, Lviv region). 5 Academicians and Corresponding members, 3 the Shevchenko prize-winners, 23 professors, 65 assistant professors, 8 Doctors of art, 42 Masters of art, 5 People’s artists, 20 Honoured Artists and workers of art of Ukraine, 7 Honoured workers of education and culture work in the Academy. There are such faculties, structural educational subsections, specialities and specializations in the Lviv Academy of Arts: The faculty of “Decorative and applied arts” (Lviv, 35 Kubiyovich Str., tel. 76 – 14 – 01. Speciality “Fine and decorative and applied arts”. Specializations: “Art design of knitwork by the method of weaving”, “Art design of knitwork by the method of printing”, “Art ceramics”, “Art glass”, “Art metal”, “Wooden Wares”. The faculty of “Fine Arts and Restoration” (Lviv, Snopkivska Str., tel. 76 – 52 – 96). Speciality “Fine and applied and Decorative arts”. Specializations “Restoration of painting, restoration of applied and decorative works of art”. The faculty “Design” ” (Lviv, 38 Kubiyovich Str., tel. 76 – 14 – 79). Speciality “Design”. Specializations “Costume design”, “Knitwork design”, “Art leather goods”, “Interior design”, “Industrial graphic”. The faculty “History and Theory of Art” (Lviv, 38 Kubiyovich Str., tel. 76 – 14 – 75) internal and external departments. Speciality “Science of Culture”. Specializations “Art criticism” (History and Theory of Art), “Organization of cultural and art activity” (management) The faculty in Sevastopol (Sevastopol, 2 á Zahorodnya sbr. tel. 55 – 06 – 59) Speciality “Design”. Specializations: “Costume design”, “Knitwork design”, “Art leather goods”, “Interior design”, “Industrial graphic”. The Refresher faculty (Lviv, 38 Kubiyovich Str., tel. 76 – 14 – 01) The faculty realizes retraining and raising the level of skill of workers in the sphere of culture, art and education. Preparatory Department (Lviv, Snopkivska Str., tel. 76 – 52 – 96). The department realizes preparation of entrants for study at the Lviv Academy of Arts. Post-graduate course, Doctorate (Lviv, 38 Kubiyovytch Str., tel. 76 – 55 – 81). Specialities 17. 00. 05 – Fine Arts; 17. 00. 06. Decorative and applied arts.
The Lviv Academy of Arts (at first the Lviv State Institute of applied and Decorative Arts) is a higher educational institution of the IV th accreditation. It was founded by the resolution of the Council of Ministry of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic on the 6th of September 1946 ¹1567, because of the barest necessity of highly qualified specialists of fine decorative and applied arts in Ukraine. The Lviv Academy of Arts is the first among higher art educational institutions to get an academic status: the Lviv Academy of Arts was founded on the bases of the Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts by the resolution of the Ministry of Ukraine on the 20th of April 1994, ¹244 and by the decree of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine on the 18th of May in 1994, ¹147. The Academy inherited the best traditions and acquisition of art education founded in Lviv in the first half of the 19th century. It has its origin in the school of design and drawing attached to the Museum of Artistic craft (1876), Free Academy of Arts (1905), O.Novakivsky’s Art school (1923) where such prominent artists as I.Trush, O.Kulchytska, H.Smolsky – studied and taught. In the structure of the Lviv Academy of Arts there are such faculties as: “Decorative and Applied arts”, “Fine art and Restoration”, “Design”, “The History and Theory of Art”, the department (seperated subsection) in Sevastopol, the faculty of Retraining and Refresher, the preparatory department for entrants, a post-graduate course, the Doctorate, a Scientific-research department, a scientific library and a museum. In 1993 Educational Scientific. Creative Complex of the Academy was formed by the decree of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. It comprises the Kosiv Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts, the Uzhhorod Institute of Arts names agter A.Erdeli, the Lviv college of Applied and Decorative arts named after I.Trush, the Vyzhnytsya college of Applied Art named after Ju.Shkriblyak, the Lviv Art Lyceum, the boarding school “Small Academy of Arts” in the village Pidbuzh (Drohobych district, Lviv region). The Academy trains holders of Master’s degree, specialists and Bachelors of such specialists. “Fine art, Decorative and Applied Arts”, “Restoration of works of art”, “Design”, “Science of Culture”. The students gain professional qualification of 18 specialities: art textile, ceramics, art glass, stained – glass window, art metal, art wooden wares, monumental and decorative painting, monumental and decorative sculpture, sacral art, restoration of works of painting, restoration of works of applied and decorative arts, costume design, knitwork design, leather goods design, interior design, graphic design, art criticism, management of the sociocultural sphere. During its existance the Lviv Academy of Arts trained about 5 thousand highly qualified specialists able effectively realize their professional tasks in the condition of market economy. Every third of the graduates obtained a distinction, about 90% of them are successfully placed in a job in the spheres of art creative work, science art criticism, industry, design. At present there are 954 internal and external students and 43 post-graduates from different regions of Ukraine and abroad study in the Academy. The main form of training of scientific-pedagogic specialists of high qualification is the magistrate, the post-graduate course and the Doctorate. During last years a row of holders of a master’s degree and post-graduates enlarged the teaching staff of the Academy on the competitive basis, at the Academic Council of higher scientific qualification, which has actively worked since 1993, 56 home and foreign scientists successfully defended theses and obtained scientific degrees of Masters of art and Doctors of art. During 5 last years 35 pedagogues of the Academy were given the academic status of professors and assistant professors. Scientific-research work in the Academy is carried out according to the trends linked with the decision of the problem of Lviv region and Ukraine development in the spheres of education, culture, theory and art practice, economy, sociocultural management, tourism, improvement of national economy system in the region. The Lviv Academy of Arts takes an active part in a realization of important state and international projects directed to the development of the national economy, culture and art of Ukraine and to its fusion into European and world area. Unique not only in Ukraine but also in Europe specialities and specializations of expert training, activity of leading artists and theorists and the best graduates of the Academy has actively promoted the preservation of such world known centres of Ukrainian folk creative work as Reshetylivka, Opishne (Poltava region), Dihtyari (Chernihiv region), Krolevets (Sumy region), Kosiv (Ivan-Frankiv region), Havarechyna, Hlynyany, Yavoriv (Lviv region), Dybyntsi, Vasylkiv (Kyiv region) and others. The activity of Educational-Scientific and Creative Complex of the Academy became the effective method of realization of the development program of the national art education in Ukraine. Training of highly skilled, creative and scientific-pedagogic specialists for all regions of the country is regularly accomplished, collaboration with art educational institutions of the I-IVth accreditation is established. Special attention is paid to the gifted village youth. The example is the boarding school “Small Academy of Art” in the village Pidbuzh created by the former rector of the Academy, the Shevchenko prize-winner, academie E.Mysko where talanted children from mountainous villages of five regions of Lviv area get art education. This trend of the Academy activity took on special significance in the context of the national program “The Art of Young People” founded in 1999 by the Academy of Art of Ukraine. All higher educational art institutions take part in this program to analyze the current state of the native art education. The authority, educational, scientific and methodic achievements became a reason for assignment of Lviv Academy of Art to be an official creator of the State standard of higher education of Ukraine on the specialities and specializations of applied and decorative art. Leading specialists of the Academy regularly take part in the work of the state committiees of accrediting of educational institutions and specializations according to the educational trends “Art” and “Culture”. The international simposia of glass founded in 1995 occupy a special place among international programs and projects. The specificity of simposia caused a wide creative, educational, aesthetic-educational, technological-innovative spectrum of a realization of the leading glass artists potential of Ukraine and 25 countries of the world in the current native educational system and in the art process. Creative young people, students of art educational institutions of Ukraine and abroad are invited to take part in the VIth International simposium of art which will take place in October 2004 on the bases of the Academy. The Academy became one of the centres of preparation and realization of the program of the Pope Ivan Paul II visit in Ukraine in June, 2001. The leading artists took part in the arrangements of the most important objects, in creation of sacral works of art and unique equipment. Regional art Council, which examined and approved the projects of exhibitions, printing and souvenir production dedicated to this notable event operated on the basis of the Academy. International and All-Ukrainian simposia of sculpture, restoration, art metal ceramics obtained wide reputation. Among the organizers of these simposia the leading theachers of Academy take a chief place. The Lviv Academy of Art has well organized cooperation with a lot of art educational institutions of Ukraine, educational, cultural-artistic institutions of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czechia, Austria, France, Italy, Belgium, the USA. Since 1994 the Academy has been a competent member of ELIA. The Academy international activity in different years was supported by the grants of such funds as “Revival”, Tasis, Progelvecia, Setty, international organization ICOMOS and others. Its international acknowledgement is confirmed by permanent participation of the teachers, past-graduates and students in the prestige art actions, exhibitions, simposia, scientific-theoretic conferences. National and international recognition of the Academy besides weighty historical achievements, unique specialities and specializations confirms the availability of prominent artists, theorists in its teaching staff and author’s schools. 20 graduates of the Academy became the Shevchenko prize-winners. Such prominent artists and art critics as I.Bokshay, I.Severa, R.Smolsky, V.Manastyrsky, K.Zvirynsky, M.Fedyuk, M.Vendzylovych, P.Zholtovsky, E.Mysko, E.Lysyk played a dominant role in the Academy formation. They founded author’s schools of painting, sculpture, applied and decorative arts, scenography, history and theory of arts. Today 5 Academicians and Corresponding Members, 3 the Shevchenko prize-winners, 23 professors, 65 assistant professors, 8 Doctors of art, 42 Masters of art, 5 People’s artists, 20 Honoured Artists and Workers of art, 7 Honoured workers of education and culture work in the Academy. The Academician, the Shevchenko prize-winner A.Bokotey’s educational and creative workshops (blown glass), the Corresponding member, People’s Artist L.Medvid (monumental painting), the professor, Honoured artists of Ukraine O.Minko (art textile), Academician, the Franko prize-winner Ja. Zapasko, Corresponding member, the Shevchenko prize-winner V.Ovsiychuk (art criticism), the professor the Shevchenko prize-winner D.Krvavych, the professor People’s artist of Ukraine I.Samatos (monumental sculptures), the professor, Honoured worker of art R.Vasylyk (sacral art), theDoctor of Art O.Bodnar (theory of design), Honoured artist of Ukraine O.Bonkovsky (art metal) are leading and recognized persons in Ukraine and abroad. The chair of Costume Design is acknowledged both in Ukraine and Europe. It trains highly skilled artist-designers. The chair regularly participates and becomes a frequent winner in the most prestige All-Ukrainian and International competitions. The chair of graphic design, art ceramic, sacral art, art criticism, restoration of works of art and others made an important contribution to the national culture and education development. The economical effect of the Academy staff activity is also very important. In the context of the educational process, innovative artistic and design projects are systematically put into practice, creative works for decorating of industrial, cultural and public interiors and environment are accomplished. Hundreds of unique works of National art which are displayed in the leading Museums and Galleries of Ukraine were restored. The graduates of the Lviv Academy of Arts successfully work at all native art educational institutions and also in many art, educational and scientific institutions of the world. Four educational buildings, workshops and laboratories are the main material and technical resources of the Academy. The educational – experimental workshop of heat glass treatment and a blown glass furnace are unique and the only ones among educational art institutions in Europe. There are educational workshops, hand looms, art ceramics, dress design and dress sewing, leather goods, knitwork, fabric painting, monumental and jeweller’s metal, wood treatment, sculpture computer laboratory, reading-room of the scientific library, specialized art laboratory and others in the Academy. The students have a practical training at a number of enterprises of Lviv region and Ukraine. In the Academy there is a hostel for 370 students, canteen, café, aid post. The enlargement of educational and laboratory area is planned at the expense of putting in operation of a new educational building which is at the stage of completion. The Lviv Academy of Art prospects of development lie in improving and renovation of the structure and methods of highly skilled specialists training in the branches of art and art criticism, intensifying of the national art education in Ukraine, in training of creative personalities. With this purpose an active participation of the academy in organization of infrastructure of higher art educational insulations together with the Kyiv National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture and the Kharkiv Academy of Design and art is planned. Provision of subsequent prospects of the Lviv Academy of Arts to a great extent lies in raising the role of creative personality of teachers and students in all directions and forms of educational, pedagogical, scientific and creative activity.