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Government - Members

In this section you can see the Government members or you can run for Government in the country where you have your citizenship. All the MarketGlory citizens who have at least 25 points of energy will be able to run for government. Only the citizens who have at least 5 points of energy will be able to vote.

Depending on the number of the votes, those who are on the first 8 places will become a part of the government. The first one will be Prime-Minister and the others will be Governors. The Prime-Minister will have 3 votes in the Government, and the other Governors will have 1 vote. The Government will be able to vote for laws through wich to modify the level of the bonuses and the global taxes. The members of the Government will also be able to exchange currencies for the national budget, on the Financial Market.

The elections take place on the 1st of each month. Each citizen of MarketGlory can stand as a candidate four days before the elections. The Ministers will receive a weekly salary, from the Ministers Fund. The fund consists of 5% of the governments incomes, and it will be distributed each Monday, at 23.55, as following: 30% of the fund to the Prime-Minister, and 10% of the fund to each of the Ministers.

Government – Candidates

In this section you can run for Government in the country where you have your citizenship.

All the MarketGlory citizens who have at least 25 points of energy will be able to run for government. Only the citizens who have at least 5 points of energy will be able to vote.

Depending on the number of the votes, those who are on the first 8 places will become a part of the government. The first one will be Prime-Minister and the others will be Governors. The Prime-Minister will have 3 votes in the Government, and the other Governors will have 1 vote. The Government will be able to vote for laws through wich to modify the level of the bonuses and the global taxes. The members of the Government will also be able to exchange currencies for the national budget, on the Financial Market.

The elections take place on the 1st of each month. Each citizen of MarketGlory can stand as a candidate four days before the elections. The Ministers will receive a weekly salary, from the Ministers Fund. The fund consists of 5% of the governments incomes, and it will be distributed each Monday, at 23.55, as following: 30% of the fund to the Prime-Minister, and 10% of the fund to each of the Ministers.

Government – Law Proposals

In this section, you can see all the Law proposals in your country. If you are a Government member, you can propose laws through which you can modify the level of the bonuses and taxes. If the law is voted by the majority, meaning 50% + 1, the law will be allowed.

Government – Accountancy

Government funds available in the country fund represents the country's current assets. Financial operations in local or foreign currency can be performed only by government members, but all players are able to view the data.

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