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Fast Food

(by Rebecca Mitchell)

Nashville Superburger Bar,

Leicester Square,


Open: 7 days a week,

24 hours a day

A new American fast-food chain has just opened its first restaurant in Britain. “The Nashville Superburger Bar” is just off Leicester Square. Because of the success of McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken, I was intrested to see if Nashville had anything new to offer. The restaurant was so brightly-lit that I wished I’d brought my sunglasses. Once I’d got used to the light, I rather liked the green and orange plastic decor, which was very futuristic. The place was spotlessly clean almost antiseptic. Although there was a long queue, service was incredibly fast. The menu was limited to a variety of hamburgers and prices were very reasonable. I had the “Giant Superburger” which was served with a generous helping of french fries. Although the burger itself was rather tasteless, there was a large selection of relishes on every table and the french fries were the best I’ve ever tasted. This kind of establishment obviously caters for young people in a hurry. I was amazed to see that many of the customers preferred to eat standing up even though there were seats available. Most of the customers were under 25 and alone. Everybody seemed to be drinking milk-shakes and although I’m not very fond of them I felt I should have one. Not much can go wrong with a milk-shake and it tasted as good or as bad as any other. Although it’s a quick and efficient way of taking nourishment, you wouldn’t choose “The Nashville” for a quiet and romantic evening with a friend. Although I wasn’t in a hurry, I was in, fed, and out in ten minutes. It reminded me very much of a motorway filling station.


Exercise 1. Read the articles again and pick out the words and word-combinations describing

1) the Old Mill;

2) the menu of “The Old Mill”;

3) the author’s impressions of the food there;

4) the Nashville Superburger Bar;

5) the menu in the Nashville;

6) the author’s impression of the food there.

Exercise 2. Match the following words with the right definitions and find corresponding sentences in the text and translate them into Russian:

newly   favourable   extensive   spoil   complain   time consuming - to prevent smth. from being successful or satisfactory
- smth. that covers a wide range of details, ideas, or items
- if your opinion or your reaction to smth. is defined by this word it means that you agree with it and approve of it
- it is used before a past participle or an adjective to indicate that a particular action is very recent
- smth. that is fairly and sensibly done
- to say that you are not satisfied with smth. …


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