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Активы фонда Медали

Здесь вы можете увидеть Медали фондом. Этот фонд будет состоять из 10% от доходов всех правительств, и он будет распространяется на пользователей, которые принимают участие в войнах, в зависимости от медалей они получают. Это глобальный фонд, который позволит пользователям получать бонусы за медали они получили в войнах.

Преобразование Медали

Из этого меню вы можете обменять медали у вас есть. Здесь можно увидеть все медали у вас есть, которые доступны для обмена, и обменный курс.

Продажа Медали

Из этого меню, вы можете продать медали вы получили в войнах. Вы можете увидеть все медали у вас есть, которые доступны для продажи. Цены медалей указаны в Евро и она изменяется в зависимости от колебаний Медали фондом.

Fight – Arena

In the Arena you can fight with the citizens of MarketGlory who have overcame the civilian rank. In order to fight, you need at least one weapon of attack, one of defense and 5 points of energy. The fights take place instantly and, depending on your evolution in the Arena, you will receive points and military ranks. Each day you receive a bonus in euro, depending on your military rank. In order to receive de bonus, at the end of the day (12.00 +2GMT) you need to have at least one weapon of attack, one of defense and 5 points of energy.

The weapons are consumed automatically, for each battle you take part in, no matter if it is a fight in the Arena or a fight for referrals, and no matter if you attack or you are attacked. The weapons last as following: q1 – 5 fights, q2 – 15 fights and q3 – 25 fights.

Arena – Fighters

In this section, you have a list of all the Fighters in the Arena, and you can see their Ranks, their Energy levels, and the number of attacks they received. You can also preview a Fight with each of them, if you click on the Preview button. You can also search a fighter by country, by Rank or by username, if you use the Advanced Search option.

Arena – Bonuses

In this section, you have a list of all the Ranks in the Arena. If you hold the mouse on each of these Ranks, you will see the necessary points to obtain that Rank, how many times a user can be attacked a day, depending on his Rank, how many points you receive if you defeat a user having that Rank and how many points you lose if you are defeated by a user having that rank. In order to receive de bonus, at the end of the day (00.00 server time, +2GMT), you need to have at least one Weapon of Attack, one of Defense and 5 points of energy.

Arena – Top

In this section, you have a Top of the Arena Fighters, sorted by the Arena Bonus they have received as a result of their activity in the Arena.

Arena – Transactions

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mylektsii.su - Мои Лекции - 2015-2024 год. (0.005 сек.)Все материалы представленные на сайте исключительно с целью ознакомления читателями и не преследуют коммерческих целей или нарушение авторских прав Пожаловаться на материал